Letters to the Editor

Compendium advertising is a no brainer!

Wednesday 11 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, As a marketing person with no affiliation to any publication I want to point out the marketing options available to large and small tour operators here in the Cook Islands. Spend $8100 per year for a full page in the new John Batman compendium in 40 hotels – 853 actual rooms Versus: Spend […]

Letters to the Editor

Ripping off the little people

Tuesday 10 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The ongoing saga of this boat from Samoa has in fact turned out to be just another money-making venture by some ‘wanna-be, make-a-name-for-himself’ so-called public servant, who in partnership with the goons in the present Cook Islands government has once again succeeded in a scheme to ‘screw’ and ‘rip-off’ the little people of […]

Letters to the Editor

'Butchering' beyond belief

Tuesday 10 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It’s a pity that the folks of Matavera who have been undertaking the tree demolition don’t understand the word “beautification”. This proud village won the best village of the year some time ago, and while some tree trimming is necessary, the complete “butchering” by those who just love to have an excuse to […]

Letters to the Editor

Teach te reo

Thursday 5 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Teia au tei Australia nei, te kite nei au te taravake a to tatou metua ki runga i ta tatou tamariki, e tika te meitaki ua ara te apii i te reo papaa, eaa ra e ngaro to tatou reo tupuna, akamaroiroi eiaa e akama, apii ia ta tatou tamariki te reo tupuna […]

Letters to the Editor

Examine all possibilities

Thursday 5 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In reference to freight rates being tightly regulated by the Cook Islands Government. A long time architect friend of mine is fond of saying that a building code is simply the minimum standard beneath which a building will probably not be safe. Similarly, a regulated price in a single-supplier, nationally-critical service is probably […]

Letters to the Editor

Digital dictionary a 'wasted effort'

Thursday 5 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The Mangaia Language has been digital for at least five years! A comprehensive dictionary was compiled by Marsa Dodson with support from Otago University and in cooperation with the local people. Marsa resided on Mangaia with her husband for two years and thanks to her tireless effort the final version of the dictionary […]

Letters to the Editor

Freight rates 'remarkably stable'

Wednesday 4 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I refer to my previous correspondence to Cook Islands News on the subject of Cook islands shipping services, which you kindly published in your March 30 edition. I have since read a lengthy letter from James Beer on the same topic, and published in your April 3 edition. With great respect to Mr […]

Letters to the Editor

Personal ownership is a deadly spirit

Wednesday 4 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, May I submit a comment regarding MP Wilkie Rasmussen’s and Charles Little’s letters to the editor on the subject of Judicare Bill Laws of late. Their views are what they are, just views. It is impossible to believe that they and the government including the Law Society will solve the people’s problem for […]

Letters to the Editor

Shipping monopoly adds to woes

Tuesday 3 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, When your reporter called for comment on the shipping announcements, I had to hold my breath to stop myself saying too much over the phone on such a complex situation. After some thought, I can say that the Cook Islands just became less attractive as a place to do business for both investors […]

Letters to the Editor

Govt should be innovative, inspiring

Tuesday 3 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I hear of seabed mining, and other airy initiatives the government is processing supposedly to benefit our people. Mining and the image of pristine Pacific Islands doesn’t exactly present a harmonious picture. Rather than look too far into the future for this development, shouldn’t the government be looking at the immediate problems facing […]

Letters to the Editor

Do the right thing

Monday 2 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Just a few words of advice to those who are complaining for not receiving their NZ pension in the Cook Islands. When the old pension was first introduced you had to work in NZ until you turned 60. If you left NZ before the age of 60 years, unfortunately you had to return […]

Letters to the Editor

If NZ don't want us, then who does?

Monday 2 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would strongly suspect that if New Zealand were to relinquish her association with the Cook Islands there would be a number of other countries out there that would jump to the chance of taking us on board as one of their prime territories situated as we are in the South Pacific, NOT […]

Letters to the Editor

Banks need to prove their case and not run to govt

Monday 2 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read the article quoting Chief Justice Weston and agree with much of what he said especially that “generally speaking judges will have a concern with that as a criminalisation of civil obligations and probably not an appropriate response”. I also agree with his view the Bill as being at ‘stage one’ of […]

Letters to the Editor

All talk

Saturday 31 March 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Yesterday I questioned who released the obviously incorrect statement that “average loan yields in the Cook Islands was 7.3%”. The editor has clarified that it was a Government release. Oops, sorry, wrong line, that was Fiji’s rate. That indicates the real interest Government has in dealing with loan rates, all talk and no […]

Letters to the Editor

Dragged out court case 'stinks'

Saturday 31 March 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I am writing because my nephew’s friends who wrote to you last week are right. He has had his case dragged out when it should not be like this especially when other people who have done worse things have never been to court. Te tata atu nei au no te mea kua tano te au […]

Letters to the Editor

Law should not be elitist

Saturday 31 March 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am reading the comments by Chief Justice Weston relating to having lawyers on the Parliamentary select committee to consider the Judicature Amendment Bill. Knowledge of the law should not be regarded as an elitist pastime fit only for lawyers and presumably above the comprehension of anyone else. Not so, we the Iti […]

Letters to the Editor

Some welfare suggestions

Saturday 31 March 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The public notice shows that Internal Affairs is calling for public input into their review of the social welfare system and my hope is that the Government makes good on their promise to care for the vulnerable. So my suggestion would be to amend the relevant Act so as to make some financial […]

Letters to the Editor

Banks should be more careful

Friday 30 March 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It pleases me to see that the Minister of Finance has brought in an expert to look into the trading banks in the Cook Island though it would have been of far more public relations impact if the banks had volunteered some relief to clients in these tough economic times. When most if […]

Letters to the Editor

Is this bank loan propaganda?

Friday 30 March 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Is this bank loan propaganda? I used to consider that I was good at maths, but a statement in the article ‘Banking to be reviewed has me at a loss: “The average loan yield in the Cook Islands was 7.3 percent, the lowest in the Pacific”. Now in very rough terms there should […]

Letters to the Editor

Look to NZ for comparisons

Friday 30 March 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In yesterday’s paper the headline reads ‘Banking to be reviewed’, then the article sets out governments plans for how this will happen and the very well respected person to carry out this review. As the owner of a small business, living and working in the outer island of Aitutaki, this is great news […]

Letters to the Editor

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