Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Teenui-Mapumai MP Norman George remarked in parliament on Thursday if former New Zealand First MP Brendan Horan was allowed to leave his party without question to become an independent MP – so should he.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics
The Democratic Party candidate for the Tamarua seat in Mangaia has been announced as Tetangi Matapo.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics
A ministerial statement from the prime minister that included Christmas greetings to the public caused heated debate in the House yesterday.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics
The first four of Teenui-Mapumai MP Norman George’s written questions were put to cabinet members this week – but the prime minister complained public viewing of the questions beforehand was not “fair”.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics
The first batch of Teenui-Mapumai MP Norman George’s 17 pre-released written questions were asked in parliament on Thursday.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Speaker of the House Niki Rattle told parliament on Wednesday that two half days had been set aside during parliament’s two-week sitting for policy discussions.
Friday 7 December 2012 | Published in Politics
A five-day fundraising appeal to help four families recover from fires that burned down their homes in Nikao begins tomorrow.
Thursday 6 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Foreign Affairs and Immigration minister Tom Marsters said foreign workers help the Cook Islands economy and they should be looked after, not kicked out.
Thursday 6 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Two Cook Islands fisheries officials are at a regional conference to negotiate the country’s purse seine catch quota.
Thursday 6 December 2012 | Published in Politics
The country’s high maximum penalty for cannabis offences was discussed in Parliament on Tuesday.
Thursday 6 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen brought up ‘Colagate’ when debating clause nine of the Customs Tariff Amendment Bill on Tuesday.
Thursday 6 December 2012 | Published in Politics
The second reading of the Customs Tariff Amendment Bill was held on Monday, but parliament ran out of time to debate all the clauses.
Thursday 6 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Greater efficiency and more effective delivery of functions are expected from reviews of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning and Office of the Prime Minister.
Thursday 6 December 2012 | Published in Politics
The Commonwealth Secretariat is supporting initiatives to raise performance in the Cook Islands public service.
Wednesday 5 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen questioned the point of the government’s recent trip to Papua New Guinea during parliamentary question-and-answer time on Monday.
Wednesday 5 December 2012 | Published in Politics
News that infrastructure ministry secretary Donya Numa has been suspended broke yesterday at the same time the Office of the Public Service Commissioner issued a release saying it intends to recruit someone who will help manage public servants’ work performance.
Wednesday 5 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen began parliament with a “straight forward” question about a senior public official whom he had heard was suspended from her job on Monday.
Wednesday 5 December 2012 | Published in Politics
During parliamentary question-and-answer time yesterday, Teenui-Mapumai member Norman George asked a question high on the public’s priority list – the cost of living.
Tuesday 4 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Speaker of the House Niki Rattle opened parliament yesterday with a nod to why members took a three-week break from sitting.
Tuesday 4 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Parliament got down to serious business on Monday afternoon with the second reading of the Customs Tariff Amendment Bill.
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