Letters to the Editor

Te oa Akakino

Friday 20 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Teia tikai te au mea taku e taitai a ana au i te au tangata akakino i tetai, mei teia tei tataia i roto i te facebook i nga ra i topa akenei, e kua poitirere Katoa taku vaerua i te kite angai teia na tetai mema paramani ngateitei o te tua patoi i tata.

Letters to the Editor

Land fears prompt MOP explanation

Friday 20 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It seems from some of the public comments and feedback we have received, that there is confusion over the commercial structure of the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) scoped by Merchant of Paradise (MOP) for the Northern Group islands, fuelled by fear of losing land in the course of development.

Letters to the Editor

The name of the game is...mass confusion

Thursday 19 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I am intrigued with Monday’s article in the CI News Regional Section about mispronunciation of Polynesian and Melanesian league and rugby players’ names by commentators, particularly Australians, as a form of racism.

Letters to the Editor

Breach of human rights cause for concern

Thursday 19 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

These comments were included in a smoke signal published in CI News this week:

Letters to the Editor

Brychyard graves not our responsibility

Thursday 19 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Reading about it in some past copies of CI News and seeing all the concern regarding the Milan Brych graveyard completely confuses me.

Letters to the Editor

Church people make bad impression

Wednesday 18 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I am so ashamed of our own Christian mamas and papas at a certain church in Arorangi for telling tourists to take off their flower eis last Sunday, because they are not allowed to wear them in church.

Letters to the Editor

Former cop should know the rules

Wednesday 18 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I wish to respond to Norman George’s column in Cook Islands News on May 13.

Letters to the Editor

Worker misses out on money earned

Tuesday 17 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Yet another foreign worker has been cheated by an unscrupulous family who employed a lady from the Philippines as a nanny and cook for five years.

Letters to the Editor

Leader of MOP opposition 'an enigma'

Tuesday 17 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

May I again refer to Wilkie Rasmussen’s article in CI News of May 1, headed “Tongareva gold rush an illusion,

Letters to the Editor

Tetava speaks out on police issues

Tuesday 17 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I refer to the letter by “Joseph Citizen” published in your paper on Monday 9 May 2016.

Letters to the Editor

Death notice for idea of free water for all

Monday 16 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

This is the death notice for the idea of free water for all householders.

Letters to the Editor

Have some respect for boys and girls in blue

Monday 16 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I wish to share my views regarding Norman George’s letters in CI News and the Herald, and the story about Leelesh Chandar which appeared in Saturday’s CI News.

Letters to the Editor

Pets dying from dangerous sprays

Monday 16 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It is with great sadness that I continually read about beloved pet animals being poisoned by weed spray used on our plantations.

Letters to the Editor

Tourism awards 'outstanding'

Sunday 15 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia Orana to all the tourism businesses who entered the 2016 Air New Zealand Cook Islands Tourism Awards.

Letters to the Editor

We're paying too much for too little

Sunday 15 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I was stunned to learn (CI News May 4), that we already have 52 governmental agencies and authorities providing services to our population of around 13,000.

Letters to the Editor

Thieves trash house

Friday 13 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

A couple of weeks ago while I was away from Rarotonga my home at Avana was broken into and trashed and many items stolen. This was not a standard robbery and for someone to systematically wreck a place like this is very, very sad indeed.

Letters to the Editor

Tivaivai vs tivaevae

Friday 13 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

CI News had this very discussion just a few years ago and it settled then on ‘tivaivai’ after many lengthy arguments and discussion.

Letters to the Editor

Tennis coach impresses Canadian visitors

Friday 13 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

During our recent stay in Rarotonga we were honoured to be members of the Tennis Club and played almost every second day during our two months away from Canada.

Letters to the Editor

Cost-cutting should start at the top

Friday 13 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Regarding the apparent call from MFEM for cost-cutting in government departments, one would hope that they will start at the top and make their way down.

Letters to the Editor

Column provokes speedier response

Friday 13 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The Commissioner of Police is quicker at responding to an article in my column than he is at replying to my letters directly to him.

Letters to the Editor

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