Letters to the Editor

Ignore us, then we should ignore govt

Wednesday 11 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

ISN'T IT amazing how our government works.

Letters to the Editor

Is 2017 going to be a better year for us?

Wednesday 11 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor


Letters to the Editor

Fishing issue still leaves sticky questions

Tuesday 10 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

THERE IS much talk on Facebook about tracking fishing vessels and MMR are on television telling us how the Cook Islands are the most managed fishing nation in the Pacific.

Letters to the Editor

If I were an MP...

Tuesday 10 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I WERE to become a Member of Parliament, this is what I would aggressively pursue:

Letters to the Editor

Yes, I do get it about the Bishop case

Tuesday 10 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I REFER to the letter by “You NI” on January 5 headed, “Things to remember about Bishop case”.

Letters to the Editor

Only business benefits

Monday 9 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

SO NOW we have had to put up with another glowing brown-nosing letter from Tim Tepkai to prime minister Henry Puna about the latest tax break to those avoiding paying tax.

Letters to the Editor

Tax amnesty link with 50th jubilee is just plain lame

Monday 9 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

THERE are few things more pathetic than government trying to disguise political favouritism with biblical references.

Letters to the Editor

NES director stands by service's work

Monday 9 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

THE NATIONAL Environment Service (NES) and its island authorities stands by its work and is not a department that has failed to deliver, but one that has delivered much to our people.

Letters to the Editor

Festive generosity bites back at PM

Monday 9 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

THE PRIME minister’s Christmas “gift” to the people of the Cook Islands in wiping penalties owed by any taxpayer as at December 31, looks like coming back to bite him.

Letters to the Editor

Environment dodges sand mining issue

Monday 9 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

ONCE AGAIN we find ourselves with a government department that fails to deliver on its promise.

Letters to the Editor

Loud and proud artwork nothing to do with gangs

Monday 9 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I WOULD like to enlighten your letter writer “Disturbed”, who made references to my body of artworks as being gang-related and a bad influence.

Letters to the Editor

Things to remember about Bishop case

Thursday 5 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I FEEL THAT Tim Tepaki’s letter about the Teina Bishop case and his criticism of Reuben Tylor’s position regarding this case warrants a reply.

Letters to the Editor

Leave me out of it

Thursday 5 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Whilst I deeply appreciate the well wishes on my recent resignation, I would also like to humbly ask that people respect my private decision.

Letters to the Editor

Good sort to rescue

Thursday 5 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

When I was at the checkout at CITC supermarket on Friday I witnessed a kind act of generosity.

Letters to the Editor

Dumping a disgrace

Thursday 5 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Talking about dumping rubbish - is the land opposite Black Rock, right on the roadside to be seen for all locals and tourists alike, the new open air landfill?

Letters to the Editor

Big questions over longline plans

Thursday 5 January 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Referring to the recently passed Longline fishery regulations 2016, and associated Longline Fishery Plan, I wish to make several points here:

Letters to the Editor

'Disturbing' tattoo not a good example

Friday 30 December 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

IT WAS a surprise to see the government giving away money to the poor and elderly.

Letters to the Editor

Resignation reflects old wisdom

Friday 30 December 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

THE RECENT resignation of Elizabeth Wright- Koteka from the Office of the Prime Minister may be from the age-old wisdom coming into effect.

Letters to the Editor

A few farewells too many...

Friday 30 December 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

THE AMOUNT of space CI News devoted to farewelling Nick Hurley is mind-boggling.

Letters to the Editor

Another view on the Teina Bishop case

Thursday 29 December 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I REFER TO Reuben Tylor’s letter published on Friday December 16 and headed “Law clear on personal benefit”.

Letters to the Editor

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