Letters to the Editor

No fear

Wednesday 1 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Since Norman George saw fit to mention my name in his letter to you yesterday, a reply from me is prompted. I have absolutely no fear of him and his intentions to join the Democratic Party. For some time now I have kept my silence and have not responded to his personal attacks […]

Letters to the Editor

Get rid of alien judges

Wednesday 1 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It angered me listening to the Deputy Prime Minister on Thursday and Friday praising the Cook Islands’ self determination. Why are these alien judges or justices still dominating in our court house? Is that self determination? I don’t think so. Didn’t the late Albert Henry fight so hard to get rid of these […]

Letters to the Editor

Backtracking at CISNOC

Wednesday 1 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Yesterday’s news release with quotes by CEO Dan O’Brien didn’t fool everybody. Mr O’Brien is quoted as being in a voluntary position. Not so. The CEO’s position is a paid position. His attempt at drawing support certainly didn’t fool this writer. He then suggests there was criticism toward his family. That is not […]

Letters to the Editor

Ball less

Tuesday 31 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am always reluctant to respond to anonymous letters to the editor or to Smoke Signals in your newspaper, but your smoke signaller in yesterday’s paper has to be the epitome of ball less. Personal insulting insinuations are easily this person’s highest virtues, critiquing everyone and every idea that ever surfaced from his […]

Letters to the Editor

Olympic paddler's father defends son

Tuesday 31 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read again in Saturday’s paper another fantasy piece on kayaker Josh Utanga from the Bay of Plenty times. For the second time Mr Utanga claims he won a silver medal in the open men’s surf ski event at the Australian titles. As official photographer for Surf Lifesaving Australia for the past 25 […]

Letters to the Editor

CIP = completely incompetent party

Tuesday 31 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, After noticing that our prime minister was not at the parade to kick off the most important celebrations for the Cook Islands, I thought I had better wake him up to the reality of his reign since he took power. When Henry Puna was sworn in as the PM for Manihiki, the song […]

Letters to the Editor

George hits back

Tuesday 31 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Reading the crass Smokey you published yesterday about me and my friend James Beer reflects the fears and panic stricken state of the Leader of the Opposition Wilkie Rasmussen, when he authorised it. No Wilkie, I will not respond in kind, I am a gentleman. Leaders of political parties should not fear challenges […]

Letters to the Editor

Sacked for expressing her views?

Monday 30 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It annoyed me to see that Carmel Beattie had been sacked from her job just because of issues with the tourism board. Didn’t know you could get sacked for expressing your views only to help the future of the Cook Islands’ number one industry. Who has the skills to do a more better […]

Letters to the Editor

Beware of ATMs

Saturday 28 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Last Saturday I made a transaction from the Westpac ATM machine in Avarua. At the end of the transaction no money came out and the machine note said ”funds not available try again later“. On checking my statement on Tuesday night I was very surprised to see the funds had been withdrawn from […]

Letters to the Editor

Super system unfair

Friday 27 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am quite amazed that being an MP would require you to be elected for only two terms before being entitled to superannuation for life. On my own calculation with the recent terms of election, these cronies need only eight years of being a Member of Parliament, 20 days’ work per year (if […]

Letters to the Editor

'Pure incompetence'

Friday 27 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is incredible that on the morning of the opening of Te Maeva Nui, the BTIB is asking for sponsorship for the event. What has the previous and new Secretary of Culture been doing for the last 12 months? If they were doing their job properly, sponsorship should have been secured soon after […]

Letters to the Editor

Implement a road levy on vehicles

Friday 27 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Yes, I do agree with people and even tourists complaining about the roads around the island. I took a ride around just recently and it is unsafe in most areas. I would have expected the road to be safer to use than before, but no, it is the other way around. I did […]

Letters to the Editor

CEO clarifies comments

Thursday 26 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I just wish to clarify a point mis-reported in your article on page 7 headed ”Meeting highlights mismanagement“ by Matiu Workman. You have me quoted as saying ”That’s absolute nonsense… etc“ under the paragraph describing Graham’s suggestion of the government’s stance not being affected whether Mark Brown was elected or not. I actually […]

Letters to the Editor

We will remember this incompetence

Thursday 26 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, How much longer do we have to suffer this incompetence and apparent dishonesty from CISNOC? It is a pathetic joke. Meeting after meeting deferred with the reason cited changing from day to day, as recounted by Hugh Graham in your report yesterday. The board is now openly acting in defiance of the majority […]

Letters to the Editor

Invest super money locally

Thursday 26 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read with interest in the Cook Islands News (Saturday July 21) that our invested national superannuation funds for 2011 gave us a net return of 2.6% after ”fees and other expenses“ were deducted. The interest rate charged by our local banks for development projects is around 10% (or in most cases higher) […]

Letters to the Editor

The issue of copyright

Thursday 26 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Though seemingly creative, the new Telecom NZ ”Kung Fu“ prepaid adverts might be infringing international copyright. Of course I could be wrong, and Telecom may have paid ‘Golden Harvest Company Pictures’, or the estate of Bruce Lee, for the use of his image and their movie. With the profits they make off the […]

Letters to the Editor

Scrutiny required

Tuesday 24 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The question as to the authority to grant these shipping licence approvals, the conditions, obligations and responsibilities associated with them, and the policing of the same, requires scrutiny. In the his haste to favour Tai Moana over the government’s shipping company PFL, the Minister of Transport has unfortunately invoked a provision of the […]

Letters to the Editor

Guam is just four years away

Tuesday 24 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It’s sad to read that the brunt of the blame for non-appearance of a Cook Islands contingent at the Arts Festival is being directed at Tauranga Vananga, the Ministry of Culture. Unfortunately in the current difficult worldwide economic climate and given our limited capital, government has to make difficult decisions as who to […]

Letters to the Editor

Does the offence justify the cost?

Monday 23 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I’ve just read Saturday’s front-page story about the jail sentences imposed on Operation Eagle defendants. And I have to ask: What are the court’s priorities? People who constitute a threat to society, or people who grow and sell a plant that is, elsewhere in the world, quasi-legal, and for good reason? I read […]

Letters to the Editor

Well done

Monday 23 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Last Sunday we were guests in the morning service at the Cook Islands Christian Church just up the road from the Pacific Resort. We were a group of 10 from NZ lucky enough to have had the opportunity to visit your beautiful country and hear the fantastic singing in church. During the service […]

Letters to the Editor

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