Letters to the Editor

'Go Local' campaign needs support

Wednesday 18 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I wish to respond to the letter by ‘Frustrated local business’ in last Wednesday’s edition of Cook Islands News regarding the widening trade gap in the Cook Islands. There is no denying that the imbalance between our imports and exports has become much greater and this should be a concern to all. It’s […]

Letters to the Editor

Faith in the system down the drain

Tuesday 17 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Thank you for the chance to add my one cent to the proposal by government to increase departure tax to $70. Attention please, the government and your advisors – the age bracket needs reviewing. Who is in their right mind would charge a 13-year-old $70? Far out! Let us just hope the $70 […]

Letters to the Editor

Bank loans biggest killer in our society

Tuesday 17 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We are not that blind any more. I totally agreed with the comment made by the Minister of Finance that cheap loans are one answer to the depopulation problem to the Cook Islands. In fact several other factors that contributed to the big problem and they are as follows: Biggest killer in our […]

Letters to the Editor

Why are police withdrawing so many charges?

Monday 16 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Reading the court pages it appears the police are now withdrawing a large amount of matters. Is their evidence collection not up to standard, their decision-making skills lacking or has their supervision fallen away? Come on Maara, you are supposed to be a lawyer, well trained at the taxpayers’ expense, bring the success […]

Letters to the Editor

Go for gold Patty!

Monday 16 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This is a message to Patty (Patricia Taea): Patty, you have taken our little nation to extreme levels of some of the world’s best games and still some are not pleased. You have driven miles to get where you are today and still some are not pleased. Girl, achieving greatly in your young […]

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for your support

Monday 16 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the Democratic Party supporters that rallied to give comfort and warmth to Mrs Tuaine Wigmore during the death of her much beloved husband and their children and grandchildren. As a loyal and strong member of the Democratic Party, Robert will certainly be missed […]

Letters to the Editor

Angered by lack of communication

Monday 16 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am responding to Saturday’s letter from ‘Proud Mangaian’. Don’t be abhorred! I will see Rod Dixon and give him all the assistance I can. (I just have not got around to it yet as I am busy trying to survive.) What angered me was the lack of communication between the universities and […]

Letters to the Editor

Horror and dismay at dictionary criticism

Saturday 14 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write to express my utmost horror, dismay and sadness at reading the letter written by Jan Kristensson in last Thursday’s edition over his views towards the recent efforts of Papa Rod Dixon and the Professors to get the Mangaian Dictionary Online for all to access. It really busted the bubble of excitement […]

Letters to the Editor

Have a heart

Friday 13 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read the story on April 11 titled ‘We want support not criticism’. Have a heart! People criticise because their life is not interesting enough for them to talk about so they pick on others. First I will speak about Patty (Patricia Taea) – who is ‘my girl’. I was her athletics coach […]

Letters to the Editor

Paranoid and guilty for not killing a pig

Friday 13 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I’m really annoyed at the person calling himself or herself ‘Always for Matavera’ and also at you for printing his or her stupid letter. By not being specific, he or she in one sweep cast suspicion over a number of people living in Matavera because someone wrote a letter to you complaining about […]

Letters to the Editor

Finsec explains trade gap or trade deficit

Friday 13 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing in relation to the lead headline in your paper on 10 April 2011 ‘Widest trade gap in region’. I would like to take the opportunity to explain the wider context of the balance of trade picture which has been reported. I hope it can provide your readers with a more […]

Letters to the Editor

Tax increase will help send us under

Friday 13 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Every tourist is starting to hate the Cook Islands all because everything is expensive, the wages to locals are crap and now minister of finance and first-time member of parliament Mark Brown is putting the departure tax up from $55 to $80. CIP was the one that cocked up the Sheraton failed resort […]

Letters to the Editor

It's tree butchering!

Thursday 12 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I just wanted to lend my full support to the letter writer in Monday’s publication in regards to the tree butchering that has been taking place in Matavera over the past two weeks or so. What a disgusting mess. Those fools involved in the tree butchering in Matavera should be ashamed of themselves. […]

Letters to the Editor

Call to help police fight crime

Thursday 12 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It was heart breaking to see Aunty June Baudinet on the CITV News last night, asking for help and for the return of her laptop. This is not the first time that her shop has been broken into and it’s upsetting and heart breaking. There were a number of burglaries in the Easter […]

Letters to the Editor

Better coverage

Thursday 12 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Interesting to read the ‘Advertising is a no brainer’ letter in yesterday’s (April 11) issue of Cook Islands News. It confirms that instead of taking just one advertisement in the proposed Batman compendium, advertisers will get better coverage by spreading their money across different media. However, the figure of $2500 was quoted for […]

Letters to the Editor

Heads up, Patty

Thursday 12 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Heads up to Patricia Taea. It is hard to believe how some people go the extra mile to criticise and try to bring down one of our very own who has represented the Cook Islands to the best of her ability. We totally agree with Chef de Mission George George they need our […]

Letters to the Editor

Please advertise

Thursday 12 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was fortunate to over hear from a friend of a friend this week that she had just made an appointment to see one of the visiting eye specialists at the hospital, something done annually around this time of the year. Lucky as I had not seen it advertised anywhere, though I was […]

Letters to the Editor

Compendium advertising is a no brainer!

Wednesday 11 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, As a marketing person with no affiliation to any publication I want to point out the marketing options available to large and small tour operators here in the Cook Islands. Spend $8100 per year for a full page in the new John Batman compendium in 40 hotels – 853 actual rooms Versus: Spend […]

Letters to the Editor

Women encouraged to be in control of their health

Wednesday 11 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I understand the doctor’s response to my letter, and I do understand what he explained in his letter. However, my concerns stem from my personal experiences, and that of my extended family and friends. I find it hard to comprehend how receiving a Pap Smear can potentially cause a person harm. I was […]

Letters to the Editor

What's BTIB doing about closing 'trade gap'?

Wednesday 11 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, How ironic is it for CINews to highlight on Tuesday’s front page WIDEST TRADE GAP IN REGION and then at the bottom of the page shows BTIB in assisting with fundraising for outer island youth activities. Here we have a government state-owned enterprise (BTIB) whose focus should be on strengthening trade sectors and […]

Letters to the Editor

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