Friday 31 July 2015 | Published in Politics
“Hope springs eternal,” is the attitude prime minister Henry Puna is maintaining about the $10 million ‘gift’ government is expecting to be handed by China during the 50th anniversary festivities.
Friday 31 July 2015 | Published in Politics
Opposition leader William ‘Smiley’ Heather could have made history last Friday had he accepted prime minister Henry Puna’s invitation to co-host a media conference at the Office of the Prime Minister.
Thursday 30 July 2015 | Published in Politics
In 50 years, the Cook Islands voting public has elected just nine women to Parliament.
Wednesday 29 July 2015 | Published in Politics
While PM Henry Puna wants to rekindle talks on United Nations membership and New Zealand passports, New Zealand media are reporting New Zealand PM John Key isn’t planning further discussions.
Wednesday 29 July 2015 | Published in Politics
The House of Ariki has deferred responding to challenges made by the prime minister to define their role in Cook Islands society today because of a death in Puaikura.
Wednesday 29 July 2015 | Published in Politics
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is set to arrive on Rarotonga next Monday in time for the Constitution Day ceremony.
Tuesday 28 July 2015 | Published in Politics
The infamous ‘$600,000 cars’ were officially handed over to the Prime Minister’s office last week for the 50th anniversary of self-government celebrations.
Tuesday 28 July 2015 | Published in Politics
The shortlist for the country’s top jobs is with the prime minister, but Henry Puna says he doesn’t want to deal with this until after the Te Maeva Nui 50th celebrations.
Saturday 25 July 2015 | Published in Politics
The 26 paramount chiefs of the Cook Islands have been given a clear message by Prime Minister Henry Puna: take a good, hard look your role; your contribution to tribe, the people of the country and nation before asking government for more money.
Thursday 23 July 2015 | Published in Politics
Opposition leader William Heather says that it’s with ‘real regret’ he has noticed that the Prime Minister Henry Puna is getting into the used car business.
Thursday 23 July 2015 | Published in Politics
When it comes to generating publicity, Tupapa MP George Maggie certainly isn’t shy.
Wednesday 22 July 2015 | Published in Politics
Norman George and Cook Islands News got back in the ring at the Cook Islands High Court last week in relation to a five year old grievance.
Wednesday 22 July 2015 | Published in Politics
Prime Minister Henry Puna and his ‘cabinet circle’ are quickly losing touch with the people of the Cook Islands, says Opposition leader, William (‘Smiley’) Heather.
Monday 20 July 2015 | Published in Politics
All cabinet ministers will be on Rarotonga this week gearing up for Te Maeva Nui celebrations.
Saturday 18 July 2015 | Published in Politics
Fresh off the boat, 20 new Hyundai vehicles worth $600,000 have arrived on Rarotonga ready to ferry around VIPs at Te Maeva Nui celebrations.
Saturday 18 July 2015 | Published in Politics
Lawyers involved in a case against a former government minister have asked for the matter to be deferred until a later date.
Friday 17 July 2015 | Published in Politics
“What does the Prime Minister do” was just one of many questions asked by budding young politicians at a special tour of Parliament on Wednesday.
Tuesday 14 July 2015 | Published in Politics
It is almost impossible for Heads of Ministries to perform in an environment where cabinet ministers have absolute power over their appointments, says lawyer Mark Short.
Tuesday 14 July 2015 | Published in Politics
An Opposition MP is taking a stand against the government spending $600,000 on cars for VIPs at Te Maeva Nui celebrations.
Monday 13 July 2015 | Published in Politics
Reform of the Cook Islands’ Public Service cannot begin before the issue of political reform is tackled head-on, say Opposition MPs.