Letters to the Editor

Revamped Demo Party sees light at the end of the tunnel

Tuesday 22 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

With Tina Browne, Smiley Heather and new opposition office chief executive Wilkie Rasmussen at the helm of this revamped Demo Party, we can now see light at the end of this bleak and dark tunnel, and can look forward to an optimistic future.

Letters to the Editor

Suicide truly a global problem

Tuesday 22 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Shae Osborne’s story about suicide (CINews July 22) and the family she portrayed in it really touched me.

Letters to the Editor

Final chapter in the great faith debate

Monday 21 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

At last! A proper and seemingly reasonable response that unfortunately is selective and does not address all the concerns that I have raised in a coherent manner.

Letters to the Editor

Columnist seems to be suffering sunstroke

Monday 21 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

In response to Wilkie Rasmussen’s article on Monday in the CI News, I can only assume that he suffered from sunstroke while writing his Tropical Chronicles article.

Letters to the Editor

Christians with 'just have faith' mantra not Biblical

Monday 21 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Unionist is to be thanked for wanting to encourage intelligent debate and challenge accepted ideas in regard to religion. That is how we make progress.

Letters to the Editor

National Environment Service director Joseph Brider replies:

Friday 18 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The National Environment Service (NES) thanks the public for their concerns and appreciates the opportunity extended to participate in this forum. The National Environment Service apologises for any misunderstanding that the complainant received when seeking answers to the questions raised.

Letters to the Editor

Sand mining raises serious issues

Friday 18 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Recently I have been riding my bike into town past the old Turangi recycling centre where there have been diggers sand mining for some weeks now.

Letters to the Editor

It's nothing to worry about

Thursday 17 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

In a Smoke Signal in CINews last Saturday a question was raised by some kind of “worrier” who prefers to hide behind the smoke screen to air his/her concerns.

Letters to the Editor

Anthem change 'embarrassing'

Wednesday 16 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Puna Rakanui, Clerk of the House of Ariki has sure got the “conversation going” on changing the national anthem’s lyrics!

Letters to the Editor

In support of new lagoon cruise on Aitutaki

Tuesday 15 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Re Saturday’s smoke signaller who asked why Koka Lagoon Cruises is taking its business to Aitutaki.

Letters to the Editor

More about faith and Christianity

Tuesday 15 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Monday’s letter from “Unionist,” printed in Monday’s CINews, is quite incorrect.

Letters to the Editor

Burning plastic a headache for visitors

Tuesday 15 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Along with a couple of hundred other delegates, I attended an international fisheries conference last week at the National Auditorium in Avarua.

Letters to the Editor

Smiley might be busy, but evidence seems lacking

Monday 14 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Regarding Wilkie Rasmussen’s explanation of how busy Smiley Heather has been lately, Smiley needs to actually show results, not just get busy!

Letters to the Editor

Ariki should focus on more urgent issues

Monday 14 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The recent unanimous decision by our paramount chiefs to change the lyrics of our national anthem recently illustrates why the House of Ariki has no mana.

Letters to the Editor

Still in the dark on licence rules

Friday 11 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

My partner and I have just returned to New Zealand after eight days’ holiday in Rarotonga. It was our first time to the island.

Letters to the Editor

Bike licence laws need rethink

Friday 11 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

In regard to recent articles in CINews about motorbike licences, a story on Thursday of last week indicated police could process 36 applicants a day, clearly not enough to cope with demand.

Letters to the Editor

Outcome of game clear before it started

Friday 11 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The writing was on the wall that the Cook Islands was going to have a tough game against Tahiti.

Letters to the Editor

Bible critic ignores matter of context

Friday 11 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Regarding the Bible verses a letter-writer used earlier this week in what in my opinion is an attempt to appear clever and to taint God’s Word, a little thing called context is needed.

Letters to the Editor

CIRU tackled over qualifier loss

Thursday 10 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Disappointed” is something of an understatement in describing how I felt when our boys went down 13-9 to Tahiti in a Rugby World Cup qualifier last Friday.

Letters to the Editor

Look elsewhere for a real political crisis

Thursday 10 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Wilkie Rasmussen (CINews August 7), urges voters to give the Demos what he claims their “turn” at being government, or face “political crisis.”

Letters to the Editor

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