Wednesday 15 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Norman George’s drivel in the Cook Islands News on Saturday, April 4, made me feel nauseous. Everyone else is to blame for Norman’s downfall.
Tuesday 14 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The call for all water intake landowners to come together and taokotai as one to form a water authority or board or trust made up of representatives from the landowner groups from all the Rarotonga intakes had a good response.
Tuesday 14 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The Aitutaki anti-Sunday flights crowd are finally going to have their day in the sun, but are they going far enough?
Tuesday 14 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This is just a friendly reminder to the Minister and the Secretary for Marine Resources that it has been nearly two weeks since our letter asking if they could refresh the memory of public with the details of the scientific studies, and the relevant pages, that justify the expansion of purse seine fishing for skipjack tuna and associated bycatch.
Tuesday 14 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We are not alone in our cry for an end to purse-seining.
Tuesday 14 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
E te Eteta, I te mataiti 2013 kua tuku atu matou te enua tangata Mauke, Mitiaro e to Rakahanga i ta matou patoianga no teia tamanakoanga no tetai au pai tautai kupenga/purse seiners.
Tuesday 14 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As current visitors to Rarotonga we would like to comment on the article Phillipa Webb wrote regarding the road challenges.
Friday 10 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor So now the Te Mato Vai project needs to postpone the Muri area until larger pipes are sourced.
Friday 10 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor. There is a great song called ‘Happy’ which has the lyrics along the lines of, ‘Clap along if you feel that happiness is the truth’, which always uplifting.
Friday 10 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Words are inadequate to express the great memories I have of my time spent in Rarotonga with Hospitality and Tourism Training Centre in the 1990s up to 2007.
Thursday 9 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
E te Eteta, Ki te iti tangata Kuki Airani katoatoa. Kia orana i te Aroa tumatatini o to tatou Atu.
Thursday 9 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor I just wanted to say that the recent Creative Centre Quiz Night held at the RSA was one of the best I have attended - and my thoughts have been echoed by several other people who were there.
Wednesday 8 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Judging from the public reaction at the recent Ministry of Marine Resources ‘consultation’ meeting about purse seine fishing held at the New Hope Hall on Monday March 16, it is clear that the people of the Cook Islands have no confidence in MMR policies.
Wednesday 8 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The comments that were made by Norman George in your Thursday paper prove beyond reasonable doubt that when it comes to Aitutaki politics he doesn’t know much.
Tuesday 7 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Thank you to Norman George for his prolix and discursive narrative in last week’s newspaper.
Tuesday 7 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have just received the New Zealand Ministry of Social Development (MSD) report following the select committee’s consideration of the Social Assistance (Portability to Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau) Bill.
Tuesday 7 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Let me tell you a story as told to me by a little bird.
Thursday 2 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, A letter from Moana Moeka’a headlined “Praying to the drumbeat” in CINews on March 23 mentioned how tourism and visits by cruise ships are changing peoples’ attitudes to Sunday, the Lord’s Day.
Thursday 2 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Kia Orana Etita, Te kiriti atu nei au i teia pepa no toku maromaroa taku i tatau i roto i te Nuti Pepa i te Maanamaa ra 28 Mati 2015.
Wednesday 1 April 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, TOA petroleum and Air Rarotonga's article (March 24) in favour of an over-the-reef fuel pipeline project, is no more than a trick played on the public to convince us that there are great economic benefits.
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