Letters to the Editor

Goal reached

Friday 11 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Immediately following the article Help Shannon reach her goal I had two very generous customers come in and do just that. A BIG meitaki maata to Jim Bruce and Les Priest for their generous donations to Te Vaerua Rehabilitation Trust which enabled me to exceed my goal of $2500 before 10am the day […]

Letters to the Editor

Sheraton site: A tale of unfinished business

Friday 11 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, As a foreigner who has visited the island seven times during recent years and almost consider myself an islander, I am still puzzled and surprised to keep on reading about the almost endless ongoing plans concerning resurrecting the Sheraton site at Vaimaanga. When I first visited the island in 1996, I came across […]

Letters to the Editor

Hardly any fish for table

Thursday 10 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read in your paper about the new initiative being introduced in the Aitutaki Lagoon by the Hon Teina Bishop, Minister of Marine Resources, and of course the Aitutaki Island Council. This being the permits for fishing nets in lagoon and promotional bonefishing crap. Mr Editor, I sometimes wonder if this Minister for […]

Letters to the Editor

Call for disclosure

Thursday 10 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I refer to the letter titled Call for disclosure published in todays paper, and would like to set the records correctly for the writer. Firstly, the Minister did not appoint Mr Taoro Brown nor was he involved with the interview and selection of Mr Brown. His appointment was made by me as the […]

Letters to the Editor

Step aside, for the sake of sport and our kids

Thursday 10 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It was fantastic to catch part of the CITV news on Tuesday night that showed the Tereora College students at their year-end prize giving. It was a joy to see how they work as one to put together these amazing dance routines, showcasing their incredible talents! Pleasing to see, were the awards for […]

Letters to the Editor

Entire super fund will not be repatriated

Thursday 10 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have been asked to comment on the concerns raised by Kevin Carr in regards to governments intentions on the Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund (CINSF). The role of the Economic Task Force was to provide government with recommendations on stimulating and growing the economy. Government will certainly consider the recommendation of the […]

Letters to the Editor

Smells fishy

Wednesday 9 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, All these trips to China, especially concerning our fishing – whos keeping an eye on Teina Bishop? I have friends who work across South East Asia and China. There are always major business cultural differences in dealing with this part of the world. Dare I say, its well known that under the table […]

Letters to the Editor

Honesty is the best policy

Monday 7 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor It wont affect tourism or Steve’s outlook of Rarotonga he still thinks he found paradise with the nicest friendliest people in the world, but someone did something wrong and others watched and have to choose to be honest or dishonest. Steve and Pat arrived on Raro on Thursday afternoon. They spent a quiet […]

Letters to the Editor

Muri speed zone a waste

Saturday 5 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, What a great waste of our taxpayers money for the police to station four traffic cops next to the new 30km/h speed signs in Muri. Its crazy. How can anything over 30km/h be speeding or dangerous? There must be a better way. What was this small know it all group of Muri people […]

Letters to the Editor

Just ask the Fiji Fund members

Saturday 5 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was interested in the comment by Mr Kevin Carr in CI News (November 4) in respect of the Fiji economy and the Fiji National Provident Fund which is equally applicable to the CINSF. In 2008, the FNPF under the management installed by the Bainimarama interim government credited 6.5 % to the accounts […]

Letters to the Editor

Nom de plume being abused

Saturday 5 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I feel compelled to comment on the number of nom de plume letters published recently in your newspaper against CISNOCs leader Sir Geoffrey Henry. I fail to understand how the writers of those letters can feel so strongly about issues and him to put pen to paper and submit them to you for […]

Letters to the Editor

Keep government out of CINSF investments

Friday 4 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, While I am pleased to see that the government is commencing the budget process earlier than in previous years by consulting with the general public I have a concern with one of its objectives. The minister has announced that the governments intention when preparing the budget is to consider including recommendations by the […]

Letters to the Editor

Big ups to Motone

Thursday 3 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Big UPS to Motone Productions for organising last weeks Divas concert. It was a real treat to have these very polished performers and the gig attracted a great cross section of the community, which was fun. The artists were obviously having a ball too. The word on the street (from a very unscientific […]

Letters to the Editor

Knight of the bawdy expletive?

Thursday 3 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Re Sir Geoffrey Henrys vitriolic, insulting and disgusting letter in Tuesdays CINews, I consider it most unbecoming and undignified for a Knight of the realm to write the vulgar language he used in his diatribe, i.e. vomit, s..t stirrer and crap and repeating ad nauseam ten times the word gutless. He could just […]

Letters to the Editor

Sir Geoffrey sounding more like Moamer Gadhafi

Wednesday 2 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Sir Geoffrey Henry is sounding (and looking) more and more like the late Libyan despot Moamer Gadhafi as the liberation forces closed in. Rather than be accountable for CISNOCs incompetence on his watch, he is now engaging in character assassination and mindless diatribes directed at those who have the cheek to question him […]

Letters to the Editor

Vote for change

Wednesday 2 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, What a shambolic mess we have at CISNOC with Sir Geoff and Rosie at the helm. Its high time for all of them to go and let the new guard in. The financial shambles at CISNOC is showing similar signs to when Sir Geoff was in charge of government when it went belly-flop […]

Letters to the Editor

Reign in CISNOC before it implodes

Wednesday 2 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Sir Geoffrey Henrys diatribe on yesterdays letters page about a writer who signed with a nom de plume had me wondering about gutless wonders. No wonder people like the writer have to use a pseudonym for fear of recrimination and victimisation because power-crazy people like Sir Geoffrey will crucify them for daring to […]

Letters to the Editor

New energy source promising

Tuesday 1 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, From time to time over the centuries inventions come on the scene which have fundamentally changed our world. We may be on the eve of the introduction of yet another landmark piece of technology, profoundly affecting the way people live their lives. The new E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer, cold fusion) will provide a lightweight […]

Letters to the Editor

Hearty congratulations to police commissioner

Tuesday 1 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write to congratulate the Commissioner of Police Maara Tetava on the announcement by the Prime Minister, the Hon Henry Puna on his reappointment for a further term as Commissioner of Police. Commissioner Tetava has done an outstanding job in his capacity as Police Commissioner. The statistics speak for themselves.Of notable significance over […]

Letters to the Editor

Fuzzywuzzy crap draws flak

Tuesday 1 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I refer to your gutless anonymous correspondent who calls his gutless self as No confidence in Board. The name he has given himself tells you that he is not a member of the CISNOC Executive Board, and by the tone of the whole of his vomit, a member of the few st stirring […]

Letters to the Editor

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