Letters to the Editor

Get them to lay a fibre-optic cable

Monday 27 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Firstly, a comment on the article ‘$55m offer for exploration’ in relation to a Canadian mining company’s application for an exploratory seabed licence in the Cooks. In the interests of the continuing developments of our telecommunications services, while they are at it, why do the Ministers of Telecommunications and Deep-Sea Mining not negotiate […]

Letters to the Editor

Out of sight, more in mind

Monday 27 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing regarding the article ‘Volunteer dreams in Pukapuka’ published on 15/2/12. The article does not exaggerate the needs of Niua School. I have served the Ministry of Education for 44 years. I worked as a science teacher at Niua School for the last 20 years. Since 1992, I tried to get […]

Letters to the Editor

Looking for solutions

Monday 27 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing in regards to the article I wrote ‘Volunteer dreams in Pukapuka’ about Niua School that appeared in the Cook Islands News. I want to be very clear that the principal and the staff of the school did not know about the article nor were they involved in any part of […]

Letters to the Editor

Smile at our visitors

Saturday 25 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Visitors do seem to be fewer but it is the off peak season after all and perhaps we just notice them more because so many of our own people have left our shores. The Air NZ subsidy debate is a difficult one, because on the one hand, the taxpayers via the government are […]

Letters to the Editor

Not so cultural

Saturday 25 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Where has the “cultural” in Punanga Nui cultural market gone? In support of Just Wondering (February 16) I would like to add that government should remember that Punanga Nui market was initially funded by NZODA as a hand-up for Maori people with small businesses – not as a profit-making scheme for government. While […]

Letters to the Editor

Disclaimer: check your acronyms!

Saturday 25 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The following letter is a disclaimer and we implore you Mr Editor to print this to save the reputation of our organisation for what is a terrible case of mistaken identity. On Thursday you ran a disrespectful letter from the Peoples Popular Front of Judea (“PPFJ”) which pillaried Mark Brown, Henry Puna and […]

Letters to the Editor

Face it, it's an environmental problem

Saturday 25 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Regarding the Ngatangiia Farm Stench, I see in Tuesday’s CINews the Minister of Health Nandi Glassie has finally managed to see through the bunch of crap being put forward by the Director of Environment Vaitoti Tupa and come to the conclusion that this problem is, and always has been, the responsibility of the […]

Letters to the Editor

Useless rock wall

Friday 24 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It’s ironic that the newspaper had the photo of the new rock wall in the Avatiu harbour with the caption ‘New wharf used for the first time’. The fact that the rock wall is a total waste of money and cannot be used for any harbour function begs the question as to whose […]

Letters to the Editor

Lack of transparency

Friday 24 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We are very concerned about the lack of transparency with the seabed mining negotiations. It is only because a question was asked in parliament that we know anything about this latest approach by Endeavour. We urgently request of government that they keep the Cook Islands public fully informed of what is happening. We […]

Letters to the Editor

Loan conditions are the answer

Thursday 23 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Over the last two months we have heard Mark Brown and Henry Puna parrot the mantra “We cannot direct changes at CISNOC” time and again. “It’s up to the members” they squawk. Even the FINSEC has joined in the birdsong. This is rather disingenuous. On a superficial level, they are right, they cannot […]

Letters to the Editor

It's also exercise

Thursday 23 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I refer to the letter of complaint about pole dancing by Bishop Pere. Pole dancing is also a form of fun dance and of exercise. The ad on TV was a world renowned lady who performs pole dancing as a sport. I hope people who come to the bar will have fun with […]

Letters to the Editor

1-day summit not a good investment

Wednesday 22 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The planned one day youth summit to address suicide in my view is a knee-jerk reaction to the situation rather than a strategic approach for the long haul. I strongly support and share the views expressed by Mereana Taikoko. It was also sad to see that a person who has dedicated her time […]

Letters to the Editor

Bring in competitor airlines

Tuesday 21 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read in your front page story of Saturday 18 February 2012 that the subsidy paid to Air New Zealand from the Cook Islands taxpayers has risen to $12.5million, to cover losses on the Los Angeles and Sydney flights. I wonder if anyone has looked at the amount of profit Air NZ make […]

Letters to the Editor

Traditional titles are 'family formations'

Monday 20 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was at an Ariki title family meeting last night here in Auckland. A woman, who spoke, quoted extracts from a letter by Mr Joseph Ka, which she said was published in your newspaper. Everything she said aroused my interest to know more and learn what Mr Ka wrote. I vividly recalled my […]

Letters to the Editor

Put NZ super back on the table

Saturday 18 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, At the risk of becoming tediously repetitive, I must say that many deserving golden oldies will be dismayed by the front page news yesterday that the NZ super portability issue is off the table indefinitely. I personally know of several who are quite distressed, anticipating an unwanted change of lifestyle to mope around […]

Letters to the Editor

Sand mining should be banned

Saturday 18 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write about the article regarding the Betela land that was sand mined with the permission of the owners or lessees (not told which party) with the gaping hole then being a target for illegal dumping of rubbish. From the story, it seems that the National Environment Service has instructed the contractors ‘to […]

Letters to the Editor

Wrong motive

Saturday 18 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Congratulations to Pa Ariki for the night market initiative at your palace grounds on Thursday evening. The response was positive from those vendors and the locals especially have shown appreciation by the vast turn out. You have made your ‘pu’ara o Takitumu’ proud and hoping, it will carry on. And oh, just a […]

Letters to the Editor

Internet issues 'authentic'

Friday 17 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing out of concern that the article in your Wednesday edition titled ‘Internet speed issues perceived’ may cause additional problems for the people of the Cook Islands. It would appear that Telecom Cook Islands (TCI) are attempting to blame (correct) perceptions of poor DSL service on the user and their systems. […]

Letters to the Editor

Pole dancing, what's next?

Friday 17 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Mr Editor, Just watching pole dancing being advertised on TV and to be introduced into our country and on a public stage for the first time as far as I know causes me concern and reason to comment. A half naked woman doing acrobatic moves up and down the pole and in between her […]

Letters to the Editor

Pointed questions on CISNOC accounts

Friday 17 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The following letter poses a number of questions for the CISNOC treasurer, Dan O’Brien, to answer. It is acknowledged that the current financial crisis at CISNOC happened before his appointment and thus, he has no culpability for the current mess. That said, the sports codes and indeed the long suffering taxpayer (who are […]

Letters to the Editor

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