Letters to the Editor

Level play field?

Monday 21 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

While private customers of Te Aponga are routinely faced with having power cut off for failure to pay bills, and then faced with punitive fees for re-connection, it is said that a major hotel on Rarotonga has on occasion run up an overdue bill to an almost unbelievable amount.

Letters to the Editor

Facts show there was no 'intercept' of discussion

Monday 21 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I fail to see the relevance of Tim Tepaki’s tirade in Saturday’s letters to the editor to my simple answer to a simple question posed on the Cook Islands Politics Facebook page.

Letters to the Editor

Chuck it in the bin and start the process again

Monday 21 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Regarding Frederick Webb’s letter printed in CI News on Thursday, March 17. May I begin by stating some facts:

Letters to the Editor

Excavation is muddying the Muri algae issue

Monday 21 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Another day, another protest on the beach at Muri lagoon.

Letters to the Editor

School maintenance seems low priority

Saturday 19 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It saddened me to read your headline about the Cook Islands Investment Corporation putting funding towards the upkeep of the Justice and Cook Islands Police Service buildings originally built by the Chinese.

Letters to the Editor

Internet conversation ill-advised

Saturday 19 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

A week ago Merchant of Paradise intelligence intercepted an internet conversation gone viral between Kelvin Passfield (KP) of Te Ipukarea Society (TIS) and Jason Brown (JB), the subject matter being me and the objective being to damage me, presumably for calling petitioners supporting the stance of TIS against purse seine fishing “terrorists”.

Letters to the Editor

Aussies raise the bar on House sittings

Saturday 19 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I saw on TV that the Australian Senate sat for a record 28 continuous hours this week to debate a bill in the Upper House.

Letters to the Editor

Lagoon trial raises some tricky issues

Saturday 19 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

After a tip-off that the ‘bulldozer in the lagoon” trial was underway in Muri lagoon on Thursday morning as part of the ecologically-dangerous exercise of removing algae by heavy machinery, I immediately raced around to seek the details of whether permission had been granted, and if so, how any such permission had been given, despite there not having been an EIA public consultation process.

Letters to the Editor

Still with the CIP

Friday 18 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

To set the record straight and to correct recent comments in the media.

Letters to the Editor

MPs need more to do

Friday 18 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

After the latest display of blatant bribery and leading the outer islands up the garden path, we have to ask ourselves why are we paying so many people MPs to sit around doing nothing.

Letters to the Editor

Counsellor speaks out on jail issues

Friday 18 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

As is often the case, in the work I am afforded to do in our community people share their stories. Sometimes very intimate stories, and I go away feeling very privileged to be a part of their lives and a part of that story just for a moment.

Letters to the Editor

How and why MOP directors were chosen

Thursday 17 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I refer to comments apparently posted by “ghosts” in your Smoke Signals column of March 11 about Merchant of Paradise (MOP) directors.

Letters to the Editor

Just lock them all up

Tuesday 15 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Regarding the headline on the front page of CI News, “Drink drivers ignore police pleas.”

Letters to the Editor

Let the people decide Penrhyn's future

Tuesday 15 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

May I respond to June Hosking’s letter of March 12 headed “News on Penrhyn saddening to hear” by suggesting that she let the people of Penrhyn decide what they want, whether:

Letters to the Editor

Work, work, work

Monday 14 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Did I read it right the PM wants Parliament to sit for 10 days?

Letters to the Editor

Utu' a shocking word

Monday 14 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I am shocked to read the word “utu” again in Friday’s paper.

Letters to the Editor

You call that simple?

Monday 14 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

In the article on “Climate fund access first for region” in CI News on March 11, Minister of Finance Mark Brown is quoted as saying

Letters to the Editor

Purse seine petitioners 'ill-advised'

Monday 14 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) could be faulted for not being more assertive in dealing with the purse seine petition crafted by Kelvin Passfield.

Letters to the Editor

MMR stays mum on Muri problems

Saturday 12 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Has anyone else noticed that there has not been a peep from either Marine Resources or Environment Service in relation to the algal bloom issue in Muri?

Letters to the Editor

News on Penrhyn saddening to hear

Saturday 12 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It saddens me to hear on Radio NZ News Cook Islanders talking about Penrhyn needing to stay prestine for the sake of tourists.

Letters to the Editor

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