Letters to the Editor

Scotts smell should not be tolerated

Monday 12 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I do not live in the tapere of Muri in the village of Ngatangiia. Nonetheless I am outraged that Scotts Egg Farm is allowed, year after year after year, to continue to operate in such a way that this farm churns out the most awful, nauseating smell. How this government and previous administrations […]

Letters to the Editor

Do real research

Saturday 10 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I havent written about fishing for some time because MMR reached an agreement with the Fishing Association two months ago to carry out some basic research. Included in this were the review of their existing catch records, a survey of local fishermen who are complaining about their decline in catch of tuna, and […]

Letters to the Editor

Do it the Wale way - respectfully

Friday 9 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read with interest your article regarding the NZ Pukapuka Community going to court in the Wednesday 7 edition of Cook Islands News. It states that Nuku Rapana is using the so called draft constitution that he drafted in August this year for a mandate that his position of president of the Pukapuka […]

Letters to the Editor

Please leave BTIB alone

Friday 9 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Im just writing to support BTIB in organising the market days and night market that was held recently during the Vaka Eiva. This is in response to the letter by Disgraced. BTIB had done a great job in helping this event also in support of the Takuvaine/Tutakimoa market days. I find there is […]

Letters to the Editor

Blinded by the Chinese dollar

Wednesday 7 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Whilst our Pacific neighbours have wisely closed off their fishing territories to foreign entities to preserve stocks and allow for a sustainable future for their countries here our ignorant government continues to pursue the short term gain of Chinese dollars blinded by the fact that they will eventually rape our ocean. Purse seine […]

Letters to the Editor

Right decision would have been to postpone

Wednesday 7 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read with interest Tupapa president John Paul Wilsons reply to Avids Supporters letter and noted that CIFA approved one game be postponed and not both. The decision by CIFA on which match or game(s) should be postponed is unruling and the request by Tupapa (JP) should never have been allowed at the […]

Letters to the Editor

Inquiry needed into soccer boycott

Monday 5 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The move by Titikaveka Premier Mens team to boycott Tuesdays match against Tupapa is admirable and a first of its kind in the Cook Islands soccer competition. Usually if its in the interest of the game, its straight forward, but this does not appear to be, our island players at best of times […]

Letters to the Editor

Dont blame BTIB for ill-timing

Monday 5 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write in response to the letter by Disgraced in the newspaper of Friday December 2, complaining about the recent Trade Days organized by BTIB during the Vaka Eiva. Disgraced and his family had caught the bus into town to arrive at the site where the Trade Days were held at midday to […]

Letters to the Editor

What crap!

Saturday 3 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, What a load of crap! I am referring to the visitor from the USA who attended the Vaka Eiva Trade Day Being a true-blue local and a stall vendor on the day, I sold food from 9am to 3pm, like all the other 15 stalls that were there. I take my hat off […]

Letters to the Editor

Much ado about nothing

Saturday 3 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In your online paper dated November 16, it shows you devoted a total of 15 articles to a young NZ man named Zac Guildford. Eight of the articles were placed in Top Stories. It is then repeated seven times in the General News section. Despite common knowledge that Zac is an All Black […]

Letters to the Editor

Concerns about Vaka Eiva Trade Day

Friday 2 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I wish to express my deepest concern about the Trade Day held during the Vaka Eiva festival. As a visitor from the United States attending the Vaka Eiva festive season with my family, I was disappointed to find that there seemed to be not much food on offer over the two days. My […]

Letters to the Editor

Excellent treatment at hospital

Friday 2 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am indeed very happy to be sending you this email, which I hope you are able to publish so as to let other visitors to the Cook Islands know about the excellent treatment given to me by your hospital doctors and nurses. I arrived in Rarotonga on the early hours of Monday […]

Letters to the Editor

Congratulations on a wonderful presentation

Wednesday 30 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I had the privilege this morning of attending the Cook Islands Tourism Global Marketing Breakfast Update. Congratulations to the Cook Islands Tourism Council and to the CEO Carmel and her team. What a wonderful presentation. Clear, concise, direct, futuristic and strategic. It left no one in any doubt as to what the marketing […]

Letters to the Editor

Prevent the carnage on our roads

Wednesday 30 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This Sunday gone has seen yet another senseless road death here in Rarotonga. In a little over two years, which is about the length of time I have lived here for, there have been about six or seven in total. That is six or seven too many. An island which is only 32km […]

Letters to the Editor

Trial by email a disservice

Wednesday 30 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, As a regular cyclist on Rarotongas roads I am dismayed to hear of the news of Pauline Ateras death, but I have been equally dismayed by the discussions being published via email following the accused mans arrest. I have had a few close calls with careless drivers along the same stretch including two […]

Letters to the Editor

Harsh and barbaric

Saturday 26 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This CIP government seems to be loving this inclination of chasing our people out of this country and replacing them with Fijians and Filipinos. In 1996/7 the then CIP Government sacked over 2000 public servants who all migrated overseas. Now they are doing the same thing. They like bringing into our country foreigners […]

Letters to the Editor

Blinded by dollar signs?

Saturday 26 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing in regards to the fishing agreement between the Cook Islands and China. It looks like our government has again been blinded by the dollar signs and are not thinking about our depleting fish stocks or the future of our people. Yes the government will receive $40.8 million for the country […]

Letters to the Editor

Moving on

Friday 25 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Mr Jeff Gunter is entitled to his views. He may be a police officer in the US, in a jurisdiction with different cultural values, systems and processes but even in that jurisdiction there is a process for members of the public to make complaints against police which is investigated by a special unit […]

Letters to the Editor

Comments did not add value

Friday 25 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I really dont know why the Idaho Police Chief Mr Gunter thought he could add value to the public discussion on the Zac Guildford incident and in particular the local police performance. Its an unwritten rule amongst the police fraternity, that a copper on another coppers patch shows respect. If he has some […]

Letters to the Editor

Give Punanga Nui a board of trustees

Thursday 24 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to make a very small comment on the Punanga Nui Market as an interested party to our only cultural market on the island of Rarotonga, Cook islands, and the way it has been administered and controlled by the previous government and now, the current government. It made me very sad […]

Letters to the Editor

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