Saturday 10 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I was extremely disappointed and disturbed to see a rendition of the Lords Prayer on page 11 of the paper today. I know some people will answer, it is only a bit of fun. But that is not just a bit of fun. Can we imagine what would have happened if we warped […]
Friday 9 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It seems unbelievable that despite recent fish shortages in Rarotonga the current government headed by MP Teina Bishop has allowed exploratory fishing by the Chinese or any foreign entity for that matter. Bigeye tuna for one is overfished and the species is in danger of collapsing altogether. $800,000 in licenses is just more […]
Friday 9 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This is a clarification of some points raised in your smoke signals Green wires crossed. Firstly, Te Aponga Uira does not in any way limit households or businesses renewable energy production at all. Customers are more than welcome to produce 100% of their energy needs if they would like to or can afford […]
Friday 9 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In response to Takitumus letter in last Saturdays newspaper, the MPs travel to New Zealand with the delegation of 20 and all the expenses used for the overseas trips by government has got nothing to do with Toagate. These trips are a waste of taxpayers money. Secondly CISNOC is mismanaged big-time by Rosie […]
Thursday 8 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Filipino picnic and games on Sunday afternoons do not offend all Cook Islanders. I am saddened that one angry, offended viewpoint, on what they think is permitted on a Sunday afternoon, should be used to condemn and control what happens in our village. I am a local, Christian living in and from Ngatangiia. […]
Thursday 8 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
The perception that the government is doing Air New Zealand a service by underwriting flights is an incorrect one, a smoke signaller writes. Air NZ is doing the Cook Islands government a favour by being prepared to fly unprofitable routes as long as they are underwritten. If Cook Islands Tourism is able to promote effectively […]
Tuesday 6 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The NZ government has allocated $3 million to assist in the development of the Cook Islands pearl industry. This is very important for the pearl industry and the future of the northern group, and one can only hope that this money will be used wisely and effectively. Unfortunately this has not been the […]
Tuesday 6 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, While I dont object to the Filipinos celebrating on a Sunday as many of them work every other day I do object to SDA in yesterdays newspaper asking Sunday Observer if selling liquor on Sunday desecrates his Sabbath. Where in Sunday Observers letter does he call Sunday his Sabbath? Where in his letter […]
Tuesday 6 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, My childhood memories living in Fiji (end of 1969 to 1975) are of attending the first South Pacific Arts Festival, joining USP students protesting the French tests. (If its so safe, do it in your own back yard.) At 11 years old protesting was all a part of the festivities, a fantastic multicultural […]
Monday 5 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am wondering if the person complaining about the Filipino community sporting on Sunday knows what he is complaining about. Firstly, there may be Seventh Day Adventists in this group and who is he to complain since he is one who desecrates Gods true Sabbath which is the Saturday? Secondly, Adventists are never […]
Monday 5 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In response to Angry Sunday Observer (Cook Islands News September 3), it infuriates me that someone would give Cook Islands culture, and Cook Islanders, a bad name by saying the abuse of such is affected by the celebration of community. Club Philippines Raro brought together its whanau children, adults and elderly to celebrate […]
Saturday 3 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, A greater deterrent than the freight-cost of Sunday Star Times as suggested in Fridays Smoke Signal is the export documentation fee and the slim wholesale discount available. At $4 per copy, Bounty Bookshop was losing more than $100 per week when distribution was taken over by Fairfax Media, with a higher documentation fee. […]
Saturday 3 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I support the work by the Audit Director and his staff. Without this office and leadership by Paul, we would be like PNG, corrupt and down the drain. Sholans ranting is crap…this guy only just finished school and Maoate gave him the top treasury job. Look what financial mismanagement he has left us, […]
Saturday 3 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Sir, I am responding to your news item of Wednesday August 31 2011 headed, Club Philippines celebrates first year. I believe this was held at Nukupure sports field at Muri, Ngatangiia on Sunday August 28 Fine! Except, why on a Sunday? The celebration was fine but definitely not on Sunday as far as I […]
Saturday 3 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Why is everyone moaning about the MPs travelling to New Zealand with a delegation of 20 or the new interest tax or the money spent on the opening of parliament.We voted them into parliament, didnt we all? We followed their campaign at the elections. Did they deliver? Yes, they did. When you add […]
Thursday 1 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, To the Taxpayer: Today makes the start of the Brown tax on your savings. Fact Information Sheet part 2. 1. All interest on deposits at local banks will be taxed 15%. 2. This will be the first time since 1 July 1997 that interest from Westpac or ANZ has been taxed. 3. The […]
Thursday 1 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I would like CITC to clarify why they have minimum purchase amounts per EFTPOS on a DEBIT card (not credit card) linked to either ANZ/Westpac local bank accounts. On numerous occasions when I have personally shopped at CITC/Foodland and I have purchased items under $15, the checkout operators have tried to make me […]
Thursday 1 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Please allow me to point out my very concern in your paper about the current Government. Mark Brown who has the title of Minister of Finance has shown over and over again that he is obviously not capable for the position. I have done USP courses and havent finished but dont think I […]
Saturday 27 August 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, No disrespect to Papa Louis but for anyone to hold this man up as a safe driver is laughable. Travelling at speeds of around 25km in a 50km speed zone causes drivers who are usually quite patient to take risks by having to pass. Look for the large queues and then look for […]
Friday 26 August 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Can we be so assured of the communications links to the Cook Islands, following the TCI chief executives comments on the feasibility of the Cooks linking into the Pacific Fibre, as reported on August 22? With the laying and introduction of a second and competing fibre-optic cable through the South Pacific, what is […]
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