
Thomas Wynne: Helmet law: The time is now

Saturday 15 February 2020 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Editorials

OPINION: If ever there was a time for the government to make the right decision regarding the helmet law then it is now.


Jaewynn McKay: We might be getting there'

Wednesday 12 February 2020 | Published in Editorials

I don’t often get down to New Zealand, and in the eight years or so we’ve been living here in Tupapa, seldom for more than a few days. But this last summer I went twice, once just after Christmas when we as a family spent time on the east coast of the north island; where my husband hails from, and where we have a family home.


Norman George: A tribute to those who leave giant impact on their nation

Tuesday 11 February 2020 | Published in Editorials

Columnist Norman George pays a tribute to the police officers in the country.


Forgive us, as we forgive others

Saturday 8 February 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in Editorials

Mistakes of the past will always catch up with you.


What Waitangi Day means to me here in Cook Islands

Friday 7 February 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in Editorials

On Waitangi Day, February 6, I find my thoughts are automatically occupied by my tupuna rangatira.


Jay Cagica: Twelve months of tragedy

Tuesday 4 February 2020 | Published in Editorials

OPINION: It was a year ago that Jay Cagica lost his best friend Thomas Riley in a bike crash. Thomas was the first or 10 deaths in just 1 months. Today, Cagica remembers his friend and pleads for everyone to wear helmets.


Drink-driving: Families must help each other

Tuesday 4 February 2020 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Editorials

During a kaikai in Mitiaro at the weekend of the latest tragedy, the MC announced a special pure akapumaana (prayer of comfort) would be held for the families who had just lost two young boys involved in a fatal accident on Rarotonga.


Norman George: Charmed by hard-nosed business magnates

Tuesday 4 February 2020 | Published in Editorials

OPINION: Some tough businessmen have helped make Cook Islands the nation it is today.


Ruta Tangiaau Mavé: Drink-drive crashes won't be stopped by one tin hat

Monday 3 February 2020 | Published in Editorials

OPINION: Men make laws, to instantly solve issues, one they can put a lid on, wash their hands and walk away.


Thomas Wynne: And we all say, enough is enough

Saturday 1 February 2020 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Editorials

OPINON: It will take courage for us all to see through the changes that are necessary to avoid more of our children dying on the roads.


Editorial: Let us honour Mona's legacy

Friday 31 January 2020 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

I have three sons, still at primary school. They are smart, beautiful, (mostly) kind and gentle. Thinking of what they mean to me, as I write these words, is enough to bring a pricking to my eyes.


Editorial: Other 'devils' pose greater threat

Thursday 30 January 2020 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

OPINION: It started around Christmas in a live seafood market in Wuhan, a sprawling Chinese city of 11 million people, yet one whose name was little-known to most of us in the western world – until now.


Derek Fox: What would Treaty fathers think?

Wednesday 29 January 2020 | Published in Editorials

OPINION: One hundred and eighty years ago next Wednesday in Rarotonga, Thursday in Aotearoa – the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in the Bay of Islands.


Editorial: Let these parents bury their sons

Wednesday 29 January 2020 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

“Think of yourself and others using the road.” The call for greater action around road safety comes from the employer of Amit Kumar, who died at the weekend.


Norman George: No such thing as a public holiday for our greats

Tuesday 28 January 2020 | Published in Editorials

OPINION: Some of those who leave the greatest impact on their nation are those without the greatest formal credentials.


Ruta Mave: It's time to show zero tolerance for greedy thieves

Monday 27 January 2020 | Published in Editorials

OPINION: Those who steal out of need will crumple with remorse, but those who do it from need will just play the system.


Jaewynn McKay: Health officials jeopardise food stalls

Wednesday 22 January 2020 | Published in Editorials

OPINION: Our markets and street food are spectacular; woe betide any ‘poo police’ who threaten to shut them down for no good reason.


Norman George: Those who leave a giant impact on their nation

Tuesday 21 January 2020 | Published in Editorials

OPINION: Business tycoons, farmers, public servants, sportsmen and women, doctors, policemen, composers, musicians and our share of miscreants, rogues and villains – it’s time to celebrate their best of Cook Islands.


Ruta Mave: Enough is enough: Govt must start 'fighting for the people'

Monday 20 January 2020 | Published in Editorials

OPINION: The Monty Python movie, The Meaning of Life has a scene where the obese Mr Creosote is eating in the restaurant.


Editorial: Unwelcome visitor isn't going away

Sunday 19 January 2020 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

OPINION: Atiu has received a very welcome visitor raising awareness of the gathering climate crisis. His name is Stan Walker.


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