Letters to the Editor

Positive change

Friday 4 October 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Shame on those small number of selfish landowners who have tried to drag down Steve (Moko) Kavana and his small team of dedicated volunteers for their tireless efforts to bring about positive change for the Ngatangiia community, including the tourism industry, through the beautification of Avana.

Letters to the Editor

Proposed tax changes will have benefits

Friday 4 October 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am happy to see that the proposed tax changes are receiving a significant amount of coverage in the media and that there is now considerable discussion occurring in the community.

Letters to the Editor

Consultation needed with tribal landowners

Thursday 3 October 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Further to the issue of access to Te Tuingara via Matoteare and Areporia and the lack of consultation with the whole of the tribal landowners regarding the Avana Fishing Club, Japan and government project – true to form, Phillip Nicholas’ assertions and claims that he represents and speaks on behalf of the whole of the Manavaroa family is flawed.

Letters to the Editor

A nation with its own rules

Thursday 3 October 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, For a while I have been reading a few complaints about the police over there from tourists.

Letters to the Editor

Retrospective taxation of the elderly 'unfair'

Thursday 3 October 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I’m here on holiday, but before people dismiss me and say “you have no right to have a say in this”, I am here with my family to visit my elderly parents who after working in New Zealand for over 50 years to provide for me and my siblings they are resting in what my Dad calls ‘paradise’.

Letters to the Editor

Senior citizens celebrate at Are Pa Metua

Wednesday 2 October 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Low impact Zumba classes kicked off the International Day for Older Persons yesterday.

Letters to the Editor

'The real bone of contention for us'

Wednesday 2 October 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was disappointed at Minister Mark Brown’s announcement on TV the decision of the Tax Review Committee.

Letters to the Editor

The nerve!

Tuesday 1 October 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Apparently someone had the nerve to suggest at the Chamber of Commerce AGM last week that Cook Islanders were under represented in the meeting.

Letters to the Editor

Play it live!

Monday 30 September 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Each year Cook Islands rugby league season as we know it climaxes with both the local grand final competition, followed a few months later by the NRL grand final, whereby league fans and supporters get together in their homes around a BBQ with a few drinks to cheer on their favourite teams.

Letters to the Editor

Cook Islanders queue too!

Monday 30 September 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, May I add a little comment on NZ journalist Peter Calder’s article in your paper on September 26 ‘NZ journalist fed up with licence lines’.

Letters to the Editor

'Lack of consultation with landowners'

Monday 30 September 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Further to the Cook Islands News and CI Herald articles on the Avana Fishing Club and Cook Islands government plans relating to the donation of funds from Japan for the dredging of Avana harbour, marina development, harbour facilities –I would like to point out a number of issues relating to the land, Te Tuingara where the Avana Fishing Club, Mooring Cafe and Moko’s Fishing is located but more particularly to the land adjacent to Te Tuingara, Matoteare and Areporia.

Letters to the Editor

The actions of a real gentleman

Saturday 28 September 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Please let me correct and set the record straight about the incident in the court article ‘Woman told not to hit another man’ (September 27).

Letters to the Editor

'Back to the future' memories

Saturday 28 September 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Your back to the future article on Wednesday September 25, accompanied by a 60 year old photo of teenagers William Cowan and Mii Akanoa Kermode, jolted my memory back to that very event June 2, 1953, held at the then pristine unspoilt Muri Beach.

Letters to the Editor

Govt tax solutions 'skewed thinking'

Saturday 28 September 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

One thing is certain; this government is obsessed with taxing the public.

Letters to the Editor

Free breakfast?

Friday 27 September 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Regarding allegations the Cook Islands Party giving was people a free breakfast on the day of the by-election, my question is: is this against the law? Which law enforcement official can answer this question? If so, this type of behaviour needs to be punished.

Letters to the Editor

Some hope for the little people

Friday 27 September 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The censure of Norman George by the Chief Justice must give some hope to the little people who feel that they are sometimes are abused by local ‘sharks’.

Letters to the Editor

Sad attempt to 'smear the QR's good name'

Thursday 26 September 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am completely satisfied that the integrity of our Queen’s Representative remains intact and unblemished despite the sad attempt by James Beer to smear the QR’s good name following the by-election in Murienua.

Letters to the Editor

'Give us some real and plausible reasons'

Monday 23 September 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I fully agree with ‘Hard Talk’s letter to the editor of Saturday September 21 (Fisheries sector far too important) and also ask Joshua Mitchell to come clean and truthfully tell us, the small people, why one would leave an interesting and one of the highest paid jobs in the Public Service for an uncertain future–$60,000 is not ‘peanuts’.

Letters to the Editor

Fisheries sector far too important

Saturday 21 September 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The former director of the Offshore Fisheries Division, Joshua Mitchell, should come clean and truthfully explain the reasons why he resigned from Ministry of Marine Resources.

Letters to the Editor

NZ Super change still a half measure

Saturday 21 September 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Congratulations to Kevin Barr (Changes to NZ Super ‘exciting’, September 19) and others who will be among the lucky ones to receive NZ Super after July 2015, by virtue of having met all the NZ residential qualifications, including having lived in NZ for five years after the age of 50.

Letters to the Editor

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