Letters to the Editor

Call for reform should be answered

Tuesday 11 July 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I see that Jim Maurai, a former prime minister and the current MP for Mangaia, is calling it quits and as CI News noted, the current prime minister, Henry Puna, noted in parliament last week that it could be time to revisit Marurai’s 2010 call for political reform.

Letters to the Editor

Workers, it's time for you to help yourselves

Monday 10 July 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The focus in my recent comments in my letters to the editor of CI News has been directed at the poor treatment of foreign workers.

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for the great time, but...

Monday 10 July 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I have just returned from a most wonderful and relaxing holiday in Rarotonga.

Letters to the Editor

Modern day slavery alive in Cooks

Thursday 6 July 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 was introduced into the UK in March 2015, in response to heightened concern around slavery, human trafficking and forced labour in the UK.

Letters to the Editor

To “Unionist”

Wednesday 5 July 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It is good to see you have a lot of experience in Human Resources.

Letters to the Editor

Some of the abuses foreign workers suffer

Wednesday 5 July 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Increasingly foreign workers in the Cook Islands are becoming the backbone of our economy and increasingly they are not being given the respect and protection from a lot of unscrupulous Cook Islanders. As a worker they have rights as an employee enshrined in Cook Islands employment legislation.

Letters to the Editor

Comments on egg supplies wide of mark

Tuesday 4 July 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I was disappointed with deputy Prime Minister Teariki Heather's comments in parliament last Thursday on the Agriculture Vote when he said, "I have bought eggs supplied by Papa John Scott and I can assure this House that he cannot supply the needs of our people."

Letters to the Editor

Workers suffer at hands of employers

Tuesday 4 July 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

If Mr Pynenburg and his ilk think the ERA 2012 protects workers from unscrupulous business owners, then he either has selective memory loss or he is totally unaware of the goings on of his fellow members of the Chamber of Commerce and other business owners in their treatment of local workers and foreigners.

Letters to the Editor

Here's a quick lesson on our court hierarchy

Tuesday 4 July 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The Appellate Court would not be amused at all.

Letters to the Editor

Kare e na te teina e apii i te tuakana

Friday 30 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

E pa’uanga teia I te reta a te tangata tavini o te Kaumaiti o te Are Ariki i te ra 28 o Tiunu.

Letters to the Editor

Some questions for the Chamber of Commerce

Friday 30 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The Chamber of Commerce, we are led to believe, is the voice of business in the Cook Islands (read that as “Rarotonga” if you like).

Letters to the Editor

Tourists rip off medical system

Wednesday 28 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I would like to raise an issue on our guest visitors that have been treated in our hospital here in Rarotonga who did not pay their kaiou before they left the island.

Letters to the Editor

Invitation to air views on PM's turou on radio

Wednesday 28 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Tumu Manako: Taku Peu. Naai?

Letters to the Editor

Buying votes not best way to spend

Monday 26 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The most notable item with the current Budget presented by the Minister of Finance Mark Brown is the $34 increase of child benefit, taking to $100 a month.

Letters to the Editor

Parliament needs advice from Kiwi expert

Monday 26 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I was interested to hear the Speaker on Thursday announce the presence here of a former Deputy Clerk of the NZ parliament, Debra Angus, to assist in a review of the Parliamentary Standing Orders and I would suggest such review is not before time.

Letters to the Editor

Landowners frustrated too

Thursday 22 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I read with interest Arthur Pickering’s story of his frustration with the government for not considering the consequences of actions government takes without consultation with stakeholders.

Letters to the Editor

Thank you Thomas Wynne

Thursday 22 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Saturday’s CI News had Thomas Wynne’s plea that as a culture we get around to fixing decades of turning a blind eye to the systematic sexual abuse of our women and girls and on the facing page NZ Prime Minister Bill English crowing about the $15 million that NZ is to contribute to a submarine cable to allow us to play video games all the faster.

Letters to the Editor

Excuses, but no proof, over PM's welcome

Thursday 22 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Obviously the House of Ariki president and his advisers needed to justify to their many critics why they copied the New Zealand Maori custom of wero on their marae for the occasion of the New Zealand PM's visit.

Letters to the Editor

For those who don't follow vaka-jumping laws

Tuesday 20 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The front page story in the Saturday edition about Rose Brown shows some political hangers-on still don’t understand the law about “vaka jumping”.

Letters to the Editor

Smiley not best choice to lead

Tuesday 20 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The Demos have done it again.

Letters to the Editor

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