Letters to the Editor

Singing and drumming defended

Saturday 29 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing because I believe it is time the management for the Sails Restaurant received a wake up call for their misguided attempt to shut down a private function where a group of islanders were hosting a farewell function on Captain Tama’s premises in the late afternoon. On Friday last week at […]

Letters to the Editor

Does MMR have a handle on it?

Saturday 29 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Earlier this year I wrote to you to explain the policies and efforts of the Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) with respect to our offshore fishery. I welcome the media interest in fisheries issues but noting the criticisms, mainly anonymous, and misreporting that has taken place, I guess the question on some people’s […]

Letters to the Editor

What tripe!

Saturday 29 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I wonder if Minister Teina Bishop and Ben Ponia truly believe the tripe we are being force fed. These two are happy to prostitute our most valuable asset for 50 pieces of silver. Shame on the both of you. You are being paid by the people of the Cook Islands to protect their […]

Letters to the Editor

Crystal clear

Saturday 29 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Minister Bishop has gone on record to confirm that his top fisheries advisors come from the fisheries department of ministry of marine resources, who has been involved in dealing with the commercial fishing side of things on behalf of the country for a very long time. What I would like to know is […]

Letters to the Editor

They failed to act transparently

Saturday 29 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am very concerned in regards to a few of the points Minister Bishop raised in his reply to Reuben Tylor. Firstly, the fact that Nauru’s resource is on land and ours is in the water is irrelevant. The point I believe Mr Taylor was trying to raise is in regards to the […]

Letters to the Editor

Solomons mama cartoon inappropriate

Friday 28 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Rutaki School at the recent Forum exercise adopted the Solomon Islands delegation. My 10-year-old proudly told us at home all that he had learned about his Oceanic cousins. His mother and I hope we have instilled in our son a disdain for racism. How then to explain to him Kata’s cartoon on Thursday […]

Letters to the Editor

'Free ride' not on

Friday 28 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, To the person who wrote and mailed the letter to Cook’s Bus Passenger Transport Ltd and called himself “Real Cookie.” For your information, Kevin Cook has been a permanent resident since 1972, worked and paid taxes, and has employed Cook Islanders all those years even to this day. That gives him the same […]

Letters to the Editor

Kindness or camaraderie, both very different

Friday 28 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Thank you for covering the interview with Minister Teina Bishop. Thank you also, Teina, for supporting transparency within your community by accepting the interview. It’s not easy to be interviewed by a journalist, but it’s extremely important and appreciated. While I empathise with Teina that he views the computers as a gift, it […]

Letters to the Editor

Bus operator offers to sell out

Thursday 27 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Thank you for printing the article regarding the unlicensed taxi taking tourists on Tuesday 25th September. The comments made by Mr Lazaro open my eyes to the fact that this member of parliament is a complete liar and he can take me to court if he wants regarding this. I can prove that […]

Letters to the Editor


Wednesday 26 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Just like to express my sincere appreciation to you and your paper for balancing out my letter with comments from the new top man at CISNOC. It’s not about pointing fingers only and leaving it there, rather it’s about constructive criticism so our small nation can succeed. Hugh, I know you and therefore […]

Letters to the Editor

'A man who sticks to his word'

Wednesday 26 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The Titikaveka Growers Association (TGA) would like to congratulate the New Zealand High Commisssioner, Mr John Carter, on his completion of the 2012 Round Rarotonga Road Race and a big meitaki maata for fundraising towards supplementing the agriculture programme initiated for the troubled youth of our nation. We recognise that the “troubled youth” […]

Letters to the Editor

Story sad beyond measure

Wednesday 26 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The lead article in Monday’s paper, concerning the solo mother of eight who was killed in a motor bike accident, was saddening beyond measure. I suspect the focus may be on the police announcement that “alcohol was involved” (on whose part?) and/or on the fact that the deceased had a large number of […]

Letters to the Editor

Bishopgate 100 x bigger than Toagate

Wednesday 26 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was watching the documentary on Nauru on CITV on Monday night. I remember 15 years ago they had one of the highest incomes per capita in the world from their huge phosphate resource. Now, they are bankrupt, they have lost everything as a result of incompetent management of this resource by their […]

Letters to the Editor

Criticism makes policeman Boaza stronger

Saturday 22 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Senior sergeant Leighton Boaza has expressed his disappointment over any suggestions he would discriminate against a non-local. His comments were made after a news article appeared in the Cook Islands News last Saturday about Dr Oxana Makhno’s burgled laptop that is believed to be in police custody. In the article Makhno said Boaza had gone […]

Letters to the Editor

What about Penrhyn's airport?

Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Is it a large typo error or an administrative oversight for Tongareva airport not to be listed as a subject of the advertised Airports Feasibility Study Project? Surely Penrhyn airfield is of such strategic importance to this country and the region, that it cannot be left out of this review. The long standing […]

Letters to the Editor

Questions about CISNOC leadership

Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have just learnt that most important person at CISNOC has moved on and I’m pretty sure he is pretty disappointed that things have not gone the way it was supposed to. A few times I have made enquiries about different issues with CISNOC and I have been passed from one person to […]

Letters to the Editor

'One-man' licensing open to corruption

Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I wish to express my concern over the story ‘New Chinese operator linked to Luen Thai’ (CINews September 18). Perhaps it is a mere coincidence that the very public donation of $50,000 worth of computers from the charitable arm of Luen Thai Fishing Venture came just two weeks after Huanan Fisheries (Cook Islands) […]

Letters to the Editor

Import substitution is designed to protect

Tuesday 18 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor. The letter by ‘Disadvantaged’ in Monday’s (September 17) CINews is a great analogy of what has been happening with the “split invoicing by CITC and systematic rip off by CITC” according to Mr James Beer’s letter.

Letters to the Editor

Outstanding police work

Tuesday 18 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, On September 3 I spotted someone moving about on my veranda. I rushed out there and observed a teenage boy leaving the property. I later noticed that my inexpensive wrist watch was missing from the outside table.

Letters to the Editor

Maire rehab idea proposed

Tuesday 18 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We have been following with great interest the increasing crime rate in Rarotonga by young offenders. We offer a suggestion to those government agencies who can jointly be part of a positive solution for rehabilitation.

Letters to the Editor

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