
Handover celebrates China links

Thursday 29 January 2015 | Published in Politics

The special relationship between the People’s Republic of China and the Cook Islands was celebrated yesterday, when more of the $10 million worth of Chinese machinery and other equipment was handed over in a special ceremony.


Shipping cuts unexpected says PM

Wednesday 28 January 2015 | Published in Politics

The cutting of shipping services to Aitutaki from two voyages to one a month came as a complete surprise, says Prime Minister Henry Puna.


ILO director's presence welcomed

Wednesday 28 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Labour mobility will be one of the subjects on the agenda during the Cook Islands Donor Round table Meeting next month, with International Labour Organisation (ILO) director David Lamotte leading discussions.


Panel to review minimum wage

Tuesday 27 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Minister of Internal Affairs Nandi Glassie has confirmed the selection of a panel to conduct this year’s review of the minimum wage rate in the Cook Islands.


New deal with Korean company will expand purse seine fishery

Tuesday 27 January 2015 | Published in Politics

The Cook Islands will expand its purse seine fishery this year through a new initiative approved by Cabinet last week.


Demos call for urgent meeting

Tuesday 27 January 2015 | Published in Politics

A special meeting of the Democratic Party Executive has been called for tomorrow night.


Proposal in pipeline

Tuesday 27 January 2015 | Published in Politics

A controversial proposal that could slash the price of petrol on Rarotonga has been sent back to a government committee before approval is given for public consultation.


Top diplomat to attend handover

Monday 26 January 2015 | Published in Politics

The Chinese ambassador to the Cook Islands, Wang Lutong, will attend a handover ceremony for heavy machinery and pearl industry equipment at the Punanga Nui market on Wednesday this week.


Cabinet set to discuss budget policy in detail

Monday 26 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Most members of Cabinet are staying on Rarotonga this week, set to discuss the latest budget policy statement tomorrow.


Election delays – and future options

Saturday 24 January 2015 | Published in Politics

The continuous delay and impasse from our recent July snap elections and the failure to reach a satisfactory outcome, needs to be critically analysed in order to find some possible solutions for the future.


Demo members feeling left out

Saturday 24 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Some Democratic Party members say they’re being left in the dark about the future of their party – and they’re pushing for the party conference to happen sooner rather than later.


Aitutaki down to one ship a month

Saturday 24 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Shipping services to Aitutaki will be cut from two voyage to one per month, as the Tiare Moana embarks on one of its last voyages to the island.


United front starting to show cracks

Friday 23 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Questions about the united front of the Demo and One Cook Islands parties have begun to surface as some members have come forward unhappy about the coalition plan.


Foundation targets grassroots charity

Friday 23 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Getting community connections across political boundaries is the aim of a charity that donated $50,000 to Cook Islands initiatives last year, and expects to increase that in 2015.


New supervisor appointed

Friday 23 January 2015 | Published in Politics

After bedding in the operations of the Te Mato Vai project for the last 14 months, Te Mato Vai Project Management Unit head Latu Kupa is stepping back.


New immigration head chosen

Thursday 22 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Kairangi (Nani) Samuela was yesterday appointed as the Cook Islands’ new Principal Immigration Officer.


Celebrations run into 'political turbulence'

Thursday 22 January 2015 | Published in Politics

The current turbulent political situation could explain much about the “perception of disorganisation” felt by many about the 50th anniversary of self-government celebrations, says Prime Minister Henry Puna.


Better life starts with water says Demo MP

Thursday 22 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Better quality of life starts with a drink of water, says Democratic Party MP and member for Ngatangiia Tama Tuavera as he launched a brand new water station for his people on Tuesday.


PM keeps close eye on Aitutaki electioneering

Wednesday 21 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna says he is keeping a close eye on alleged illegal behaviour by the Democratic Party One Cook Islands coalition in the run-up to the Vaipae-Tautu by-election.


PM says Demo leader suffers limited vision

Tuesday 20 January 2015 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna says he won’t rule out a deal between the two major parties despite what he describes as the ‘limited myopic views’ of Democratic Party leader Wilkie Rasmussen.


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