Letters to the Editor

Open your heart to God

Saturday 13 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I’m responding to Les Priest letter “ Noah’s Ark codswallop” on Saturday 6th August 2014.

Letters to the Editor

'God is very much involved with our petty politics'

Saturday 13 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,The letter in your column by Les Priest on Wednesday 10 September ‘Setting the record straight’ I find the remarks and comments made by Mr Priest, insulting and degrading the person of God and nothing short of a mockery.

Letters to the Editor

Opinion sought on MMR's 'secret' deal-making

Friday 12 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

“Does the Law Society embrace this new, income-maximization approach, to law enforcement?”

Letters to the Editor

What more do you want?

Thursday 11 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,What Does Dennis Tunui Not Want?

Letters to the Editor

One Cook Islands untouchable?

Thursday 11 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I briefly scanned over George Turia’s aunga from one day last week, and I feel for the guy;

Letters to the Editor

'We are not at liberty to disclose the details'

Wednesday 10 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I refer to your front page article “Anger over non-disclosure of fishing fine” dated August 18, 2014 - in respect of our media release of the same dated 16th August 2014.

Letters to the Editor

Community service for crimes is a joke

Wednesday 10 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Community service a leisurely stroll down the beach smokingjoke

Letters to the Editor

'Old people don't do stunts'

Wednesday 10 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,With both party leader’s heads on the chopping block together with 5 others awaiting a high court decision to determine their future in politics the Justice Department is clogged up with petitions to deal with and working feverishly to untangle an inevitable boo-boo that always crop up when things are not done properly and done in a hurry.

Letters to the Editor

'We must build up rather than tear down'

Tuesday 9 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I was delighted to read the letter from "Enua" in your September 5 issue. For those who don't know the circumstances, I'd written a short piece in the Herald wondering if we might not want to set aside party politics, individual egos, and narrow points of view to work together to tackle the problems our nation faces. A growing number of Cook Islanders believe many of the problems that were critical at our founding are still without satisfactory resolution after 50 years of self-government. The letter in the Herald was a call "to set aside our egos and, through vigorous and honest debate, arrive at a national consensus on a new path". Like many of your readers, I think we can do much, much better. Enua's letter to you was a response to that Herald piece.I confess that when I wrote my Herald letter I had wanted to put examples in it to show how opportunism, illogical attacks, big-man politics, irrational thinking and emotional appeals have impaired all of us. In the end, I decided not to do that: I didn't want the letter to be about any person or party or event, but rather to be a strictly-neutral call for collaboration and new energy. But I needn't have worried whether or not people could find an immediate example.You see, Enua's letter is perfect: a perfect example of the failure to rise above personalities, narrow interests, and political parties, and above all a failure to put the welfare of the people and nation first. If we are to meet to our potential as a people, we must do precisely the opposite of what Enua has written. Each of us must reach within for positive, logical contributions we can make. We must reach for ways to be creative, intelligent, collaborative problem-solvers. We must work together. We must build up rather than tear down. As I said, we owe Enua a debt of thanks. Every time we get all cocky and start to think we have our problems solved, let's ask him to write another letter.Yours with amusement, James Beer

Letters to the Editor

'Stop marching on parliament to draw attention'

Tuesday 9 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,Firstly, may I respond to the letter of 5 September by the tupapaku calling himself C.I.A. and headed “How can you quote being Christian-minded?”

Letters to the Editor

Paranoiac leadership issues within government, CIP Caucus?

Tuesday 9 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,The political fiasco and petty squabbling behaviour prevalent within the Cook Islands Government in the months prior to the 2014 General Election, was primarily due to paranoiac leadership issues within not only Government, but also the Cook Islands Party Caucus, as well as Governments relentless and aggressive drive to implement unpopular policies which eventually led to its downfall.

Letters to the Editor

'We will never visit again'

Monday 8 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,We have just flown home from our sixth visit to the Cook Islands.

Letters to the Editor

Muri night market traffic issues more of a concern

Saturday 6 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,‘Traffic Watch’ needs to look more carefully before putting pen to paper to criticise local restaurant owners re parking.

