
TCI 'most affordable' in Pacific

Tuesday 14 May 2013 | Published in Technology

The Cook Islands has the most affordable telecommunication services among Pacific nations, according to a report released Monday by Telecom Cook Islands.


Westpac to launch mobile banking

Tuesday 23 April 2013 | Published in Technology

Mobile banking could soon take on a new, more user-friendly face in the Cooks, according to Westpac’s head of mobile banking.


Keeping language alive with technology

Tuesday 23 April 2013 | Published in Technology

A dictionary of Cook Islands languages is soon to be available online.


Cooks part of international internet meets

Monday 22 April 2013 | Published in Technology

Beijing was the destination for two Cook Islanders recently, to attend an international meeting to discuss the names and numbers used in internet addresses.


Broadband data changes

Monday 22 April 2013 | Published in Technology

The country’s only telecommunications provider believes its newest changes provide opportunities for growing Cook Islands’ economy.


Upgrade floors school students

Saturday 20 April 2013 | Published in Technology

Arorangi School opened its refurbished computer room yesterday, with a newly tiled floor and a fresh coat of paint.


Equipment installed for O3b

Tuesday 16 April 2013 | Published in Technology

New equipment designed to deliver faster broadband to the Cook Islands will be fully installed this week.


Travel guide now an e-book

Thursday 4 April 2013 | Published in Technology

A popular Cook Islands travel guide is now available in electronic format.


Mauke shares views on Telecom

Tuesday 2 April 2013 | Published in Technology

In mid-2012 Telecom Cook Islands CEO Jules Maher expressed a desire to gain a better understanding of outer islands customer needs and perceptions.


One step closer to high-speed internet

Saturday 30 March 2013 | Published in Technology

Telecom is setting up satellite equipment to deliver faster broadband to rival that supplied by under-sea cables.


Better connections for visitors

Thursday 28 March 2013 | Published in Technology

Visitors to the Cooks can now connect better to home as a prepaid card is now available preloaded with text, calling and data credit.


Project City road repair underway

Wednesday 6 March 2013 | Published in Technology

Remedial work on the main road in Panama began on Tuesday to repair the road which had to be dug up to lay new water pipes as part of the Project City water upgrade.


Software troubles for Telecom

Wednesday 6 March 2013 | Published in Technology

A software malfunction was the cause of disruptions to some of Telecom’s services last Thursday.


Telecom services unaffected

Tuesday 5 March 2013 | Published in Technology

Telecom’s generator took close to two hours to kick in when the power went out yesterday morning, but no services were affected.


Chamber supports fibre optic cable

Wednesday 27 February 2013 | Published in Technology

The Chamber of Commerce believes having a fibre optic cable laid under the sea would be “game changing” for the Cook Islands telecommunications industry and businesses that rely on fast, affordable internet for growth.


New SPC science director

Thursday 21 February 2013 | Published in Technology

There has been a change of reins at the region’s geoscience and technology facility.


New Teleshop opens in Muri

Saturday 2 February 2013 | Published in Technology

Telecom Cook Islands board member Madeilene Sword-Tua cuts the ei held by CEO Jules Maher in officially opening the new Teleshop at the Pacific Village in Muri yesterday morning.


New Teleshop at Muri

Friday 1 February 2013 | Published in Technology

The public is invited to the opening of a new Telecom Cook Islands shop in Muri on Friday, where the company will be giving away spot prizes.


Westpac to upgrade e-banking systems

Thursday 31 January 2013 | Published in Technology

Westpac Cook Islands is doing a scheduled upgrade on its e-banking systems in the weekend which will close eftpos terminals and ATM machines for at least six hours.


PNG signs up for O3b

Monday 28 January 2013 | Published in Technology

Hot on the heels of the American Samoa service announcement last week, O3b has announced a deal with Digicel Papua New Guinea.


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