Monday 9 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I agree with the all of the contentions and recommendations contained in recent letters from concerned taxpayers and Mr Beer concerning the conduct of Geoff Stoddard. You can’t have someone on PERC (Public Review and Expenditure Committee) who the court has indicated has had inappropriate communication with a private businessman concerning the tax […]
Saturday 7 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Now that the dust has settled somewhat, and the teams are all firmly entrenched back in their boxes, can I just add my comment on what has been a fantastic, well organised, well supported 2013 World Cup over here in the United Kingdom. The levels of rugby have been second to none; the […]
Saturday 7 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This is an open letter to the Minister of BTIB – I would very much appreciate your thoughts on the following. In November 2013, Mr Terry Rangi, chief executive officer of the Business Trade Investment Board (BTIB) registered ‘Ngapuhi Filmworks Ltd’ with the Ministry of Justice, here in Rarotonga. Mr Rangi holds a […]
Saturday 7 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor Congratulations to Malcolm Kajer for attending the world workshop of tennis coaching. This is one man who has consistently performed in his art as a tennis coach in the Cook Islands for going on to nearly 30 or more years. We have given him little or no support or accolade for what he […]
Friday 6 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Is there no limit to the irresponsibility of the Cook Islands News? Week after week you run these scare headlines about our collapsing tuna fishery. Tuesday this week being a perfect example – ’Too many boats, too few tuna’. How on earth can Ben Ponia ignore the facts if you keep printing the […]
Friday 6 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Thank you to “Very Concerned” for your letter to the editor (22/11/13) and (29/11/13) regarding the installation of a septic tank in Avana under the WATSAN project. We welcome your interest in this matter and provide the following in response. Under the Waste Management and Sanitation Improvement (WMI) programme, WATSAN has worked closely […]
Friday 6 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I listened with interest, and some amusement, to the damage control emanating from the Speaker and the government side of the house on my innocent observations published in your paper. It is perfectly correct that I was down at parliament, as I frequently am and as any member of the public is entitled […]
Wednesday 4 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Currently there has been talk about a new school to be built and two schools to merge, which is Nikao and Avatea. Now I know Nikao Maori School have had their meeting with parents and committee members and the outcome was Nikao have said "No". What about the sweats from parents and grandparents […]
Wednesday 4 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I refer to the recent revival in your columns of the Toagate issue (14 and 15 November 2013) and again today and wish to remind your readers that your paper threw an invitation out there (December 22, 2012) for ideas on how the Toagate problem could be solved. I responded to this invitation […]
Wednesday 4 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The story by Don Reid reported by CINews on November 28 is hearsay. Reid’s recollection of his questions to me and my answers are quite different to mine. First, it was not seven years ago he approached me. It was around three years ago when he interrupted one of my morning runs roadside […]
Wednesday 4 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have no wish to frustrate the workings of parliament but they have to get it right! If we cannot have faith in parliament doing things properly, what chance is there of government functioning properly – after all, the functions of parliament are mostly a reflection of government initiatives. The calling together of […]
Monday 2 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, To the ‘local’ businesses who are upset about the Muri Market – grow up. If the complainers are local business owners, are you saying that those entrepreneurs who operate on a shoe-string are not welcome in Muri? Shall they pack up and join the cousins on the dole in New Zealand? Local owners, […]
Monday 2 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Someone sent me the Richard Neeves email about the tax increases from next year. He has confirmed they are mostly a 2% increase in VAT, 15% increase in tax on the interest in the bank, and now tax on all pensions. That is 3 tax increases to 1 tax decrease of the paye […]
Monday 2 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Your nameless letter writer of November 28, 2013 on issues related to renewable energy projects has a number of gripes, which need clarification since the newspaper article was not enough to satisfy what are obviously bruised feelings. In terms of government’s renewable energy programme in the northern group, the initial process utilised to […]
Monday 2 December 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As a former food importer for 30 years, and in light of recent events I am compelled to write my comments on Colagate. I would be doing my former company, its shareholders, and the consumers of the Cook Islands who supported that business a disservice, by sitting idle without comment. There are varying […]
Saturday 30 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Vaine Wichman has worked throughout the Pacific as a development economist. She began writing these columns at the request of women and men asking her to explain the working of their economy. I had the good fortune of being on a Pa Enua again, work relating to the Mitiaro mama’s and their maire, the Nukuroa […]
Saturday 30 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
If you know anything about the migratory history of the Maori people you shouldn’t be surprised to find that even today, Maori are still traveling around the globe and turning up in strange places. They’re really just – figuratively – following in the footsteps of our ancient tipuna, the Austronesians, who originated in China and […]
Saturday 30 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I completely understand the reasons behind the business owners’ concerns about the night market in Muri. It is always hard having a business in a small area where there is such stiff competition, especially in such a popular tourist spot like Muri – but that’s what keeps owners on their toes. Hospitality is […]
Friday 29 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The current witch-hunt for Mr Clarke and Mr Stoddart is a total waste of time, and so too are the numerous calls for a commission of inquiry (just thinking about the millions of state dollars that will be spent on one is numbing and scary). The bottom line is that the ability to […]
Friday 29 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, So they have had 14 months since my second complaint to create a new Colagate report to rubbish the first. Your letter writer ‘Non-concerned taxpayer’ (CINews November 28) is one of the few privileged ones apparently who has seen it, and the only one qualified to pass judgement on the original. Interesting indeed. […]
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