Letters to the Editor

Canned tuna linked to obesity

Thursday 14 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, For the interest of your readers, I would like to refer to a recent study (titled ‘Behavioral risk factors for obesity during health transition in Vanuatu, South Pacific’) from McGill University in Canada on behavioural risk factors for obesity in Vanuatu, which is attracting increasing interest in the New Zealand and international media. […]

Letters to the Editor

Plea to arsonist

Wednesday 13 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am told that an arsonist enjoys the chaos created by fire. They crave attention and are excited by the idea that everyone is talking about and looking for them. Some arsonists stay near the scene once the fire has started to mingle with the crowd who have gathered to watch the fire. […]

Letters to the Editor

The risks of purse seine fishing

Wednesday 13 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Purse seine fishing can be very attractive to governments. It is a very efficient way of catching fish and can produce large amounts of revenue in a short period of time. The problem with purse seine fishing, however, is that it can also do a lot of damage in a very short time. […]

Letters to the Editor

Grey Power targets don't show at protest

Tuesday 12 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Thursday November 7’s PR exercise by the Grey Power in a public arena right in front of the police station in Avarua did not attract those targeted by us. You know who you are. You did not turn up to well advertised meeting placed. So, from now on, please, no more of your […]

Letters to the Editor

Thanks to organisers of the Diwali festival

Tuesday 12 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Thank you to those who organised the Diwali festival on Saturday evening. It was a delightful sharing of culture. As many people commented during the evening, events such as these foster tolerance and understanding between nations, cultures and individuals. For the work and organisation that went into Saturday’s function – thank you – and also […]

Letters to the Editor

'Standing up for the King of kings'

Tuesday 12 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read all those letters coming against Bishop Pere for speaking the truth, and you can see who doesn’t read their Bible. We are so partial not to offend human beings because they have a right to their own religion and so on, and we fight for their rights adamantly. But what about […]

Letters to the Editor

Urgency needed to end thefts

Tuesday 12 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The stealing from tourists is continuing unchecked and if a solution is not found quickly it will pose a serious problem to our only real income earner to the country – tourism. This stealing epidemic has only become a major problem over the past five years but is increasing as the years pass […]

Letters to the Editor

Justice 'skewed against visitors'

Tuesday 12 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, My husband and I previously lived in Rarotonga for three years (2006-2009). Since then we have made a number of return visits as tourists. Our latest visit, however, was marred by what can be regarded as either a bizarre or ridiculous event. On the evening of Tuesday November 5 when we were driving […]

Letters to the Editor

Worship and let worship

Monday 11 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Once again Bishop Tutai Pere paints the Cook Islands as a backwater where he and his Christian cult stand for the one true God while all other religions are peopled by the ignorant who will burn in eternal fire for their lack of having let Jesus into their hearts. The Hindu Diwali Festival […]

Letters to the Editor

Diwali celebrations are 'world-wide'

Monday 11 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Literally hundreds of people turned up to help celebrate Diwali on Saturday evening. A pleasant evening ensued for all with tasty snacks and soft drinks handed out – interesting dances and music and a few short yet meaningful speeches and a huge kaikai for all followed. Around the world over a billion people […]

Letters to the Editor

'We should not hate and persecute'

Monday 11 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing to express my views on the letter by Bishop Tutai Pere titled “Diwali festival ‘blasphemy to the Christian God’”. We should not hate and persecute someone because of his or her faith or ethnicity. We live in a world where our countries are made up of a variety of people, […]

Letters to the Editor

'It is about maintaining and keeping what we have'

Monday 11 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is with great concern that I read the article on the Diwali celebrations. The Cook Islands is very proud of its Christian faith and heritage. It is what under-girths our nation’s culture. To read that an official Hindu event had taken place in our land is a serious affront to the Christian […]

Letters to the Editor

Diwali – a joyful occasion

Monday 11 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to acknowledge the generosity of the Diwali Festival organisers in issuing their open invitation to what was a joyful occasion with dancing, singing, inspiring speeches and delicious food. It was an occasion filled with beauty, grace and love. It was a celebration of life and light. It was an opportunity […]

Letters to the Editor

Freedom of religion 'fundamental'

Monday 11 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Does Bishop Pere need reminding that the Cook Islands is a secular democracy and its people have the right to freely practise their religion whether or not that religion is Christianity? The idea that the Hindu members of our society should be prevented from celebrating one of their religious festivals is an affront […]

Letters to the Editor

'Meitaki maata to the Diwali committee'

Monday 11 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, On Saturday the 200 or so people who attended the Diwali celebration were treated to a taste of what over one billion others around the world have been celebrating this week. From my upbringing in New Zealand I knew the festival was a big deal to a large number of people, and that […]

Letters to the Editor

Texting: A technological deathly trap

Saturday 9 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

When I was in Tongareva (Penrhyn) last, in the month of July, the buzz thing for almost everyone on the island was texting. Men, women, teenagers and even children bought mobile phones for this newly found pastime. It was quite strange seeing people under the shade of trees, laughing merrily away at the responses from […]

Letters to the Editor

Fishing wisdom from Pukapuka

Saturday 9 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I enjoyed the letter to the editor from James Ru about fishing on Aitutaki and the recent articles on Purse Seining in CINews.

Letters to the Editor

'Improve medical checks in Pa Enua before it's too late'

Saturday 9 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write this letter with great admiration for the good services that I have received during my short visit to Rarotonga Hospital. I am from the outer islands and my intention was to see Dr Aung. The receptionist informed me that I need to make an appointment to actually see Dr Aung, but […]

Letters to the Editor

Diwali festival 'blasphemy to the Christian God'

Saturday 9 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Kia Orana! I am simply expressing the concern of many Christian brethren throughout the Cook Islands who are much disturbed over a ‘Diwali Festival Celebration’ to be held in Rarotonga this Saturday evening. This is an absolute and total blow and blasphemy to the Christian God of this nation, the Lord Jesus Christ. […]

Letters to the Editor

Do you know what to do in an emergency?

Thursday 7 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Being the first port of call in emergency situations is one of the reasons why getting first aid training is important. Today is the last day that the Cook Islands Red Cross Society is offering a certified comprehensive first aid training course at the society headquarters. The course starts at 8.30am and is open to […]

Letters to the Editor

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