Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Politics
While yesterday’s poll results trumpeted Tina Browne as the country’s preferred prime minister, perhaps a more interesting takeaway is the fact that more than a quarter of respondents were “not sure” about who they thought should lead the country.
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Politics
The 2018 CINews election poll has placed the Democratic Party one seat ahead of the Cook Islands Party (CIP) heading in to tomorrow’s election.
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Politics
The leaders of the Cook Islands Party (CIP) and Democratic Party are both optimistic of their chances heading into tomorrow’s general elections.
Tuesday 12 June 2018 | Published in Politics
Tupapa Maraerenga independent candidate Teresa Manarangi Trott says the Cook Islands has always followed New Zealand medical programmes.
Tuesday 12 June 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Politics
Internal Affairs minister and Cook Islands Party candidate Albert Nicholas is back in Rarotonga, well and ready to serve the people of his RAPPA constituency for another term.
Tuesday 12 June 2018 | Published in Politics
Democratic Party leader Tina Browne is the Cook Islands’ preferred prime minister heading into the general election this Thursday on June 14 according to the results of a recent informal phone poll conducted by CINews.
Monday 11 June 2018 | Written by Jaimie Keay | Published in Politics
In the lead-up to the June 14 election, CI News is asking the main political parties to comment on issues of interest to the public. We have two questions today and the first is: The current government put a hold on permanent residencies some time ago without ever explaining why. What are your party's policies on permanent residency?
Monday 11 June 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Politics
All government ministers are in the country this week in the lead-up to the 2018 general election on Thursday.
Monday 11 June 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Politics
Social media websites such as Facebook have become a vital campaign tool for the major political parties in the Cook Islands to engage with voters leading up to the 2018 general election which will be held this Thursday on June 14.
Saturday 9 June 2018 | Published in Politics
In the lead-up to the June 14 election, CINews is asking the main political parties to comment on issues of interest to the public. Today, independent candidate for Tupapa Maraerenga, Teresa Manarangi Trott, also contributes to the discussion. The question: Many in the community have expressed concern about purse seine fishing in the Cook Islands. What is your position on this?
Saturday 9 June 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Politics
Ngatangiia MP Tamaiva “Captain Tama” Tuavera has hit out at the writer of a letter to CINews who has questioned Tuavera’s contribution to the village during his four-year tenure.
Friday 8 June 2018 | Published in Politics
In the lead-up to the June 14 election, CINews is asking the main political parties to comment on issues of interest to the public. Today’s question: There has been much controversy around the EU fishing agreement signed by the CIP government. Do we need changes in the way the country’s fishing resources are managed?
Friday 8 June 2018 | Published in Politics
Only six more sleeps until the nation heads to the polling booths to choose its leaders for the next four years.
Thursday 7 June 2018 | Published in Politics
In the lead-up to the June 14 election, CINews is asking the main political parties to comment on issues of interest to the public. Today’s question: Tourism is increasing, but on Rarotonga in particular, infrastructure is failing to keep up. What would your party do to remedy this situation?
Thursday 7 June 2018 | Published in Politics
Internal affairs minister and RAPPA MP Albert Nicholas requires a “release” from one more doctor in New Zealand before being allowed to return to Rarotonga, a CINews source claims.
Wednesday 6 June 2018 | Published in Politics
In the lead-up to the June 14 election, CI News is asking the main political parties to comment on issues of interest to the public. Today's question: The Ministry for Agriculture says the Cook Islands cannot produce even 20 per cent of the country's domestic needs for fresh produce. What would your party do to stimulate agriculture and lessen the country's reliance on overseas imports?
Wednesday 6 June 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Politics
The public has been asked to watch out for fake Facebook profiles of prominent Cook Islanders doing the rounds on the popular social website.
Wednesday 6 June 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Politics
The 2018 general election to be held on Thursday next week will cost the taxpayers a total of $300,000.
Tuesday 5 June 2018 | Published in Politics
It will be important for the future of agriculture in the Cook Islands to coordinate the growing of vegetable and fruit produce and encourage large economic holdings in the outer islands.
Tuesday 5 June 2018 | Published in Politics
In the lead-up to the June 14 election, CINews is asking the main political parties to comment on issues of interest to the public. Today’s question: The Ministry for Agriculture says the Cook Islands cannot produce even 20 per cent of the country’s domestic needs for fresh produce. What would your party do to stimulate agriculture and lessen the country’s reliance on overseas imports?