Letters to the Editor

Our Nation deserves better

Saturday 6 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I am so thankful that the MP of Murienua is choosing not to publish in your paper his views which contain garbage, full of air about nothing and find so disgusting, hypocritical, promoting propaganda and terror in the minds of those who have come very far to work hard, dedicated to the course for the better good of our country, well educated and highly qualified true Cook Islanders.

Letters to the Editor

Rising from the ashes but still no car parks?

Friday 5 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Mr Editor,Turoa Bakery is rising from the ashes, to include the burned out cafe that was so good at packing in the tourists.

Letters to the Editor

'Get rid of digital sign!'

Friday 5 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Another reason to get rid of the digital sign: our police officers cannot spell. Somebody lend the police at Arorangi an English dictionary so we don't have to look like uneducated fools to our overseas visitors. Yesterday, there in giant digital letters in front of the Arorangi police station: "Beware of thiefs and burglars. Lock up".Can someone please tell the police the plural of thief is thieves. And so near a primary school too.Maybe they should ask one of the 6 year olds next door how to spell the word. Stop Visual Pollution (Name and address supplied)

Letters to the Editor

Who pays for spouse travel cost?

Friday 5 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We all know that the Cook Islands Party is the caretaker government of the country at this point in time with Henry Puna acting in the capacity of the caretaker Prime Minister. What I would like to obtain clarification from the FINSEC is whether as caretaker PM Henry Puna is entitled to get his wife's travel costs for her to accompany him on his many travel jaunts covered under the civil list? I have a strong feeling that spouses of caretaker PM or caretaker Cabinet ministers do not qualify for funding under the civil list for spouses travel costs when there is a caretaker government in place. sad but classic example of what Ms Olivia Heather highlighted in her recent letter to the editor relating to continual wasteful spending by CIP government on specific items which add zero value to the long term betterment of this small country of ours. Toke toke enua (Name and address supplied)

Letters to the Editor

CIP ship more like Noah's Ark?

Friday 5 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I refer to Dennis Tunui’s letter of September 2 headed “Grey Power only terrorise the CIP government”,

Letters to the Editor

How can you quote being Christian-minded?

Friday 5 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,Tim, Tim, Tim Tepaki, I do believe you have gone coo - coo, or you are seriously desperate in your attempt to support your beloved CIP government, to go so far off-track as to incite racial hatred and disharmony by calling the aged mama and papas of Grey Power terrorists and then to hint they should be removed or protected against like those 'homegrown Muslim Terrorists' in Australia. How you can quote being Christian-minded later in your letter after such a severe statement in the beginning? This only shows up your symptoms of unstable disillusionment. Have a look in the dictionary Tim. Under ‘terrorism’, it is the 'use of violence' or 'threatening with violence' which is the key component here that completely disqualifies your claim against Grey Power. In the larger world outside of the Cook Islands, many terrorists have used ambushes or secretive hubs to surprise and shock, hurt, maim and kill government authorities and members of the innocent public in their 'claims to be heard and obeyed'. Grey Power have done nothing remotely sinister, they have always advertised when, where, and who they will peacefully march towards, talk to, demand an audience, armed only with their cardboard placards, and sheet banners, the closest thing to a weapon is their walking sticks. In fact, in 2013, they waited and waited from March when Parliament were meant to sit, until December before they finally sat so they could march and use their right of freedom to speak before they could be heard. You call Grey Power leaders terrorists, you call them un-Christian, and you set your CIP government up on a pedestal of having done no wrong. A law exists that gives the Government the right to tax the NZ pensioners, however, only your CIP chose to enforce it. Instead of announcing the introduction of this new law to come into effect at a pre-established time in the future, as was done with the VAT increase with TV adverts, newspaper adverts and radio adverts, the pensioners were told they were to be taxed, but it was not disclosed they would be back taxed two years, this was kept in the dark from them.The pensioners were misled, some would say they were lied to. Then the letters came, threatening to take them to court if they did not pay up. Not everyone got the letters, the weak and the infirmed got their letters first. One old papa in his 80's received several letters while he was in hospital, no one here to look after him, so while he wasn't looking they took the money from him. All the letters threatened to take the pensioners to court. They were given a warning letter that the next time will be a court date, yet none came, instead the CIP government stole the money out of their bank account. The pensioners were lied to, they were threatened, and then left with no money in their accounts the week before Christmas. Is this the act of a Christian government, Tim? What did our Grey Power terrorists do? They announced they would walk in the hot sun and protest at this very unfair, cloak and dagger action against them. Which they did, they sang and prayed and spoke and listened and they were promised in public announcement by Prime Minister Henry Puna and Minister of Finance Mark Brown, their hat in their hands, they would have their money returned and, still they wait. The Judas kiss from Puna and Brown gave way to more money being 'stolen' from the pensioners, and none returned, as you so rightly pointed out the bank can not give our money away, and if it is the banks’ money why are the pensioners bank accounts still empty?Tim, you once ruled the world as a successful businessman and rode back to the island on your great white horse, throwing money at the resurrection of the Sheraton project, where are you now? Take care with your accusations, as things are not all as they seem. Standing up for one's rights does not mean an act of terrorism and holding positions of power does not automatically mean they have the right to do what they like, nor does it mean they deserve respect. Some things don't come easy. Respect, has to be earned, and the leaders of Grey Power deserve your respect because as God-loving, law-abiding Christian citizens, they have stood as David against Goliath and continue to do so despite their age or circumstances. The adverts were right. CIP are a cruel government. C.I.A. Cook Island Aging (Name and address supplied)

