Tuesday 10 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The weather wasnt too bad for fishing over the Xmas period, mostly offshore on Avana side. However fishing was once again very disappointing. I went out seven times, each time for between one and two hours, and caught a total of six skipjack, none of them bigger than 2kg. So I pulled out […]
Monday 9 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Its understandable that the anonymous correspondents who are kicking up a stink about a stink, i.e. the foul (fowl?) aroma from John Scotts chicken farm, are angry about the effluvium assaulting their nostrils. Its obviously not just a paltry affair, but a rather serious poultry matter, which is making them quite irritable and […]
Monday 9 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I was holidaying at Mount Maunganui during the weekend of the Ports of Tauranga Triathlon with my family when I noticed some of the triathletes from the Cook Islands swimming, running and biking their hearts out. How proud I was to be a Cook Islander standing among the other spectators and screaming my […]
Monday 9 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It looks like the PM in his capacity as Minister for the Environment has a job on his hands in the New Year. From the large number of letters to the editor over the last few weeks about the stench coming from a chicken farm in Ngatangiia, it is obvious that this is […]
Monday 9 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Its time for your disgruntled tourist to wake up and realise that there are other hotels/motels apart from the ones at Muri and have nice beaches, granted the sand may not be as fine or have a sweeping lagoon area. As for the drumming at 9pm and couldn’t it be done during the […]
Monday 9 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am writing in reference to your article on January 4 headed Xmas in Afghanistan. I am a 100% Cook Islander and a sergeant in the Australian Army and about to be deployed to Afghanistan. It is good to see one of our own serving overseas however as a serving member I would […]
Saturday 7 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, At the public consultations on the controversial subject of foreign fishing licences several months ago, the public was told that these were exploratory licences, to help us gather data on the extent of our fishery resources. It is clear that for this to be effective, there would need to be at least one […]
Saturday 7 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, If your letter writer in Fridays paper is correct in saying that the Muri Beach Club Hotel & Spa was largely financed and built from the profits of Scotts Farm, one can deduce that this hotel was built at the expense of those unfortunate residents in Muri who have had to put up […]
Saturday 7 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I would like to respond to the letter of 29 December (Looking beyond the market) by Anonymous. Te akameitaki nei au ia koe, Anonymous! I offer three additional comments. No personalities involved. 1. Having recently returned from a global conference on market-based economics (my work prohibits me from elaborating), I wish Anonymous had […]
Saturday 7 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It is simply amazing that Public Health has now decided to conduct a survey in the Muri area to gauge the views of those living in close proximity of Scotts Farm who have been affected by the dreadful stench over the years. Aside from the awful drunken behaviour of that silly All Black […]
Saturday 7 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In writing this letter, I have no intention of involving myself in gutter level politicking, which has been generated by defeatist politicians that have jumped on the bandwagon of the Scotts Farm saga in anonymous fashion to propagate their political agenda on this rather very important issue concerning the Muri community and Mr […]
Friday 6 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Last night (Wednesday) the stench from Scotts Farm was so terrible that I had to go and sleep at a relatives home which is outside the Muri area. After the welcomed rain the island has recently experienced, the smell from Scotts Farm, particularly on a breezeless night, is simply terrible. But hey, lets […]
Friday 6 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Reading Mr Kas article with regards to his views and translation of the beautiful name TE PAE TAI NUI, I am lead to make this comment. I think Mr Ka is very picky and critical of the word NUI as to maatamaata, atupaka, korereka, poria, ngao and so the list goes on. Looking […]
Friday 6 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Brandon (January 4) needs to do some research. Avaiki Nui is not the Cook Islands. It is more likely to be Tahiti and her islands or Samoa before that. Before that, SE Asia. Sure, all of the islands he mentions have indigenous names but the achievement is meaningless (apart from Samoa, Tonga and […]
Friday 6 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Everyone is now complaining about John Scotts farm the very man who built the Muri Beach Club Resort without a single penny of debt or mortgage but one that was built from every cent of profit from selling chicken eggs. Thats right, Mama Tara who delivers the eggs first thing in the morning […]
Thursday 5 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Your smoke signaller in yesterdays paper announces Fiji here we come due to the high departure tax cost out of the Cook Islands for his family group. Eight members = $440.00. It just goes to show how important it is to have this tax included in the ticket. Whats happened to the discussions […]
Thursday 5 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Chook poo smells, I agree, but… Ive just bought a new property not far from a free range chook farm in Takanini here in Auckland. When the wind blows westerly, you can smell the chook farm. Its not unbearable though. We knew what we were in for when we bought the place. So […]
Thursday 5 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write this with frustration and annoyance. CITV advertise their programmes for the day showing TV One News at 8.30pm and so forth! What annoys me is this does not happen. I understand that prior to Christmas and all the local businesses wanting to advertise their wares and create sales, the time frame […]
Thursday 5 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I urge government to stop licensing foreign fishing vessels and issuing contracts right now. The northern group islands are crying because there are no fish why is this? Its because the Chinese fishing vessels are taking all the catch. So please ask them to bugger off somewhere else where theres a lot of […]
Wednesday 4 January 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am pleased to hear that there is a discussion about the name change of our nation. I believe it is a time for us to change our name to something fitting and purposeful of our history throughout time, and Avaiki Nui is most fitting of this. Many legends throughout the great Moana-nui-a-kiva […]
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