Friday 21 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The Shark Protection Regulations established in 2012 under the Marine Resources Act are not designed to have any effect on the behavior of local coastal fishermen. The regulations are focused on the pelagic fishery where sharks are targeted and exploited for their fins.
Friday 21 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Mixing private and personal vacations with unplanned sideline official business becomes a very messy affair – but not to Cabinet Minister Mark Brown and Prime Minister Henry Puna it seems.
Friday 21 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I note that we did not get the same front page headline statements in my response to Wilkie's statements regarding the half-year fiscal update. I thought it had been forgotten about until someone showed me it was buried in the middle pages.
Friday 21 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Kudos must go to the current Government for taking the initiative. Reducing the amount of seats in the up-coming election is certainly a step in the right direction.
Friday 21 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, They sacked George Pitt, but he said what had to be said in my opinion. As a long time Raro visitor, I get concerned that you are selling yourselves to the Chinese, in low bid contracts and too many “free loans”.
Thursday 20 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The report (CI News 19 March 2014) that the Cabinet is leading a movement for “political reform” shows calculated cynicism of the highest order at work, even by the standards of this Government.
Thursday 20 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Can the Director for the Cook Islands Meteorological Service, Arona Ngari, please explain why the phone at the Met Office (20 603) was very deliberately taken off the hook before the end of the working day yesterday and well into the evening, thus preventing anyone from ringing the office to seek up-to-date information on tropical Cyclone Mike?
Thursday 20 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I walk with a friend and her dog every morning on the back road of Matavera and, without a miss, we get charged at by a couple of vicious looking dogs who were not even tied up at night.
Thursday 20 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Grey Power was a movement set up in the 1980s in New Zealand for Government to recognise the pool of skills and experience from those who have gone into retirement.
Wednesday 19 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, On the morning of Thursday 13 March a great king of the Cook Islands, Tamatoa Ariki, was pronounced dead.
Wednesday 19 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I would like to refer to the letter by John Uri regarding his issue with Dr Kuhlmann’s views on the LDS and JW movements.
Wednesday 19 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, After more than three years in power can this Government outline how it is tackling the country’s most pressing issue over the past five years – depopulation; outward migration; movement of Cook Islanders to Australia or NZ? Just the other day it came to my attention that approximately a quarter of the voting population of a certain constituency on Rarotonga had migrated abroad.
Wednesday 19 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I often wonder which governing political party will one day have the revelation that the Cook Islands (especially the forgotten people up the northern group) desperately need a permanent and a reasonable ship to cater for them maybe once a month if possible.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The Takamoa Theological College is a well-respected theological institution that saw many graduates complete their studies and went on to become great ambassadors for our country.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Just driving along the main road from the airport towards the seawall, I am very concerned about the erosion along the Nikao coast.
Monday 17 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The recent pictures and articles in your paper about the plague of dogs on the island make it abundantly clear that the employment of dog ranger is not only vital to survival of tourism on the island but for health of the people.
Saturday 15 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Grey Power is one-year-old this month – March.
Friday 14 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, My elderly parents have worked in both New Zealand and the Cook Islands for extensive periods of time during their working lives.
Friday 14 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The tender for resealing the Airport to Tupapa stretch is out and it’s work that will bring relief and comfort to road users.
Thursday 13 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Most will agree with letter writer Ex CIP Supporter complaining about Minister Kiriau Turepu’s three vehicles parked at his home.
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