Letters to the Editor

'Government fully aware that no such liability obligation ever existed'

Thursday 4 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear EditorI briefly zipped through Dennis Tunui and Tim Tepaki’s articles dated Monday 1st September 2014, and I was insulted by Tepaki’s labelling our Grey Power metuas as home grown terrorism, that’s a very poor analogy of the organisation if you ask me.It seems to me, that the guy has got a lot of time to waste in a day.I rather comment on facts about this fiasco. The withdrawal of funds out of some Grey Power members’ account was unlawful theft. It is also unlawful persuasion of a private bank to, without the customers approval, or, without a court order from the high court, to remit from these pensioners savings, monies assumedly equivalent to tax alleged to be owing on amounts received as NZ pension payments, those pensions being paid to Cook Islands pensioners, formerly residents in NZ. The disappointing part as far as I am concerned, is with the CIP government, for being at all times fully aware of the terms and conditions of its own taxation legislation, they are knowingly aware that pensions derived from any source, including NZ were until January 2014, were well documented, clearly worded, easy to understand are absolutely non-taxable in the Cook Islands. You cannot get it any clearer than that, maramarama ua te akamaramaanga no runga i teia tuanga o te ture o to tatou basileia. I akapeea ake tetai tangata i manako ei e kia uri mai i ta tatou ture kia tau ki tana uaorai urianga? This is a deliberate act of blatant arrogance, kare atu e autara tau i te akaaite atu i teia tutu apaianga manako?Nonetheless, an instruction was relayed by the Cook islands government’s Tax Collector to the Westpac bank, to illegally remove from certain pensioners’ bank accounts, amounts determined by our government, as money owed on unpaid tax on NZ pensions, received by resident of the Cook Islands. And yet, our Cook Islands government at all times has been fully aware that no such liability obligation ever existed. I am guessing that they are fully aware of our country’s taxation legislation. Therefore in partial compensation for this, was illegal and was an unconscionable act, this was a very poor judgement on our government’s behalf. If so, our government should immediately, together with interest lost, refund all money stolen. And in addition to any other penalties, which might be imposed during a court hearing, pay to each of the affected persons compensation for deprivation of funds, personal suffering and inconvenience.In my view, there should be a full investigation by the government Auditor, Ombudsman and the Banking Ombudsman, into this matter, and all collective outcomes must also be published, accessibly available for public information. Censure of all government and bank officials should likewise be considered a matter of public interest.Considering the gravity of the imposition instigated and approved by the government, and given the effect too by the bank, a public apology published in the local paper should also be consciously considered as an appropriate mirror in this circumstance. This is a classic example of the old axiom “Justice delayed is justice denied”. For in order to be liable for back taxes the tax department must first issue “amended assessment” for each year. But it cannot legally do so as the monies in issue, while taxable in NZ, but by Cook Islands legislation, tax is exempted in the hands of resident Cook Islanders. This then is, but a further example of our government’s unfair treatment of its vulnerable local pensioner residents.Meanwhile, while all this posturing is going on, the question obviously must be asked “where are these funds being held, and what is their ultimate destination? Was it to form a Cook Islands slush fund, or perhaps, a windfall income for the NZ government?In addressing the level of the pensions determined for eligible recipients