Letters to the Editor

Red carpet in Raro!

Monday 19 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Your writer of Saturday invites Cook Islands to be peacemakers and invite the Fiji PM to the 2012 South Pacific Forum in Rarotonga. And most Cook Islanders would agree that the man should be welcome here. That is AFTER he has done his time in prison for treason and terrorism, after he has […]

Letters to the Editor

Muri community not duly consulted

Monday 19 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It seems a lot gets pushed on to people in Muri without full discussions about the reasons and causes. First there is a new, total raui banning all taking of marine life in Muri for 10 years. This idea started a few years ago from an overseas donor wanting a limited seaweed raui […]

Letters to the Editor

Performance a ray of hope

Saturday 17 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, After years of disappointment with Tereora College trying to get our children educated in a system that does not work, we were encouraged after attending the awesome performance the children gave at the hall Thursday night. It was a ray of hope that things might actually improve at that institution! Schoolteacher Ms Waldron […]

Letters to the Editor

Let us be peacemakers

Saturday 17 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I just want to add my shillings worth in response to yesterdays paper re: the Pacific Islands Leaders Forum to be held here next year. I read with interest other writers views opposing the Fiji PM from getting an invitation to attend. One would think that there is a reason for the coup […]

Letters to the Editor

Young people need communitys support

Saturday 17 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Congratulations to the Tereora College performing arts drama class for their outstanding performance on Thursday night. I was so proud to see so many talented young people showcase their creative and artistic talents through drama, dance and music as part of their contribution to raise awareness on the issue of suicide this week. […]

Letters to the Editor

Move Shorty

Saturday 17 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I agree with the LDS president Danny Williams concerning the adult TV programme Shortland Street. I tried to contact the CITV three times to air my views about the programme too mature for our young children to watch with their parents. I definitely wouldnt want to watch that type of programme with my […]

Letters to the Editor

Musings of an aware indigenous Pacific person

Saturday 17 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Allow me, please. To Wanda did you know that Wanda in the movie called A fish called Wanda was intended by writer and comedian John Cleese to portray stupidity? Obviously you never got what I said in my comments. It is probably because you dont have the mind frame of an aware indigenous […]

Letters to the Editor

Fisherman urged to keep at it

Friday 16 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In response to Reuben Tylors letter in CINews yesterday titled Fish facts speak, it is important to get the facts right. He has levelled criticism at the Ministry of Marine Resources in what he describes as failing to provide for the sustainable use of our marine resources and that the fish catch rate […]

Letters to the Editor

Inviting Fiji would be a mockery

Friday 16 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, With all the experience the guy has supposedly gained over the many years he was the countrys minister for foreign affairs, it is disturbing that Wilkie would be nave enough to even suggest, let alone contemplate, our country inviting the current military dictator who illegally appointed himself Fijis Prime Minister to attend next […]

Letters to the Editor

Is Wilkie Rasmussen the new Obama?

Friday 16 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In response to Deputy Opposition Leader Wilkie Rasmussens drivel on 15 September 2011, let me make these observations. Why after four years of unmentionable bad performance, Wilkie has reinvented himself into The great initiator or The new giant of Pacific politics? Or maybe, the new Obama? One can say that with so many […]

Letters to the Editor

Tolerance questioned

Wednesday 14 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have just a couple of quick responses to Jarl Arneric. Firstly, my religion Christianity is exclusive in the sense that Jesus Christ is the only way for salvation. Jesus Himself said in His Bible in John 14:6, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the father […]

Letters to the Editor

Ivaiti accuses auditor of vengeance

Wednesday 14 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I cannot help but put fingers to keyboard again to respond to the spin doctor Paul Allsworth in the recent article Allsworth responds to Ivaiti vendetta. I last wrote to your paper in May 2011 (many moons ago) responding to his accusations, and it has taken Paul Allsworth almost four months to respond, […]

Letters to the Editor

Prayer was harmless fun

Tuesday 13 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I must thank Nick Carter (September 10) for showing me the way to a very tongue in cheek rendition of the Lords Prayer on page 11 of the September11 edition of CI News. Now I need to email this version to all my friends because I thought it was very cleverly written. What […]

Letters to the Editor

The day we commemorate Gods power

Tuesday 13 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I just want to help those readers of Brian Chittys Sabbath obsession in last Tuesdays paper who are serious about knowing the truth concerning the Sabbath, so they will understand that the Sabbath is more than just the Jews celebration of their deliverance from slavery in Egypt. The truth is, God made the […]

Letters to the Editor

Diagnostic clarification

Monday 12 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Eric Shorts claim to be the only local provider of automotive diagnostic and air conditioning services (as reported on September 3) has been challenged. Short says he is the sole Cook Islands member of the Automotive Diagnostic Network. Cook Islands Motor Centre service manager Andrew Leeburn says the company has an up-to-date generic diagnostic system […]

Letters to the Editor

Take care with our fish

Monday 12 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I had the privilege of staying in Tongareva for one month, four years ago. I am concerned about the foreign fishing deals that have been made. We need to look at what has happened in other Pacific Nations. Where are the fish? gone (for good). Some fish species (tuna) are under pressure from […]

Letters to the Editor

Favouritism not founded

Monday 12 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In the Cook Islands News of Saturday September 10 there was a headline to the effect that I had alleged Police favouritism in a customs case. The article itself was in materially different from and to the effect that there was an indication of Police favouritism. The correct position is this.The charges against […]

Letters to the Editor

Secrecy over travel costs not legal

Monday 12 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write regarding travel costs, allowances and expenses of parliamentarians. To assist you in your quest for more transparency and accountability, I once again draw the attention of MFEM to S.22 of the Civil List Act 2005 (at that earlier time S.26 of the old 1984 Act was the reference) which requires full […]

Letters to the Editor

New Muri market going ahead despite conflict

Saturday 10 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The Kia Orana Beach Market organising committee has decided to run its market on September 28 despite resistance from organisers of the conflicting Akaoa night market. The Business Trade Investment Board (BTIB) and the Muri community last week announced their intention to stage the Muri market on a Wednesday. While it is driven by the […]

Letters to the Editor

No apology was necessary from Filipino community

Saturday 10 September 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am fully supporting Shonas view that the Filipino community should never have apologised in the first instance. Wake up people! This earth belongs to God almighty and thats that. Is this how we treat our neighbouring countries? To you who have openly criticised the Filipino community, shame on you. You make out […]

Letters to the Editor

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