Letters to the Editor

Silk's outburst 'breathtaking'

Tuesday 28 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I cannot let Don Silk’s letter to your newspaper go without reply. Don Silk has chosen to ignore the facts supporting my company’s application for judicial review as outlined in your article. The current proceedings are only about our Dangerous Goods Act. Its regulations say that all fuel storage facilities in the Cook […]

Letters to the Editor

'We used to be a safe country'

Tuesday 28 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Since moving to New Zealand so my children can get schooled here, I have refrained from commenting on issues back home preferring to leave that for the real locals. But after today (Tuesday 21 August), I am moved to write about my nephew because what has happened to him is just appalling and […]

Letters to the Editor

Cops, jobs, security, Fiji, CISNOC...

Monday 27 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, With all the recent cases opening up about the police it’s an embarrassment to the commissioner who should just hand in his resignation or the prime minister if he ever shows any initiative should terminate him on the spot. Example: the same as what was done to Mark Short shortly after CIP took […]

Letters to the Editor

Raro cures winter blues

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We are just back from what has been our 9th trip to Rarotonga. We had our first visit in 1996 and we love to visit you all and we always have a wonderful lazy relaxing time. We live way down the bottom of the South Island of New Zealand in The Catlins and […]

Letters to the Editor

Standards too low, training too short

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, For a former police officer to imply the problem of theft by police is due to poor leadership is both a lie and (pardon the pun) a cop out (Aug 20). All police officers are adults, and as adults they are responsible for their own actions. Long before the proverbial hit the fan, […]

Letters to the Editor

Arataki matakukore

Thursday 23 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia Orana e Tama, Te ngakau parau ite kiteanga ite karape e te pakari o te upoko arataki atupaka o te au akava i tana i rave ite kimikimi anga ite au angaanga taravake a tona aronga angaanga e pera tei opukina ia mai no te okooko e te kai maruana. Teia ta tatou i […]

Letters to the Editor

Dogs never so bad

Thursday 23 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In regard to G. Brown’s (NZ) letter (Wed 15), we too have been coming to Rarotonga for many years – like 16 or 17 and we absolutely agree with everything he says. The dog problem has never been so bad or so terrifying. Does Rarotonga want tourists or are these savage dogs trained […]

Letters to the Editor

PSC denies 'earmarking' of Aitutaki job

Thursday 23 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The public service commissioner says the accusations against his office printed in a letter to the editor yesterday are based on ”unfounded speculation“. An Aitutaki person who wrote a letter under a nom de plume alleged that a position in the Aitutaki department of internal affairs was being ”earmarked“ for Kaiti Paiti, the daughter of […]

Letters to the Editor

Minerals trip to China not a 'junket'

Thursday 23 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I sent you a private email on Monday regarding problems I saw with Monday’s CINews article (21/8/12) on my report on the recent minerals seminar. It has been two days now with no explanation or apology and therefore this public ‘Letter to the Editor’ is now necessary. Whilst I am grateful that my […]

Letters to the Editor

Thank God

Thursday 23 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, After waiting patiently for six months for the road works to repair our road (top part), I decided to do it myself to avoid more accidents. It shows you either the government haven’t got the resources or they don’t give a damn about the aronga rikiriki (small people) of our country. Thank God […]

Letters to the Editor

Why the big secret over fishing licences?

Wednesday 22 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write about the response in your newspaper by the Secretary of Marine Resources Ben Ponia to your OIA questions about fishing licences. Once again this guy continues to avoid and not provide answers to questions rightfully being asked by the public and government watchdogs. I believe the agreements which are signed with […]

Letters to the Editor

Good luck Bill Framhein: The Lost Tribe

Wednesday 22 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, As spokesman for our Lost Tribe, I will follow the case of Bill Framhein (CINews Monday August 20) with great interest. We applaud Auckland councillor Mike Lee’s lobbying on Bill’s behalf. Mr Lee has quite correctly pointed out – as we have also tried to emphasise for nearly 20 years – that this […]

Letters to the Editor


Tuesday 21 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Just a few clarifications to two articles which have appeared over the past week. 1) Regarding Friday August 17’s article reference to the late Peto Nicholas being a member of the team which beat the Italian national rugby side, that game was played in 1980 – not in 1981. 2) Re the article […]

Letters to the Editor

2 more years of whinging

Monday 20 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Thanks to the Demo conference for making clear who I am not voting for in the next election. Congratulations Demos for picking a leader that has no problem cutting of the noses of his Tongareva people in order to spite the face of the Cook Islands. You have a leader who is not […]

Letters to the Editor

It's amazing why tourists come

Monday 20 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, There are a lot of dogs in the Vaimaanga area now. A few weeks ago I started my walk and saw the Esther Honey director dumping a dog around the area. I asked him what he was doing and he said he was dropping off a dog who lives around the area. Funny […]

Letters to the Editor

Stand up

Saturday 18 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, No matter which political party gets elected as the government, no matter who the prime minister is, no matter who the members of parliament are, no matter what they say, no matter what they do, and no matter where they go, through our democratic system there will always be those out in the […]

Letters to the Editor

Herded like animals

Saturday 18 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am not from Tongareva or Manihiki or any of the Northern Group islands. I’m Rarotongan with a little bit of Mangaian and proud of it. Witnessing what happened at Avatiu wharf on Saturday afternoon whereby our people from the Northern Group were almost herded like animals on to a already overloaded vessel […]

Letters to the Editor

Forum is a wonderful opportunity

Saturday 18 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read with interest two items in Friday’s paper (August 17) critical of two aspects of the preparations for the 43rd Pacific Leaders Forum being held here later in the month. The first was about a motorcade rehearsal held on Wednesday August 15 after 4pm, and the second about the perceived cost of […]

Letters to the Editor

'You can't make ika mata without slicing fish'

Friday 17 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am staggered by the credulity of your report on the Democratic Party Conference and the remarks attributed to new leader Wilkie Rasmussen that ‘I have not resigned from the Cook Islands Party’. This man is making false statements and it does concern me and should concern a lot of other people. If […]

Letters to the Editor

Get back the dogcatcher

Friday 17 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Once upon a time in Raro there was a dogcatcher, causing quite some controversy and discussions about how to deal with Raro’s dog problem. I envy this time, because at least there was widespread agreement that we have a problem with too many dogs roaming around our roads. At least this is the […]

Letters to the Editor

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