
OPINION: The changing and challenging role of fathers

Monday 6 September 2021 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion

The greatest mark of a father is how he treats his children when no one is looking, they have the unenviable task of being neither an anchor to hold children back or the sail to take them ahead, writes Ruta Mave.


OPINION: Caring for Muri Lagoon means caring for our streams

Saturday 4 September 2021 | Written by Te Ipukarea Society | Published in Editorials, Opinion

Everything is connected and particularly so when it comes to water. If we want to improve the water quality of the lagoon, we also need to protect the streams. This is the message the Muri community is sharing, not just through words but through action. By Te Ipukarea Society.


Thomas Wynne: Separating the layers that bind us

Saturday 4 September 2021 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Editorials, Opinion

Anyone involved with politics in the Cook Islands knows how critical that first role is because anyone wanting to form a government in the Cook Islands has to have met with the Queen’s Representative first with a list of names and show a clear majority, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.


OPINION: Promoting economic recovery and building resilient health systems

Thursday 2 September 2021 | Written by Supplied | Published in Editorials, Opinion

Australia and our close friends in our region, including Cook Islands, are facing unprecedented challenges. However, our commitment and determination to work together is ensuring we can protect the health and safety of our people, writes Senator Zed Seselja, the Australian Minister for International Development and the Pacific.


OPINION: Everybody, somebody, anybody and nobody

Monday 30 August 2021 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion

How many times do we have to say to the Government to diversify, create, find, discover, fund other ways to provide us with another reliable source of income, writes Ruta Mave.


OPINION: Underwater wizardry from Rakahanga

Saturday 28 August 2021 | Written by Te Ipukarea Society | Published in Editorials, Opinion

A special part of the recent Northern group vaka tour was being able to experience the local foods, traditions and even some examples of local fishing practices carried out on each of the islands, writes Alanna Smith of Te Ipukarea Society.


OPINION: Keeping Cook Islands Covid-free is a team effort

Tuesday 24 August 2021 | Written by Supplied | Published in Editorials, Opinion

There is a common saying that goes – when the going gets tough, the tough get going! And this week was a good example of that saying, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.


OPINION: Be the change you want to see in the world

Monday 23 August 2021 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion

Count your blessings, stop your bickering, there are people suffering who need your prayers, and your mindfulness to make the world a better place. We can think globally but we need to act locally, writes Ruta Mave.


OPINION: The three-legged stool

Saturday 21 August 2021 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Editorials, Opinion

The strength of our three pillars – our government, our Church and our traditional leaders – and how they interact with our lives affects everyone who calls themselves a Cook Islands Maori, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.


OPINION: Learning about ‘fearlesss’ Lulu

Saturday 21 August 2021 | Written by Te Ipukarea Society | Published in Editorials, Opinion

In our recent vaka voyage to the Northern Group we were fortunate to see the native seabird Lulu (Masked Booby/ Sula dactylatra) nesting on a couple of the islets along the Seven Sisters in Suwarrow. By Te Ipukarea Society.


PETTALK: Age is just a number

Wednesday 18 August 2021 | Written by Dr. Ellen McBryde | Published in Editorials, Opinion

Just like people, our pets require special care and attention as they enter their twilight years.


OPINION: Education system – the proof is in the pudding

Tuesday 17 August 2021 | Written by Te Tuhi Kelly | Published in Editorials, Opinion

Something is not right with our education system and the teachers are fed up and have had enough, writes Te Tuhi Kelly, Leader of the Progressive Party of the Cook Islands.


OPINION: Pay teachers well before they leave

Monday 16 August 2021 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion

Our long serving and long suffering teachers held the helm during the Covid disruptions last year, when times and circumstances added more strain for them to get our children through their necessary curriculum for their NCEA exams, writes Ruta Mave.


OPINION: Our children deserve better

Saturday 14 August 2021 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Editorials, Opinion

We are asking our teachers to give from the very little they have left, and simply, they deserve better wages and working conditions because our children deserve better, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.


OPINION: Pukapukans live with nature, not against it

Saturday 14 August 2021 | Written by Te Ipukarea Society | Published in Editorials, Opinion

Pukapuka is certainly one of the islands that has maintained respect for the traditional ra’ui system, writes Te Ipukarea Society.


OPINION: There is strength in our diversity

Tuesday 10 August 2021 | Written by Supplied | Published in Editorials, Opinion

Cook Islanders are not leaving our shores, rather they are extending the borders of our people to include the borders of NZ and Australia because that is where Cook Islanders have made their home, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.


OPINION: Underselling our precious resources

Monday 9 August 2021 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, writes Ruta Mavé.


OPINION: Cook Islands benefitting from Covid-free status

Tuesday 27 July 2021 | Written by Supplied | Published in Editorials, Opinion

Like me, you can’t have helped but notice that we are back in the visitor business again. No, we’re not back up to the sort of numbers we were getting pre-Covid, but they have been steadily growing, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.


Cook Islands News is transitioning to a pay website

Monday 26 July 2021 | Written by CI News Staff | Published in Editorials, Opinion

After over a year and a half of offering our readers free access, cookislandsnews.com is going back to a subscription-based website this week.


OPINION: Fashion at the Olympic Games

Monday 26 July 2021 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion

In the Cook Islands before the missionaries came, we used local plants and rauti to cover our heads, necks, shoulders and hips. It was the missionaries who covered us from neck to toe with colonial clothes especially the muumuu, which was more like a nightdress formless and plain, writes Ruta Mave.


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