of the NZ pension, the NZ government made it clear that in setting rates at a reasonable level, it must have wished too at the same time that some of that pension would flow back to NZ in the form of a tax to be imposed on recipients. And while the reasoning behind this decision may appear to some to be strange, it was, it seems nonetheless acceptable by those NZ recipients at the time of processing.Expatriate Cook Islanders formally resident in NZ, and subject to NZ taxation continued to receive the same pension as before, with no tax being deducted, presumably by the NZ government not exercising its right to withhold tax prior to transmission and the fact that in any case pensions, until January 2014, were not taxable in the Cook Islands. With the passing of time, the NZ government eventually complained that it was losing revenue from pension payments being made to former residents who had returned to the Cook Islands, and in doing so, continued to receive their full pension payments with no tax deducted. There must have been an assumption that the NZ government was, and still is mindful of its desire to “get something back” from its pensioners’ payments. It is assumed that after some years of this repetitive activity, in respect of those former expatriates now living in their own country of residence, finally come to realise that it was not in fact getting anything back from these pension payments, as they had not, and still not appear to be exercising their right to deduct withholding tax from each payment.And it is because of that, supposedly “sweetheart deal” of some sort entered into with the Cook Islands government to placate NZ by returning tax otherwise payable under the NZ Tax act to their NZ friends, hence, this deal was hatched. Certainly, Cook Islands had no right at all times to this tax as it was specifically excluded by legislation enacted by their own parliament. So, the only logical conclusion to be drawn from these facts is that the Cook islands government agreed to act as some kind of “procurer” of tax lost by NZ notwithstanding withholding tax rights extant to cover the situation of taxable funds going off shore. It is then in fact persuaded the Westpac Bank to betray its customers by accessing, at the behest of the Cook Islands government, these personal savings and paying predetermined amounts to the government without the owners consents. Clearly, there seems to be a transparency of arrangement missing here, it’s obvious, well I cannot categorise this otherwise.It seems obvious that in order to satisfy the obvious doubt surrounding what appears to be the appalling, despotic act of three bodies, namely the NZ government, the Cook Islands government, and the Westpac Bank, something else needs to be done. Certainly, the legality and probity of the activities of all three needs to be thoroughly tested by; (a) the government auditor, (b) the appropriate Ombudsman of the government of the Cook Islands, and, most importantly, (c) the Banking Ombudsman. This is necessary in order to put to rest the obvious disquiet and lack of trust resulting from this sad and unfortunate occurrence. It will be very interesting, and in the best interest of all concerned, it will be credibly necessary to access comments from the Banking Ombudsman of both, NZ and Australia on this particular case.To my knowledge, the Manager of the Westpac Bank here in Rarotonga hasn’t been very co-operative with the Grey Power’s own investigation, maybe his/her superiors in NZ and Australia may be more approachable, and more accommodating.Taku patianga ua ki a Dennis Tunui, and to our Grey Power members, eiaa e ma’iti’iti ua, e maara rai kotou e, e ta’vaa kua nati’ia ki to koutou kaki, aaere marie e tama ma, tiaki mai, kia papu mai e koai te kavamani, i reira koutou ka akaeta akaou ei i to koutou au tavaa, if you need too? Te akaroa, te akaroa, te akaroa. Teuira Ka Ngatangiia

Letters to the Editor

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