Wednesday 9 September 2015 | Published in Politics
The Cook Islands can look forward to closer ties with India following Minister for Health Nandie Glassie’s visit to the country last month.
Tuesday 8 September 2015 | Published in Politics
Prime minister Henry Puna has denied that government’s actions in making a payout to landowners on Manihiki were politically motivated, saying if Rakahanga or Penrhyn had the same issue as Manihiki, he would have reacted in exactly the same way.
Tuesday 8 September 2015 | Published in Politics
Papua New Guinea’s prime minister says his country will support the Cook Islands’ bid to join a group which controls 50 per cent of the global supply of skipjack tuna.
Tuesday 8 September 2015 | Published in Politics
The Cook Islands is one of seven small islands vulnerable to the impact of climate change to make a bold announcement ahead of the Pacific Islands Leaders Forum summit later this week.
Monday 7 September 2015 | Published in Politics
Fisheries dominated the fifth Polynesian Leaders Group meeting in Auckland over the weekend, helping to set the scene for Prime Minister Henry Puna’s attendance at the Pacific Islands Leaders Forum in Papua New Guinea this week.
Monday 7 September 2015 | Published in Politics
Nicholas, Turepu and Brown remain on the rock this week while Prime Minister Henry Puna represents the Cook Islands at the Pacific Islands Forum in Papua New Guinea.
Monday 7 September 2015 | Published in Politics
Government wants to see the result of a Public Expenditure Review Committee (PERC) investigation into the contract between the Crown and Pacific Schooners Ltd before deciding what action needs to be taken, says Prime Minister Henry Puna.
Monday 7 September 2015 | Published in Politics
Opportunity to discuss Cook Islands’ push for a seat on the United Nations. A ‘chat’ with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key on the controversial Cook Islands’ bid for a seat on the United Nations could be on the cards for Prime Minister Henry Puna at the Pacific Islands Forum which is being held in Papua New Guinea this week.
Saturday 5 September 2015 | Published in Politics
As part of his state visit to New Zealand, Prime Minister Henry Puna signed with Brazilian Ambassador to New Zealand Eduardo Gradilone a joint communique establishing diplomatic relations between the Cook Islands and Brazil.
Saturday 5 September 2015 | Published in Politics
The 4000-plus signature petition calling for a total ban on purse seine fishing in the Cook Islands could be sitting in a box at parliament for months, with Prime Minister Henry Puna unwilling to set a date for parliament’s next sitting.
Saturday 5 September 2015 | Published in Politics
After meeting hundreds of Cook Islanders on his recent official visit to New Zealand, prime minister Henry Puna says he didn’t get the impression that there is keen interest amongst them to return home.
Saturday 5 September 2015 | Published in Politics
Cabinet has delayed endorsing a list of preferred candidates for the country’s top jobs, in spite of the fact that the prime minister had given an undertaking the head of ministry jobs would be announced three days ago.
Friday 4 September 2015 | Published in Politics
By advancing 10 Manihiki land claimants thousands in compensation money before all land claims were settled by the Land Court, government has set a precedent which could prompt others to also make demands for advance payments.
Thursday 3 September 2015 | Published in Politics
After a delay of over a month, Cabinet is today expected to announce the appointments of remaining Heads of Ministries.
Thursday 3 September 2015 | Published in Politics
Hillary Clinton’s emails may shed some light on America’s controversial commitment to island nations at the Pacific Islands Forum on Rarotonga in 2012.
Wednesday 2 September 2015 | Published in Politics
Despite the growing movement to decriminalise homosexuality in the Cook Islands, the issue is not on Prime Minister Henry Puna’s agenda.
Tuesday 1 September 2015 | Published in Politics
A judgement will ultimately have to be made as to how long Cook Islands tax officials can keep trying to work with pensioners who steadfastly refuse to comply with the law and pay tax on their New Zealand superannuation payments, says Financial Secretary Richard Neves.
Tuesday 1 September 2015 | Published in Politics
Minister of the Environment Kiriau Turepu has defended criticism of his office’s handling of the departure of a senior and long-serving public servant.
Tuesday 1 September 2015 | Published in Politics
From the still-raging Pacific Schooners debacle to the Manihiki land compensation scandal, Democratic Party leader William ‘Smiley’ Heather says he has plenty of questions for Prime Minister Henry Puna.
Monday 31 August 2015 | Published in Politics
In just 10 months, $60,806 has been spent from the public coffers on travel for Finance Minister Mark Brown.