Letters to the Editor

Tribute to two hard-working Teinas

Wednesday 4 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Apart from Minister Teina Bishops various articles in your paper, I thought that I should write to you to acknowledge two respected Cook Islanders who have the same name as the Honourable Minister Teina himself. It must be the name that made them hard working individuals. These two deserved to be publicly acknowledged […]

Letters to the Editor

Family land could be used for egg farm

Wednesday 4 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, John Scott has said he would relocate his chicken farm if someone was to gift him some remote piece of land. He has told inspectors that he is willing to shift inland somewhere if someone is willing to give a piece of land for him to do that. Johns wife Tara Scott (Utanga) […]

Letters to the Editor

New market vendor charge is stupid

Wednesday 4 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Stupid, stupid, stupid is BTIBs new charge being forced on vendors at Punanga Nui market to use their own carpark! Talk about killing the golden goose. Why do the vendors pay rent for the land their huts stand on? There are 60 plus huts at the market, not to mention the 60 or […]

Letters to the Editor

Political reform is still outstanding

Wednesday 4 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I refer to the letter of December 21 titled Why are we reforming again?. There are a few misleading points in the letter. I seek your assistance to highlight and in so doing clarify. I am respectful of the writers concerns with the current administration and advise that this letter is limited (due […]

Letters to the Editor

Time to change name

Wednesday 4 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am pleased to hear that there is a discussion about the name change of our nation. I believe it is a time for us to change our name to something fitting and purposeful of our history throughout time, and Avaiki Nui is most fitting of this. Many legends throughout the great Moana-nui-a-kiva […]

Letters to the Editor

How much longer?

Friday 30 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Wow, it took over a year to find a permanent Finsec and now who knows how long it will take to find a new PSC, so far its six months and counting. This is not very encouraging considering the next round of HOMs appointments come up in 2012. But how long will we […]

Letters to the Editor

Outraged and staggered

Friday 30 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, After 30 years of residents in Muri having to put up with the on-going nauseating stench and bug infestation from Scotts Farm, I am both outraged and staggered that government after government after government have yet to enact appropriate legislation to finally put a halt to Scotts farm from polluting the environment with […]

Letters to the Editor

Pa might have a site

Friday 30 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have read the letters regarding the stench coming from Scotts Farm and notice that John Scott is reported to be willing to move if a landowner is willing to give him a more remote piece of land. What about coming to some arrangement with his good friend, Pa Marie Ariki who has […]

Letters to the Editor

Reform ideas for rugby union

Friday 30 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Please allow me to express my thoughts regarding our national rugby competition. With the ongoing migration of Cook Islanders to join their families overseas and the declining population, I believe the CIRU should reconsider their focus with the national competition and maybe direct it to identifying talents for export so to speak. This […]

Letters to the Editor

Loving chicken farm outcry

Thursday 29 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Might I say that I am loving the recent write-ups concerning the stench from the chicken farm in Muri. Loving any negative impact this may have on the chicken farm so that John Scott is forced to clean up his act once and for all. Try living next door to the chicken farm, […]

Letters to the Editor

Cabinets gone for quick dollar

Wednesday 28 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Recently I ended my letter by questioning whether it was a good idea for MMR to sell our fish to foreign fishing companies at 18 cents a kilo. Some years ago this might have been good, but times change. Some of us remember when fruit like bananas, pawpaw, tomatoes, were all grown for […]

Letters to the Editor

The people of Muri have had a gutsful

Wednesday 28 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Fortunately, my home is not next door to Scotts Farm. As a resident of Muri, however, my family do get the effects of the awful smell on a regular basis. I therefore wish to have my say on what is a very important and serious issue. Important not only for the many people […]

Letters to the Editor

Suggestions for Scotts egg farm

Wednesday 28 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have found this debate regarding John Scotts Farm very interesting. What has concerned me is all the talk about the smell, but not about what is causing the smell. Out of all the letters not one has raised the point about the conditions of where and what the chickens are kept in. […]

Letters to the Editor

Dont drink and drive

Saturday 24 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, To the mamas and the papas who had contacted me regarding the One News, my recommendation to you is to tune in to Vaka Television at 7.30pm. There are also other programmes too you can watch. Thank you Vaka Television for your great contribution and keep up with the good work. Finally to […]

Letters to the Editor

Christmas greetings

Saturday 24 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your team at Cook Islands News. May the festive season bring joy and happiness to you all. You have served our communities well during 2011. Cook Islands News Online has been very informative, educational and entertaining for our people in the Cook Islands, New […]

Letters to the Editor

Dragging the feet

Friday 23 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The Prime Minister and Government are dragging their feet with replacing the current Public Service Commissioner, who was suppose to retire back in August or September. Now with the ADB Public Sector Review Report completed, is the PM going to keep him on to push the changes, for which, ironically, he was allegedly […]

Letters to the Editor

Its not about the money

Friday 23 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to make a personal comment on many people who answer a question on the use of money and where it should go and their reasons why. I am a PR who has lived here for 21 years and taught for 16 years. I consider, as a fully New Zealand qualified […]

Letters to the Editor

It is time for all this to stop

Friday 23 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have lived on this beautiful island since February this year, and have been astounded to hear the stories from locals on how long they have been fighting to have something done about the stench that comes from Scotts poultry farm. They tell me this has been ongoing for years they have been […]

Letters to the Editor

Neighbour pleads for action

Friday 23 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, A number of people have told me that they believe I am the person referred to by your correspondent Not Cricket (December 22) described as a property owner who used to be manager of CITC. As such I feel compelled to respond to the unfounded and libellous allegations by Not Cricket. I am […]

Letters to the Editor

CISNOC losses call for a government inquiry

Friday 23 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In Thursdays CINews a letter headed Dont blame Geoff or Rosie makes a couple of incorrect statements. The writer Respect our elders from Takitumu is free to respect whoever they want to respect, but please get your facts correct. The writer says CISNOC has had two extremely difficult years (2009-2011) due to hosting […]

Letters to the Editor

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