Thursday 26 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Finance Minister Mark Brown is continuing to hammer at the Democratic Party’s pre-election policies after the release of a statement reaffirming a pledge to phase out purse seine fishing from Cook Islands waters.
Wednesday 25 June 2014 | Published in Politics
A Cook Islands Party-led government will continue with the nation’s purse seine fishery as long as it can be demonstrated to be sustainable, says Finance Minister Mark Brown.
Monday 23 June 2014 | Published in Politics
The Democratic Party sees no need to license purse seine fishing any further after the current licenses expire in December.
Monday 23 June 2014 | Published in Politics
It’s now official – the two main parties will not be facing off in the proposed CITV political debate before the July 9 election.
Friday 20 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Technology is being used by like never before in the current 2014 election campaign.
Friday 20 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Opinion from the Crown Law office is being sought by Parliament on a long-standing practice where certain MPs are financially reimbursed for a one-way flight home upon the dissolution of Parliament.
Wednesday 18 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Cook Islands Television is continuing its push for a live debate between political hopefuls. CITV’s Jeane Matenga sent out a formal invitation through email yesterday to officials from all major political entities, along with independent candidate in Ngatangiia, Teina Mackenzie.
Tuesday 17 June 2014 | Published in Politics
One Cook Islands has released the set of policies that it hopes to bring into action through a potential kingmaker role in Parliament.
Tuesday 17 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Allegations of discrepancies in the Appropriation Act 2013 have been disputed by Financial Secretary Richard Neves and show a lack of understanding.
Monday 16 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Winning a seat in the Cook Islands Parliament comes with its fair share of responsibilities.
Monday 16 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Democratic finance spokesman James Beer has identified two counts of “double dipping” in the Government’s finances.
Saturday 14 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Aitutaki Member of Parliament Teina Bishop says no charges have been laid by police, who are carrying out an investigation of bribery and corruption allegations that have been levelled against him.
Saturday 14 June 2014 | Published in Politics
A coalition government of some kind will be needed after the election if the Cook Islands News snap political poll is anything to go by.
Saturday 14 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Are Members of Parliament from both sides of the floor getting free flights from Parliament to campaign?
Friday 13 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Finance Minister Mark Brown is slamming a Democratic Party election campaign promise to reduce the rate of Value Added Tax (VAT).
Friday 13 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Plans for a debate between candidates seeking office in the upcoming general elections are likely to be put on ice.
Thursday 12 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Got thoughts about who should be the next Government or Prime Minister? Why not take part in our quick online political poll?
Thursday 12 June 2014 | Published in Politics
A victorious Democratic Party government would use legislation to halt profit guarantee payments to Toa Petroleum, says Party leader Wilkie Rasmussen.
Wednesday 11 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Outer island residents in Palmerston went to the polls yesterday to cast their votes in advance of next month’s general elections.
Wednesday 11 June 2014 | Published in Politics
Major policy moves along with a broad overhaul and review of multiple government functions form the backbone of the Democratic Party’s 2014 policy document.