Letters to the Editor

Audit report should be released

Friday 29 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, So they have had 14 months since my second complaint to create a new Colagate report to rubbish the first. Your letter writer ‘Non-concerned taxpayer’ (CINews November 28) is one of the few privileged ones apparently who has seen it, and the only one qualified to pass judgement on the original. Interesting indeed. […]

Letters to the Editor

'Colagate needs to be tested in court'

Friday 29 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This is my reply to the letter by ‘Non-concerned Taxpayer’ of November 28.Talk about shooting the messenger, auditor or whistle-blower. The assertions and allegations by the writer are way off the truth. The facts and information I am about to release are freely available from the Audit Office and the views that I […]

Letters to the Editor

Public invited to attend graduation ceremony

Friday 29 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The first graduating class of the youth leadership course invites members of the public to their graduation day today at 10am at the police headquarters. Thirty one young men aged 13 to 20 will be celebrating the successful completion of a three-week rigorous military-style programme aimed to develop their leadership and organisational skills. The graduation […]

Letters to the Editor

'Kudos to Vaka Eiva believers'

Thursday 28 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was reading some of the Vaka Eiva material and thought that some individuals have not been afforded the acknowledgement they are due as they have taken the "back seat" as contributors to this event. When the idea of Vaka Eiva was proposed, many prominent paddlers and other businesses were not supportive of […]

Letters to the Editor

'No two cases are the same' – Pitt

Thursday 28 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It was once the custom of newspapers to ensure that articles are balanced and, prior to publication, to make a reasonable effort to give anyone criticised an opportunity to respond. Unfortunately, with Helen Greig’s precipitous departure, standards of good journalism appear to have gone with her. I am referring to the article in […]

Letters to the Editor

Local input needed on solar project

Thursday 28 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing to respond to the article about the northern group solar project. First of all, this project has been in the pipeline for years with a lot of money wasted on consultation, mucked up tendering and government processes. Only now that the Prime Minister has based a lot of his re-election […]

Letters to the Editor

Colagate report created 'false impression'

Thursday 28 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In recent days there has been further comment and reporting in this newspaper about the so called ‘Colagate’ affair. This matter came to the public’s attention as a result of a report prepared by Paul Allsworth, formerly of the Audit department. The central thesis of that report (and what has caused all the […]

Letters to the Editor

Prime Foods opens new doors

Wednesday 27 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Food shoppers are enjoying a more spacious version of Prime Foods – just in time for Christmas. The business has recently moved into a new, larger space in a different part of the same building – allowing room for a new range of dry goods, and making space for even more chilled and frozen products. […]

Letters to the Editor

MFEM 'bullies' harm pensioners' festive season

Wednesday 27 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The routine, polite letter sending exercise carried out by the revenue management division of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MFEM) to Grey Power members to furnish tax return forms has turned nasty all of a sudden. After eight months of pussy footing, the hammer has come down with the ‘final reminder’ […]

Letters to the Editor

Colagate complaint 'ignored' by Audit

Wednesday 27 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to accuse the Minister of Finance Mark Brown of political expediency and putting his own reputation ahead of the interests of the country. I would also like to call for the resignation of the director of audit on the grounds of dereliction of duty. Fourteen months ago I lodged with […]

Letters to the Editor

'Stoddart has to go'

Wednesday 27 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Minister Mark Brown must terminate Geoff Stoddart’s membership from not only PERC (Public Expenditure Review Committee) but also FSC (Financial Services Commission). There is no need for a review by the minister; it has to be instant dismissal. PERC and FSC are important oversight organisations responsible for government’s internal and external audit and banking regulations, […]

Letters to the Editor

Call for inquiry into Colagate

Wednesday 27 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Currently we hear and read about the damages that Geoff Stoddard has done to this country by the “Colagate” scandal and recently Tata Crocombe’s tax assessment. However, the issues here that I am concerned about are the irresponsible action (according to reports) that he did years back in approving the Colagate scandal, which […]

Letters to the Editor

'Get these people out into the community'

Tuesday 26 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Recently, I visited Rarotonga from November 18-23 to support a staff member and two of our residents from Auckland. We visited the Creative Centre in Tupapa and were welcomed by Roger, staff and the adults with special abilities. Meitaki maata to you all for having us over the past few days. Moana (staff), […]

Letters to the Editor

Disappointment in demo party leader

Tuesday 26 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In order to remove all doubts, I now disclose that I was the one who wrote the letter of acclaim for what I thought was Wilkie Rasmussen’s greatest initiative thus far – that is, admitting Norman George in the Democratic Party caucus. Such was my excitement and delight that I wrote the letter […]

Letters to the Editor

'No trust' in Stoddardt following Crocombe case

Tuesday 26 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is clear that Geoff Stoddart, former head of the Revenue Management Division (RMD) and comptroller of Customs has a close personal relationship with Trevor Clarke. It has been confirmed that Stoddart used Clarke as his legal advisor during his time in these positions. In doing so, he has shown a complete lack […]

Letters to the Editor

Porn access aided by tech advancements

Tuesday 26 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

As we approach a 3G (Third Generation) network here in the Cook Islands and the advance of high speed internet with O3b hopefully early next year, we will be opening the Cook Islands up to the super information highway available to so many around the world. Information will be fast and accessible to handheld devices, […]

Letters to the Editor

JP enforces the 'no drop' policy

Monday 25 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

In compliance with the police ‘no drop policy’, a request by a wife to withdraw an assault charge against her husband has been stalled in court. Kaimalaro Aumatanga appeared in court to ask that a charge of assault on a female placed against her husband, Tupuna Kita, is cleared. She said she had made the […]

Letters to the Editor

Manslaughter accused granted leave to train

Monday 25 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The High Court on November 21 was presided over by Justice of the Peace Bernice Manarangi, who made the following judgements: James Estall, 22, was granted an application for variation on his bail conditions to travel to New Zealand and attend training with the New Zealand Fire Service in Rotorua. Crown prosecutor Martha Henry told […]

Letters to the Editor

Government travel 'wastes our taxes'

Monday 25 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

“If this country’s money is spent on travelling by our politicians, why the heck are they trying to increase the VAT from 12.5 per cent to 15 per cent?” a smoke signaller asks. “This is a clear sign of bankruptcy in the country. I reckon that businesses should team up and boycott paying taxes for […]

Letters to the Editor

Take it or leave it

Monday 25 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Firstly I thank God for Bishop Pere for standing up for our people of the Cook Islands and the beliefs we have. Some points on the issue: 1. Talking about love and tolerance? The Cook Islands people are full of both, that is why we live in peace. 2. In the case of […]

Letters to the Editor

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