Letters to the Editor

How to lure voters

Wednesday 26 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Most governments have one priority – staying in power at all costs.

Letters to the Editor

Cooks one of few with universal aged pension

Wednesday 26 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to thank Phil Evans for his recent letter and welcome the opportunity to address his concerns.

Letters to the Editor

Has super agreement been redrafted?

Wednesday 26 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The Cook Islands Government is trying to use the NZ Government affirmation of the Cook Islands’ right to tax the recipients of the NZ national super as grounds to support its taxing of the pensioners.

Letters to the Editor

Pay locals decent wages

Wednesday 26 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Imagine my surprise when I visited an iconic local restaurant recently and noticed that none of the “front of house” staff were Cook Islanders.

Letters to the Editor

Vehicle plates now available

Tuesday 25 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

There is no delay in vehicle owners receiving registration plates for privately owned motor vehicles, advises BCI’s Simona Aumetua.

Letters to the Editor

Whose permission needed to fish?

Tuesday 25 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Seen on Sunday morning in the Rutaki lagoon, a person(s) hand netting tropical fish for aquarium purposes (I presume).

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for everything, but why sell good performer?

Tuesday 25 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Kia Orana from the staff at Telecom Cook Islands to our customers and to the CIP Government.

Letters to the Editor

There's little wonder that Mauke is dying

Monday 24 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The story of the Island Council of Mauke’s decision to stop a Sunday Air Raro flight (Feb 22) taking the body of a dead Mauke man home is both confusing and worrying.

Letters to the Editor

Mathematics show pension reality

Monday 24 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor.

Letters to the Editor

TCI staff forgotten?

Monday 24 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Kia Orana from the staff at Telecom Cook Islands, to the major shareholder of Telecom Cook Islands, Telecom New Zealand, For over 20 years, we have enjoyed being here, enjoyed the comradeship, the challenges, and especially the triumphs in bringing quality telecommunications to our people of the Cook Islands with your help.

Letters to the Editor

Thomson responds to Prime Minister's TMV allegations

Monday 24 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Reply to PM: Let’s be honest, what do you mean by self-interest? Here’s something yourself, ICI minister and Te Mato Vai state: “The guaranteed supply of safe drinking water to Rarotonga”.

Letters to the Editor

Akateretere anga tau no te au tangata angaanga

Saturday 22 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Ki te Etita, Kua akaari mai te parani maata ote Mato Vai i tetai akaraanga no te maani atu i tetai ngai maani anga vai meitaki no tatou, inara, ei akapapu atu i teia, kia tau te akateretere anga e te iki anga ite au tangata tau tikai e te matutu, no te rave atu ite angaanga.

Letters to the Editor

Due Diligence: Personnel

Saturday 22 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The Te Mato Vai Master Plan gives us the roadmap to build a good water system, but we have to exercise due diligence in getting the right people for the job.

Letters to the Editor

'Moemoea Vai' much more credible alternative

Saturday 22 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor One of the very smallest public water treatment plants in all of New Zealand is located at Papakura.

Letters to the Editor

Doing is the thing

Saturday 22 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor Nick Reeves’ letter dated Feb 14, “Saturate Orange County with ads” was spot on.

Letters to the Editor

'Big bang' no answer

Saturday 22 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I disagree strongly with your reported comment from Air Rarotonga MD, Ewan Smith that “the reality is that big hotels and development will be needed on the outer islands before they become major tourist destinations”.

Letters to the Editor

Please get it right!

Friday 21 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, I just wanted to point out that the letter written in Maori by Anaru in Ruaau has alot of grammatical error in it or typos.

Letters to the Editor

Due diligence on construction

Friday 21 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, In the Te Mato Vai Draft Master Plan, I think the consultants have given us the “roadmap” to build a quality system up to New Zealand and international standards – all we have to do is follow it .

Letters to the Editor

Time to take matters in our own hands?

Friday 21 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, When and where do crime stoppers meet? There might have to be the majority of us good people on the Island joining them to meet! We will not live in fear! The Cook Islands is one of the only safe places left in the world where we don’t get mugged walking down the streets, but this seems to be changing increasingly.

Letters to the Editor

Akateretere anga tau, no te au apinga angaanga e te au rave angaanga

Friday 21 February 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Ki te Etita, I roto ite parani maata ote Mato Vai, toku manako, kua akaari mai te taunga akamarama ite mapu katoa, kia anga ia tetai akateretereanga tau tikai, aite atu kite turanga o Nu Tireni e te au basileia I vao ake.

Letters to the Editor

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