
PM's back in town

Monday 14 September 2015 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna will be back on Rarotonga this week, returning to business at home after a week at the Pacific Islands Forum.


Child protection focus of new bill

Friday 11 September 2015 | Published in Politics

This story is the first in a series about the Family Law Bill 2015. If passed by parliament the bill could drastically change the way child protection and domestic violence issues are dealt with in the Cook Islands. This story covers the ‘Care and Protection’ section of the proposed bill.


Chance to have your say

Friday 11 September 2015 | Published in Politics

The public will get a chance to have its say on the Family Law Bill 2015 by making public submissions to the special select committee made up of Cook Islands Party MP for Vaipae-Tautu Mona Ioane, Cook Islands Party MP for Rakahanga Toka Hangai, Cook Islands Party MP for Teenui-Mapumai Rose Toki Brown, Democratic Party MP for Tamarua Tetangi Matapo, Democratic Party MP for Titikaveka Selina Napa and One Cook Islands Party MP for Tupapa George Maggie.


Cabinet and HOM selectors at impasse

Thursday 10 September 2015 | Published in Politics

Cabinet has made no progress towards confirming who the new Heads of Ministries will be, the matter again being delayed indefinitely this week after a Tuesday meeting.


PM puts in a word for our neighbours

Thursday 10 September 2015 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna is supporting one of the Cook Islands’ closest neighbours in their quest to become a member of the Pacific Islands Forum.


Tuna resource brings meagre returns

Thursday 10 September 2015 | Published in Politics

The Pacific Islands and its people are still not catching the economic benefits they hoped for from the region’s significant tuna resource.


Strong case for UN seat

Wednesday 9 September 2015 | Published in Politics

The Cook Islands could have a strong case to become a member of the United Nations, without endangering its relationship with New Zealand.


India eyes ocean resource potential

Wednesday 9 September 2015 | Published in Politics

The Cook Islands can look forward to closer ties with India following Minister for Health Nandie Glassie’s visit to the country last month.


Puna shifts focus to island council

Tuesday 8 September 2015 | Published in Politics

Prime minister Henry Puna has denied that government’s actions in making a payout to landowners on Manihiki were politically motivated, saying if Rakahanga or Penrhyn had the same issue as Manihiki, he would have reacted in exactly the same way.


PNG supports bid to join tuna group

Tuesday 8 September 2015 | Published in Politics

Papua New Guinea’s prime minister says his country will support the Cook Islands’ bid to join a group which controls 50 per cent of the global supply of skipjack tuna.


PM joins call for climate change action

Tuesday 8 September 2015 | Published in Politics

The Cook Islands is one of seven small islands vulnerable to the impact of climate change to make a bold announcement ahead of the Pacific Islands Leaders Forum summit later this week.


Pacific leaders to focus on fisheries

Monday 7 September 2015 | Published in Politics

Fisheries dominated the fifth Polynesian Leaders Group meeting in Auckland over the weekend, helping to set the scene for Prime Minister Henry Puna’s attendance at the Pacific Islands Leaders Forum in Papua New Guinea this week.


Three ministers on the rock

Monday 7 September 2015 | Published in Politics

Nicholas, Turepu and Brown remain on the rock this week while Prime Minister Henry Puna represents the Cook Islands at the Pacific Islands Forum in Papua New Guinea.


Schooner inquiry outcome awaited

Monday 7 September 2015 | Published in Politics

Government wants to see the result of a Public Expenditure Review Committee (PERC) investigation into the contract between the Crown and Pacific Schooners Ltd before deciding what action needs to be taken, says Prime Minister Henry Puna.


Puna plans UN seat 'chat' with Key

Monday 7 September 2015 | Published in Politics

Opportunity to discuss Cook Islands’ push for a seat on the United Nations. A ‘chat’ with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key on the controversial Cook Islands’ bid for a seat on the United Nations could be on the cards for Prime Minister Henry Puna at the Pacific Islands Forum which is being held in Papua New Guinea this week.


Anti-purse seine petition languishes at Parliament

Saturday 5 September 2015 | Published in Politics

The 4000-plus signature petition calling for a total ban on purse seine fishing in the Cook Islands could be sitting in a box at parliament for months, with Prime Minister Henry Puna unwilling to set a date for parliament’s next sitting.


NZ Cook Islanders prefer to stay put

Saturday 5 September 2015 | Published in Politics

After meeting hundreds of Cook Islanders on his recent official visit to New Zealand, prime minister Henry Puna says he didn’t get the impression that there is keen interest amongst them to return home.


HOM naming delayed

Saturday 5 September 2015 | Published in Politics

Cabinet has delayed endorsing a list of preferred candidates for the country’s top jobs, in spite of the fact that the prime minister had given an undertaking the head of ministry jobs would be announced three days ago.


Brazil, Cook Islands forge new relations

Saturday 5 September 2015 | Published in Politics

As part of his state visit to New Zealand, Prime Minister Henry Puna signed with Brazilian Ambassador to New Zealand Eduardo Gradilone a joint communique establishing diplomatic relations between the Cook Islands and Brazil.


Govt sets payout precedent

Friday 4 September 2015 | Published in Politics

By advancing 10 Manihiki land claimants thousands in compensation money before all land claims were settled by the Land Court, government has set a precedent which could prompt others to also make demands for advance payments.


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