Letters to the Editor

Letter: Call for urgent review of Cook Islands’ criminal law system

Tuesday 21 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, Re: Our failed criminal law system:

Letters to the Editor

Letter: League 9s

Monday 20 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

A simple question, I haven’t read anything regarding CISNOC’s plan to assist with the Rugby League teams’ situation days ago.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Prosecuting liquor outlets

Monday 20 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, Following the trouble at Rehab Bar this writer has been waiting for any comment from the Police as to any suggestion that serving already intoxicated patrons might lead to violence fuelled by the legal drug alcohol.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: ‘Pa Ariki acted in good faith, Crown must follow suit’

Saturday 18 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, In answer to your correspondent’s queries (Ring road compensation – a threat? Cook Islands News, November 16).

Letters to the Editor

Letter: USP Student Association

Thursday 16 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Whoever representing USPSA said USPSA was “apolitical” (Fiji Times 3/11 ) clearly does not know its history of student activism/political activism against tyranny, dictatorships, political persecution of freedom fighters in the region and beyond, nuclear testing and armament, solidarity with anti-colonial struggles, and solidarity with indigenous people against State violence and dispossession.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Ring road compensation – a threat?

Thursday 16 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor,

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Communication breakdown

Wednesday 15 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, Is it too difficult for national federations/CISNOC (Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee) to name teams/managers/coaches/entertainers etc who are representing the country at this month’s Pacific Games in Solomon Islands?

Letters to the Editor

Letter:Israel-Hamas war

Tuesday 14 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

We condemn what the Hamas did to the Israeli civilians on the 7th of last month.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Fix the leaks

Monday 13 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, To Tatou Vai is calling for water conservation and top of the list is - No Car Washes.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Where are the women at the Pacific Islands Forum Leadership?

Wednesday 8 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, The leadership line up in the Cook Islands News Pacific Islands Forum Supplement on Saturday and again at the opening of the Forum yesterday was a sad gender affair. PM Fiame Naomi Mata’afa of Samoa was the only woman leader.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Who owns Rarotonga’s roads?

Monday 6 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, My opinion article in the Cook Islands News of 21.10.23 called for community consultation on horseshoe roads, and has so far generated a considerable number of comments.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: A dog and pony show

Friday 3 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

The KR’s Prerogative of Mercy and Pardon for Papa Arapati, signed and sealed to be a done deal before the eyes of the southern hemisphere focus on the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meeting, is certainly a historic event.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: MPs travel: ‘Abusing the system’

Friday 3 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, In only three months, MPs have spent 98 per cent or $246,347.03 of the annual $250,000 budget for MPs travel. Election promises by all parties shows that they would cut back on overseas travel, especially after the downturn in the economy from Covid. No, it was the opposite.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Medicinal cannabis importation

Thursday 2 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, A letter written to the Cook Islands News on 30-10-23, erringly declared it was against the law to import any form of marijuana product into the nation, including non-psychoactive CBD products.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Water meters are essential for saving water and protecting our communities

Wednesday 1 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

All meter systems have a sole and singular reason and purpose whether in an air, sea, rail and road automobiles; electrical, electronic, solar, wind, hydro, oil, petrol, battery driven and so forth. Even our personal mobiles, computers, satellites and so forth all measure speed, safety levels, balance and all needed control for security and lifesaving precautionary measures. Without them, all equipment or machineries will head for disaster.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Giving credit where it’s due

Wednesday 1 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, As one of the original complainants about noisy bike mufflers, and dangerous/stunch riders, let me publicly commend the Akava for their very strong response to closing down the noisy/dangerous bike riding hoons who have been terrorising our roads for far too long.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: ‘Times have changed, so should you’

Tuesday 31 October 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, Tina (Browne) and Selena (Napa), if you think what was said or done 30 years ago is relevant now, back then the Demos were against the road proposal so you should be too.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: MPs travel details

Monday 30 October 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, I read with interest the travel details of our Government MPs. Would it be possible to ask that the powers that be, not lump all the expenditure into one pot. If some of this travel is by invitation i.e. sponsorship for the fares and accommodation, it is not very transparent when its treated as a tiopu.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: What’s up with the water?

Monday 30 October 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, To Tatou Vai Board Chair Brian Mason claims that using taxation revenues to pay for the operation of the water authority "...would mean the Pa Enua would subsidise those residing on Rarotonga" ('Water Meters are on their way to homes', Aug 25).

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Confirming our cannabis status

Monday 30 October 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dear Editor, With reference to recent opinions penned and stories published in Cook Islands News. I want to confirm that it is against the law to bring any form of cannabis product into the Cook Islands including CBD – cannabidiol – which is an ingredient in cannabis and has some therapeutic uses, without providing the ‘high’ that some cannabis users seek.

Letters to the Editor

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