
All cabinet ministers back on Rarotonga

Monday 20 July 2015 | Published in Politics

All cabinet ministers will be on Rarotonga this week gearing up for Te Maeva Nui celebrations.


Controversial cars arrive

Saturday 18 July 2015 | Published in Politics

Fresh off the boat, 20 new Hyundai vehicles worth $600,000 have arrived on Rarotonga ready to ferry around VIPs at Te Maeva Nui celebrations.


Ex-minister's case postponed

Saturday 18 July 2015 | Published in Politics

Lawyers involved in a case against a former government minister have asked for the matter to be deferred until a later date.


Parliament crowded for Apii Nikao pupils' visit

Friday 17 July 2015 | Published in Politics

“What does the Prime Minister do” was just one of many questions asked by budding young politicians at a special tour of Parliament on Wednesday.


HOMs face 'impossible' task

Tuesday 14 July 2015 | Published in Politics

It is almost impossible for Heads of Ministries to perform in an environment where cabinet ministers have absolute power over their appointments, says lawyer Mark Short.


MP drives home a strong message

Tuesday 14 July 2015 | Published in Politics

An Opposition MP is taking a stand against the government spending $600,000 on cars for VIPs at Te Maeva Nui celebrations.


Political reform vital, says Beer

Monday 13 July 2015 | Published in Politics

Reform of the Cook Islands’ Public Service cannot begin before the issue of political reform is tackled head-on, say Opposition MPs.


Worker scheme lacks appeal for Cook Islanders

Monday 13 July 2015 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Politics

The inclusion of Cook Islands in the Australian Seasonal Worker Programme (SWP) could ultimately be of little significance to island residents.


Polynesian leaders meeting calls Puna

Monday 13 July 2015 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna is off the rock again this week, attending a meeting of Polynesian leaders in Tahiti.


Communication blamed for Parliament 'incident'

Friday 10 July 2015 | Published in Politics

An incident which led House of Ariki members to claim they had been barred from parliament chambers on Monday morning was due to a ‘miscommunication’, says acting Clerk of Parliament, Helen Maunga.


PM joins foreign ministers at Sydney meeting

Thursday 9 July 2015 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna is joining Pacific foreign ministers in Sydney today at the Pacific Islands Forum Foreign Ministers Meeting.


PM defends costly flight to Penrhyn

Wednesday 8 July 2015 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister’s advisor Trevor Pitt has defended Henry Puna’s pricey trip to Penrhyn to officially open the $1.4 million Te Tautua village solar project.


Most ministers away this week

Tuesday 7 July 2015 | Published in Politics

Most cabinet ministers will be off the rock this week, with two putting on their coaching hats at the Pacific Games in Papua New Guinea.


No end in sight for MP investigations

Monday 6 July 2015 | Published in Politics

Pressure is mounting on police to make a decision on high profile investigations into two Aitutaki Members of Parliament.


Flash new cars come with catch

Thursday 2 July 2015 | Published in Politics

Twenty new Hyundai cars will be available for sale soon – but there’s a catch.


PM stands firm on UN

Tuesday 30 June 2015 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna has hit back at claims he is ‘out of his depth’ and ‘poorly advised’ in his pursuit of the Cook Islands becoming a member of the United Nations.


Family law bill reaches next step

Monday 29 June 2015 | Published in Politics

COOK ISLANDERS will soon get a chance to have their say on a piece of legislation set to radically change the way domestic violence is tackled in this country.


Better, but still not great

Saturday 27 June 2015 | Published in Politics

Political stability in the Cook Islands is getting better, but party loyalty is still not strong.


Hurley at home in the Pacific

Saturday 27 June 2015 | Published in Politics

With a wealth of diplomatic experience across the pacific, it seems New Zealand High Commissioner to the Cook Islands Nick Hurley may be the best fit to step into the challenging role.


Mismanagement of BTIB funds

Friday 26 June 2015 | Published in Politics

Claiming over $100 on toilet paper, family trips to the Pa Enua and double payment to a family member are just some of the ways a government financial manager abused her position of power.


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