Letters to the Editor

Internal affairs boss has duty to respond

Monday 19 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I do not want to prolong the debate unnecessarily, but the matter of the Workers’ Compensation Fund is nowhere near resolved and I certainly do not accept for one moment that the Acting Secretary can so casually dismiss any further public engagement on it when there are matters which clearly fall to him to respond (CI News June 10).

Letters to the Editor

Copy culture

Friday 16 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Why are we copying New Zealand Maori culture?

Letters to the Editor

Stop picking on pensioners

Friday 16 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

In 2013 a Richard Neves-driven CIP government turned a blind eye to a massive $26 million worth of unpaid tax (now this figure has grown to $32 million according to Finance minister Mark Brown.

Letters to the Editor

Animal care change starts with people

Tuesday 13 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Regarding the establishment of a new animal clinic here on Rarotonga:

Letters to the Editor

Dictatorship in disguise

Monday 12 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It is good to know Robin Nair, the former ambassador and former Foreign Affairs permanent secretary in the Bainimarama regime in Fiji, has come to realise the civil servants in that country work in a climate of fear in a militarised democracy (CI News June 1, reproduced in Fijileaks).

Letters to the Editor

Punishment too light

Monday 12 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I read in the newspaper this morning about some of the crime that happened last weekend and it really made me angry at how lightly these people are punished.

Letters to the Editor

More insurance questions

Monday 12 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

On the subject of Employers Liability Insurance Scheme & Workers Compensation Fund, now that we have the financial details from ELI and as partly indicated in Internal Affairs acting secretary Paul Allsworth’s media release, can we please have a breakdown of how many work-related accidents have been recorded in the Cook Islands over the last decade or two and how much insurance cover was paid out?

Letters to the Editor

Policing should be a priority

Friday 9 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Finance minister Mark Brown’s apparent ignorance of the pressures and constraints on our police is astounding.

Letters to the Editor

The case for armed police unit

Friday 9 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Ex-New Zealand Police Senior Sergeant Norman George’s letter in CI News on May 30 was absolutely correct in criticising Mark Brown’s reluctance to put in place a specialist police first response armed offenders squad, in preparation for the next incident involving firearms.

Letters to the Editor

Te Ara Manu will be good for our animals

Friday 9 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Regarding animal welfare groups in the Cook Islands, I can see where Thursday’s smoke signaller is coming from, but it seems to be a bit negative.

Letters to the Editor

Minister's response 'a disgrace'

Thursday 8 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

What a disgraceful performance by Finance minister Mark Brown during a recent radio interview in which I believe he misled both the listeners and the interviewer as to whether or not the Chinese fishing company linked to former MP Teina Bishop was still operating in the Cook Islands.

Letters to the Editor

ELI scheme needs legislative overhaul

Thursday 8 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The forum to discuss detail matters concerning Employers Liability Insurance (ELI) is either person-to-person or in a private or public meeting setting.

Letters to the Editor

My $2 worth is Govt needs to protect workers' fund

Wednesday 7 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Here is my two dollars’ worth in furtherance of the very sensible letter from Heinz Matysik on Saturday.

Letters to the Editor

Pounds of problems in old legislation

Wednesday 7 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The issues raised in the letter from “Unionist” on the employers’ liability insurance scheme are reasonable and I do not take exception to them as an employer.

Letters to the Editor

'Unionist' letter long on rhetoric, but short on the facts

Tuesday 6 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I refer to the letter published in the Cook Islands News on Friday June 2, headlined “Spare some thought for the worker”, and signed by what can only be described as an extremely shy “Unionist” hiding behind a nom-de plume.

Letters to the Editor

So what's been happening out at Matavera?

Tuesday 6 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The RAPPA selection process for Albert Nicholas seems similar to the one that supposedly happened in the Matavera selection process for the Demos.

Letters to the Editor

Beware trailer danger

Friday 2 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The last I looked, it was a legal requirement to have trailers intended to be towed on public roads, to be registered and warranted.

Letters to the Editor

Spare some thought for the workers

Friday 2 June 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The Employers Liability Insurance Scheme (ELI) has got employers complaining again. Whining and moaning about having to pay to recompense their workers who are hurt at work. It’s just not on, if workers get hurt at work it’s their fault isn’t it?

Letters to the Editor

Building contractor's history doesn't bode well

Wednesday 31 May 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

With Rarotonga’s past history of three bad buildings built by the same Chinese contractor, I am concerned with the fate of the Apii Nikao project, which has now started.

Letters to the Editor

On the track of rubbish culprit

Wednesday 31 May 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

As an expat settled on this beautiful island I am grateful to God and some of his servants for my good fortune.

Letters to the Editor

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