Friday 8 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It was reported (CINews June 6) that Toa is out of petrol ”because the Southern Express did not arrive on schedule“. Heavens, when did the Southern Express ever arrive on schedule? Thank goodness there is another fuel supplier on the island as apparently Toa does not carry any reserve stock. But never mind, […]
Friday 8 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Although not a constitutional expert, I share the view of Not Sporty (Friday June 1) that Niki Rattle’s departure from the Cook Islands Red Cross is a great loss to that organisation. I have received a fair number of questions about the role of Speaker of Parliament in recent days; I thought readers […]
Thursday 7 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As a Titikaveka Bulldog supporter, I was happy to see that our boys finally won the Grand Finals after 11 long years but was somewhat disappointed to see minimal coverage and hardly any photos in your paper especially on CINews online. To add insult to injury, the headline ‘Eels relinquish championship title’ in […]
Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Having been away for a week, I’ve come late to the debate on the use of local companies to implement New Zealand Aid Programme projects, but Alistair Macquarie has already made most of the points I would have raised – and done so most admirably. However, my staff are adamant that I put […]
Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This letter is in defence of the local television station which from what I could see is run purely on the advertising support of the business sector and the community, which is the only way in which private stations can raise any revenue. There is no public funding or subsidy from government but […]
Wednesday 6 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In replying to the letter about Cook Islands Television, I support the letter writer, because in the past three weeks I’ve seen the same episode of White Collar. It’s very interesting but I shed a tear when I hear of the sponsors putting their hard earned money into advertising for this programme only […]
Tuesday 5 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I watch our local TV, although have SKY Pacific, and am very disappointed to see once again, CITV at their worst as far as their programme schedule is concerned. I thought CITV was a private enterprise, but must say they run their business like our government, (being everywhere, except looking after their core […]
Tuesday 5 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We all recall that as the price of oil increased over the last few years, Te Aponga, the airlines and the petrol retailers on the island were all very quick in increasing their costs to us. Fuel surcharges were quickly imposed, then embedded in the costs. The price of a barrel of oil […]
Tuesday 5 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The news that the government is attempting to renegotiate 16 loans to the value of $63 million with the Asian Development Bank sounds very much like a consolidation loan. Such loans are greatly favoured by banks because they lock the debtor into much longer periods of loan repayments than the original term. Banks […]
Saturday 2 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write in reply to the Hon. John Carter. We appreciate NZ Aid but I have grave concerns with the current system which is likened to the provision of material gifts which is damaging to our struggling economy during these difficult times. Mr Carter says that NZ Aid only looks to foreign companies […]
Saturday 2 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As they say, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts. Mark Brown has a clear conflict of interest by wearing many hats and many jobs. He gives two reasons why he is standing as CISNOC President. The first he says is to have a direct hand in healing the rift that has occurred between […]
Friday 1 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I just came across the Wednesday story on the back page about the CISNOC AGM and the nominees. I would have thought that something like that should have been front page or in news pages. For non sporty types, the back page stories are usually run of the mill sports stories but Mark […]
Friday 1 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I read with interest Sonny Williams’s rebuttal to Wilkie Rasmussen’s comments in Tuesday’s newspaper. I agree that the funds could’ve been better utilised. The value we would’ve received from the spend in the UK would’ve been from promoting the destination as a tourist spot. This would support the work done by the team […]
Wednesday 30 May 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Could someone from Te Aponga Uira please advise us Cook Islanders and taxpayers as to the reason why the 100 KW solar photo voltaic project for the Avatiu power station and the 50 KW solar project for the new Education Building contracts are being awarded to a foreign based company. Is it because […]
Wednesday 30 May 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This is a response to Alistair T Macquarie’s letter New call for a halt to work. Firstly the project apologises to the public regarding the spilling of salt water during the transportation of dredged material to the Panama storage site. The project has and is currently taking steps to prevent any further such […]
Tuesday 29 May 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, With reference to the letters from Kevin Cook and Des Eggelton regarding the salt water pollution taking place, it would appear the responsibility for this lies in the hands of Cook Islands Investment Corporation, the Ports Authority and the National Environment Service. In the EIA for the harbour works dated 17 March 2010 […]
Tuesday 29 May 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I refer to the letter by Hon. Wilkie Rasmussen recently regarding the representation by the Cook Islands National Performing Arts Troupe at the QEII Diamond Jubilee Pageant in London. The MP for Tongareva basically said that this was a waste of funds and it should have been utilised on solving the problems with […]
Tuesday 29 May 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Over the last week and weekend I and many others have had to drive along an extremely salty stretch of road Avatiu/Panama. I have this morning Monday 28 laid complaints with both the National Environment Service and Police over this dreadful carry on, in the hope that together with the other complaints already […]
Tuesday 29 May 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As three time visitors to your island of paradise, and hoping to visit a fourth time, my wife and I are disappointed to the increase in the departure tax. It will just seem like a kick in the seat of our pants as we leave. Possibly, consideration to waiving the fee should be […]
Monday 28 May 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The works involving the material being dredged from the harbour should in its present practice cease until a more satisfactory solution is agreed. Where else in the western world would a contractor be allowed to ‘pollute’ a main thoroughfare – can you imagine trucks polluting say Queen Street from a building site with […]
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