Letters to the Editor

PM appointment nobbles PAC

Wednesday 27 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In the last sitting of Parliament before Christmas 2015, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) was formed.

Letters to the Editor

The story behind Toagate saga

Wednesday 27 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I wish to respond to Wilkie Rasmussen’s column in CI News on Tuesday headlined, “Lessons of the past elude government.”

Letters to the Editor

Still waiting for elections on Atiu

Wednesday 27 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In the slow march for the devolution of the outer islands (it’s been 19 years), the government finally passed a new Island Government Act in 2013.

Letters to the Editor

Informed decisions needed over Muri

Monday 25 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I applaud the Deputy Prime Minister, Teariki Heather, for including the Aronga Mana in the rescue of the stranded fishing boat Wairau recently.

Letters to the Editor

Descendents of Hawaiian trio sought

Monday 25 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

In 1934 The Friend Magazine published this story which involves William Kanoa and Henry Alapai.

Letters to the Editor

ICI road repair stance 'embarrassing'

Monday 25 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The pitiful excuse Infrastructure Cook Islands gave us for not fixing the road because it does not have a bitumen truck is embarrassing.

Letters to the Editor

Writer needs grace and understanding

Friday 22 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, If anyone needs the grace and understanding of the Good Lord it is Former Altar Boy, whose letter was published in CI News on January 20.

Letters to the Editor

Some questions for Kiriau Turepu

Friday 22 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Where is Kiriau Turepu? Come out, come out, where ever you are.

Letters to the Editor

Stranding a warning

Friday 22 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, With the stranding of the fishing boat on the reef it is a timely reminder of the threat a disaster of diesel going into our lagoon would cause, to empower our EIA to reject an over the reef pipeline.

Letters to the Editor

Church leaders losing plot as well as keys

Wednesday 20 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Two articles in last week’s Cook Islands News caught this reader’s eyes.

Letters to the Editor

Seaweed can be good for your garden

Wednesday 20 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, With all the talk about the negative impacts of the seaweed in Muri, it was good to read the letter in Saturday’s CI News about a possible use of the seaweed. Unfortunately, while some Caulerpa species, such as our sea grapes or rimu, are edible, it is unlikely that this Caulerpa species, or the other problem seaweed, Boodlea sp, can be eaten.

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for exhibition coverage

Tuesday 19 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The National Museum – Runanga Pakau would like to congratulate Cook Island News for the excellent coverage of our Rakei Traditional Wearable Arts exhibition and its opening.

Letters to the Editor

Communication costs too high

Tuesday 19 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Re Bluesky Communications.

Letters to the Editor

Grubby grey knight wants to ride to the rescue

Monday 18 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Kia Orana to all your readers.

Letters to the Editor

Lagoon's problems demand immediate action

Monday 18 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, A recent article on the problems associated with Muri Lagoon in the Cook Islands News by Rashneel Kumar last week should provoke a community demand for immediate action.

Letters to the Editor

Muri pollution must be taken seriously

Monday 18 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The increasing pollution of Muri Lagoon has been obvious over the last 20 years – not only to locals but also to regular visitors like me.

Letters to the Editor

PM news drives CI reader to poetry

Monday 18 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

News that prime minister Henry Puna has gone overseas yet again, this time to Abu Dhabi, prompted one CI News letter to pen this poem:

Letters to the Editor

Time for women to really step up

Monday 18 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In Mata Atua McNair letter calling for a fresh look at politicians she forgot to put forward the secret weapon that is women.

Letters to the Editor

Unsightly weed might be useful

Monday 18 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Of late Cook Islands’ public forums have been littered with news on the growth of algae at Muri beach and it is probably regarded as a menace by many readers of your newspaper.

Letters to the Editor

Fuel prices, labelling under scrutiny

Monday 18 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I refer to a letter to your column on prices in the Cook Islands and welcome the opportunity to discuss the two issues raised - the impact of global fuel prices on local prices and price labelling obligations by stores. Both points are valid and I accept accountability to respond to as Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I am happy to say that much effort has been placed in both areas. Since 2010, fuel prices in the Cook Islands have been significantly distorted arising from a substantial profit guarantee to one of the companies supplying fuel. In that time, we have seen this negatively impacting local prices of both petrol and diesel, resulting in companies moving away from bulk supply arrangements, the most efficient supply of fuel to Rarotonga, to inefficient ISO tanktainer supply, raising the cost per litre of fuel. After a review begun in early 2015, the Price Tribunal has put in place new pricing arrangements in July 2015 to ensure that our price setting arrangements forces those companies to look for competitive prices to the consumer, which is more likely to be achieved by adopting bulk supply arrangements over ISO tanktainer supply. Both of the two major fuel importers have undertaken efforts in 2015 to ensure they are now importing in bulk supply. Since the introduction of the new arrangements, prices for fuel and diesel have fallen by up to 20 per cent for petrol and 27 per cent for diesel compared with prices a year ago (when based on the highest maximum retail prices available at the time), and even further by 27 per cent for petrol and 34 per cent for diesel compared with two years ago. The new pricing arrangements also now benchmark local price movements against global price movements. Global price movements assists us in ensuring that there is an independent check to verify the reasonability of changes in the landed cost of petrol and diesel to the Cook Islands. The landed cost, however, represents only 40 per cent of the total price that is charged at the pump. The other costs allowed in that price are levies payable on fuel, an operating allowance and margin for importers as well as a margin for retailers. So changes in global prices affecting landed costs will not be directly passed on to consumers. The Price Tribunal also looks closely at the onshore costs by requiring all fuel importers to supply their audited annual accounts and these are closely scrutinised and questioned if there is anything unusual. The Price Tribunal will be undertaking a further review of the current arrangements in February and will be speaking with fuel importers, retailers and other stakeholders for the primary purpose of ensuring that the best possible price is passed on to consumers. On the second issue regarding price labelling, I can confirm that we have one officer (in a division of two staff) who carries out spot checks each week on Rarotonga when fuel prices are monitored which basically means most shops are covered. Most of those store owners do a reasonable job, however, coverage by one officer means that 100 per cent price inspections at all times are feasibly impossible. We are very appreciative of members of the public reporting such instances to us directly as this enables us to directly target those store non-compliant store owners. Bredina Drollet Secretary, Ministry of Internal Affairs

Letters to the Editor

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