
Stronger rights for workers

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Politics

“Long overdue legislation” in the form of the Employment Relations Bill was passed into Cook Islands law yesterday.


'If you perform you are safe in your job'

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Cabinet members met with heads of ministries for a two day retreat last week to discuss next year’s budget.


'Multitasking' minister Mark Brown

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Finance minister Mark Brown is making the most of parliament’s wireless internet allowance to update the public on the House proceedings.


Workers right better protected in new legislation

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Politics

The rights of workers are to be better protected in groundbreaking legislation that includes protections around maternity leave, discrimination and termination.


PM: We have nothing to hide

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna said the government has “nothing to hide” when deciding which company to grant a shipping licence to.


35% foreign workers 'an error', says Marsters

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Teenui-Mapumai MP Norman George has admitted he did not get the figures about foreigners making up 35 percent of the workforce from an official source.


Demos announce Tamarua candidate

Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics

The Democratic Party candidate for the Tamarua seat in Mangaia has been announced as Tetangi Matapo.


Opposition 'babble' on PM's travel

Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics

A ministerial statement from the prime minister that included Christmas greetings to the public caused heated debate in the House yesterday.


PM says public previewing of questions unfair

Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics

The first four of Teenui-Mapumai MP Norman George’s written questions were put to cabinet members this week – but the prime minister complained public viewing of the questions beforehand was not “fair”.


Minister defends fishing deal

Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics

The first batch of Teenui-Mapumai MP Norman George’s 17 pre-released written questions were asked in parliament on Thursday.


PM asks to finish early

Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Speaker of the House Niki Rattle told parliament on Wednesday that two half days had been set aside during parliament’s two-week sitting for policy discussions.


Government sued by medical school

Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen this week asked prime minister and attorney-general Henry Puna to come clean on rumours that the government is involved in a court case that could cost the country “millions and millions”.


George compares himself to disgraced NZ First MP

Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Teenui-Mapumai MP Norman George remarked in parliament on Thursday if former New Zealand First MP Brendan Horan was allowed to leave his party without question to become an independent MP – so should he.


Public appeal to help fire victims

Friday 7 December 2012 | Published in Politics

A five-day fundraising appeal to help four families recover from fires that burned down their homes in Nikao begins tomorrow.


Marsters: 'Look after foreign workers'

Thursday 6 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Foreign Affairs and Immigration minister Tom Marsters said foreign workers help the Cook Islands economy and they should be looked after, not kicked out.


Purse seine catches negotiated

Thursday 6 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Two Cook Islands fisheries officials are at a regional conference to negotiate the country’s purse seine catch quota.


MP talks about cannabis penalty

Thursday 6 December 2012 | Published in Politics

The country’s high maximum penalty for cannabis offences was discussed in Parliament on Tuesday.


Colagate comes up

Thursday 6 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen brought up ‘Colagate’ when debating clause nine of the Customs Tariff Amendment Bill on Tuesday.


'Diamonds are forever, but governments are not'

Thursday 6 December 2012 | Published in Politics

The second reading of the Customs Tariff Amendment Bill was held on Monday, but parliament ran out of time to debate all the clauses.


Reviews of MOIP and OPM nearly complete

Thursday 6 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Greater efficiency and more effective delivery of functions are expected from reviews of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning and Office of the Prime Minister.


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