Letters to the Editor

Water treatment remains an issue

Monday 15 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The last paragraph of a story in Wednesday’s CINews captured my attention.

Letters to the Editor

Good on you, Thomas...

Friday 12 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Thomas Wynne's column is the one thing I do look forward to read in the paper each week. It’s typical of papa'a like David McNair to run down our people like that.

Letters to the Editor

Some lessons to be learned from row over Chinese aid

Friday 12 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It was interesting to hear on Wednesday morning’s Radio Cook Islands-RNZ International and Pacific News report, comments attributed to Senator Concerta Fierravanti-Wells, Australian Minister for International Development and the Pacific.

Letters to the Editor

What's up with the new truck?

Friday 12 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I have seen a brand new bitumen truck parked at ICI the last week or so, and I wanted to know from the ICI secretary whether this is the same bitumen truck that was talked about in parliament as having been paid for and not delivered, because the New Zealand company had gone into receivership.

Letters to the Editor

Tourist numbers not the only issue

Friday 12 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Tourism has committed itself to operating under a sustainable guidance system for all the areas tourism affects - that means our culture, community and environment.

Letters to the Editor

Let them form their own party

Monday 8 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Throughout last year and in previous years, George Pitt has painted the Democratic Party and certain members of it in bad light whilst also doing some “public relations” work for Tama Tuavera and promoting the idea of Selina Napa becoming leader of the Opposition. He has done this through his own media outlets.

Letters to the Editor

Plastic container riles reader

Monday 8 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Amidst the international warnings about plastic waste in our oceans, and on our land and the danger of toxic fumes if you burn this waste, we now see Frucor Suntory, a New Zealand company producing the popular fruit drink Just Juice which was previously packaged in square cardboard cartons now bottling it in large 2.4 litre and 1litre plastic bottles.

Letters to the Editor

A reminder for Saturday columnist

Monday 8 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I would like to remind Thomas Wynne, (Cook Island News January 2018 p.2) that we are not, as he claims “faced as a community with manslaughter.”

Letters to the Editor

Kua kite te Ariki Vaine Victoria o Peritane te ture enua

Monday 8 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kua manoko au i te apai mai i tetai tuatua puapinga kia tatou te Aronga Mana e mou nei i te au taonga Enua mei te Ui Ariki, Ui Mataiapo e te Ui Rangatira. Tena mai taua tuatua;

Letters to the Editor

Say 'yes' or 'no' only when you really mean it

Monday 8 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Over the holidays I met a friend having lunch out with her husband.

Letters to the Editor

'Wannabe PM' insults our intelligence

Monday 8 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I watched Member of Parliament George Angene (Maggie) on CI Television on Tuesday evening (January 2), dressed in his customary pink suit pleading to the people of Tupapa Maraerenga to re-elect him as their Member of Parliament for a third term.

Letters to the Editor

Some questions for business leader

Monday 8 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I attended Thursday’s public meeting held by the Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce, attended by New Zealand deputy prime minister Winston Peters and fronted by CICC president, Stephen Lyons.

Letters to the Editor

Facing the challenges of a new year

Friday 5 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

To all the marvellous, supportive, knowledgeable and loyal readers and contributors, who together with the hard-working, dedicated and super-efficient staff of the newspaper, collectively make up the “CINews family”

Letters to the Editor

Intruders add sour note to island holiday

Wednesday 3 January 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

We stayed at Vaimaanga for two weeks recently and had the discomfort of two lots of intruders.

Letters to the Editor

More on the issue of Christmas celebrations

Friday 29 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It is not easy to deal with some aspects of the faith which was once delivered unto us the saints by the Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Letters to the Editor

Logic missing in Rasmussen criticism

Friday 29 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

“Truth Seeka’s” letter in CINews on December 20 was an interesting and revealing read.

Letters to the Editor

Dinner misses league women

Wednesday 27 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I was a bit disappointed to read, there was no acknowledgement of our women’s rugby league World Cup squad at a recent appreciation dinner for our sporting heroes

Letters to the Editor

Bishop called to task on Jesus' birth and trees

Wednesday 27 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I read the article from Bishop Tutai Pere regarding Christmas.

Letters to the Editor

Column needs to be less 'Wilkie-centric'

Wednesday 27 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

An interesting piece of egocentric writing in your paper of December 18 was pointed out to me this week by colleagues.

Letters to the Editor

Chinese unlikely to like hotel plan

Wednesday 27 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I read with interest the proposal by a local entrepreneur with an interesting history, to develop the abandoned so-called Sheraton Resort at Vaimaanga.

Letters to the Editor

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