Letters to the Editor

More support needed for abuse victims

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editorWe would like to support and salute Thomas Wynn's letter in Friday’s paper.

Letters to the Editor

Peace in our hearts, minds – peace begins with me

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In the year 2000, PPSEAWA Cook Islands hosted what was then the largest conference held on Rarotonga with 350 participants from the Pacific Rim countries.

Letters to the Editor

'Promote a culture of peace and non-violence'

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,Sunday, September 21, is the UN International Day of Peace - “an annual event devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples”.

Letters to the Editor

'Don't blow your trumpet just yet'

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I was somewhat bemused with Willie John’s fib in your story yesterday when he said that “he has opened doors” for my input and he “still awaits a response”.

Letters to the Editor

'Avoiding a lifestyle leading to diabetes'

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,The article showing CITC efforts to bring recycling to schools should be a front page celebration.

Letters to the Editor

Who pays the obese bill?

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

ear Editor,Your story ‘Holiday welcome relief from sugary election’ on September 18 is a very timely article, Editor, from somebody who can see the problems we have here in the Cook Islands.

Letters to the Editor

Demos slam Cooks-El Salvador deal

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,The Democratic Party is concerned and does not condone the secretive way the Secretary of Marine Resources has handled the settlement and deal with the Flag State (El Salvador) over an incident of illegal fishing by an unlicensed foreign purse seine vessel.

Letters to the Editor

'The dirty secret that we all know about, but don't talk about'

Friday 19 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor It is so disappointing to read in the newspaper, a defence lawyer in a case as serious as the purported rape of a ten year old girl and by someone she knew, to be dismissed as the imagination of a ten year old girl.

Letters to the Editor

'Cook Islanders not the lost tribe of Israel'

Friday 19 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It's great to see some Maori programmes back on national TV especially since Maori content has declined considerably since government decided to relinquish this asset.

Letters to the Editor

'Cook Islanders and visitors are subject to the same application of our laws'

Thursday 18 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I refer to Mr Norman Sander’s letter published in the Cook Islands News on Monday September 8.

Letters to the Editor

'Go demand your money from the bank if you've been robbed'

Thursday 18 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I respond in kind to the tupapaku calling itself “Time to re-focus”, referring of course to its letter of 17 September headed “Time to focus on the issues”.

Letters to the Editor

Time to focus on the issues

Wednesday 17 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,Tim Tepaki, are you still going on the terrorist line, you need to get back on your medication and take a chill pill.

Letters to the Editor

'Soldier on Papa Tunui and Grey Power'

Tuesday 16 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor I have been a watching the attacks on Papa Dennis Tunui on his bid to stand up for the old people who have had money unlawfully taken from their accounts under the guise of the Finance department call for Back Tax.

Letters to the Editor

Who are the guardians of the rule of law?

Monday 15 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,Tim Arnold's assumption (13.09.14) that we all knew the theme of the conference he attended recently in Queenstown was the role of advocates as the protectors of the rule of law had me wondering where I had missed that announcement. Never mind, I found his report while fascinating and revealing also potentially an indictment of his professional colleagues who are demonstrably reticent when it comes to speaking out to defend or support the high ideals he was reporting when faced by executive or legislature action which threaten them.He reports speakers' examples of appalling breaches of the rule of law in distant places like Zimbabwe but also closer neighbouring Fiji and those of us familiar with the developments in either of these countries would not be surprised.What he was alerting us to for those who missed it is this: when governments or Parliament abuse the rule of law and those in the most knowledgeable and best position to expose and challenge such activities remain silent, or compromised, they are further empowering those institutions to continue that abuse, to undermine the principles of democracy to which we subscribe and erode the very foundations of our society.And who are those people? They are the Barristers and Solicitors working within our community and while I don't have an accurate number of the actual practitioners out there I believe they number something over fifty.These people are engaged with our laws on a daily basis. Some, but definitely not all, understand the workings of the Constitution and Parliament but abuse is not limited to those. It can and does occur at all levels. Certainly some are constrained by their employment but there are many who unconstrained have much to say in private but little or nothing to say publicly. True, where their clients' interests are challenged they resort to the Courts but where society's interests are challenged, and no prospect of a fee, they are dangerously, and selfishly, quiet.If the legal fraternity will not speak out against abuse who will? Individuals who do seldom receive support from that quarter. Only one newspaper ventures into any serious investigative journalism. So when Parliamentary opposition is weak who are the guardians of the rule of law? This is the insidious erosion Tim speaks of and as a frequent contributor on contentious matter I feel entitled to make these observations and agree that we in the Cook Islands expect more from the Bench and the Bar.On the question of the MMR secret deal making two further thoughts occurred to me. If a Member of Parliament gave notice of a question in the House asking for the very information Mr Ponia is withholding is he going to be refused an answer or if answered and reported would the question of privilege not trump litigious consequences? Further, how would MFEM treat the rogue Flag State settlement if it were monetary? Would it attempt to disguise or hide it in the Estimates and accompanying Appropriation Bill and could it even contemplate such action with impunity? John M ScottMuri

Letters to the Editor

'He admits not paying taxes'

Sunday 14 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dennis by his own admission admits that he has never paid taxes in the Cook Islands but further goes on to state that he uses the various facilities provided by the Cook Islands’ Government because he contributed towards them. Well he didn’t!

Letters to the Editor

No offence, just common sense

Sunday 14 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I apologise to Tangi Kapi and Iva Tau Eitiare if I’ve upset them.

Letters to the Editor

'Stop using mama, papa for political objectives'

Sunday 14 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I refer to the letter by Grey Power in the CI Herald of 10 September headed “Don’t call us names, Tim Tepaki”, which went so far as to threaten “We might march to where you live and you will soon find out what “terrorists” do”.

Letters to the Editor

Justice-by-Skype an injustice?

Sunday 14 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Kia Orana from Manihiki, Pae Tokerau. This week, and the conclusion of the Manihiki petition, has certainly been momentous, and disturbing.

Letters to the Editor

Call the tax man

Saturday 13 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,If ‘I want clean ball and feed backs’ letter writer to ring Andrew Haigh at RMD and ask if Dennis Tunui’s name is on their computer list of NZ pensioners in the Cook Islands,

Letters to the Editor

Got me good!

Saturday 13 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,May I refer to Les Priest’s letter of 10 September and say, he got me!

Letters to the Editor

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