
Temporary committee re-elected

Wednesday 6 March 2013 | Published in Politics

A temporary committee charged with looking after the concerns of Matavera residents was re-elected at a meeting in the community last Thursday.


Law Society keeps training a priority

Wednesday 6 March 2013 | Published in Politics

The organisation which represents lawyers in the Cooks aims to make sure lawyers are kept up to date with the newest litigation practices.


Speaker represents Cooks at parliamentary meeting

Wednesday 6 March 2013 | Published in Politics

The Cook Islands is being represented in French Polynesia at a meeting to deepen ties between Pacific parliaments.


Fund aimed at those in need

Friday 1 March 2013 | Published in Politics

Five civil services in the Cooks have been chosen to receive thousands of dollars to support their cause.


Freedom of information for all

Thursday 28 February 2013 | Published in Politics

A day was held to promote freedom of information yesterday for media and public servants.


Pension portability a priority

Wednesday 27 February 2013 | Published in Politics

The portability of the New Zealand pension and superannuation for qualifying Cook Islanders is top of the agenda at a ministerial meet in Queenstown this week, said the prime minister’s office.


HOMs give feedback on OIA

Wednesday 27 February 2013 | Published in Politics

Head of ministries and government chief executives had their turn to learn more about the Cook Islands’ Official Information Act.


Plans for Cooks' laws to go online

Wednesday 27 February 2013 | Published in Politics

A study is being done on how Cook Islands can efficiently start an online database of the country’s laws.


Parliament adjourned sine die

Tuesday 26 February 2013 | Published in Politics

Parliament has been adjourned sine die, with the next sitting likely to be April.


Govt 'desperate': Opposition

Tuesday 26 February 2013 | Published in Politics

The Opposition felt “ambushed” by the supplementary Budget on Friday and did not have time to prepare sufficient response, said opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen.


MPs concerned at lack of review

Tuesday 26 February 2013 | Published in Politics

Legislation which empowers outer island councils was passed into Cook Islands law last week, but many MPs thought it should have gone through a select committee process to iron out the crinkles.


Training on official information for MPs

Tuesday 26 February 2013 | Published in Politics

The country’s Official Information Act has turned five this month.


Guillotine motion 'calculated'

Tuesday 26 February 2013 | Published in Politics

Parliament guillotined debate on the Appropriation Amendment Bill in a move one politician calls “tactical reversal”.


Party bus licenses under review

Tuesday 26 February 2013 | Published in Politics

While Cook Islands police have not received any formal complaints in regards to noisy party buses, they are working closely with Crown Law to develop regulations for the passenger service licenses issued to transport operators.


CIP three members down in parliament

Saturday 23 February 2013 | Published in Politics

The government will be three arguably crucial members down during parliament’s sitting next week.


Budget savings over $700k

Friday 22 February 2013 | Published in Politics

A supplementary national Budget was presented to parliament yesterday which shows an underlying surplus of $749,000.


Consultant's fees confirmed

Friday 22 February 2013 | Published in Politics

Health Minister Nandi Glassie revisited a question on high consultant’s fees a day after it was asked in parliament.


Minister 'doesn't know' if former HOM is suing

Friday 22 February 2013 | Published in Politics

Immigration Minister Tom Marsters said he does not know whether his ministry is being sued by its former head for unfair dismissal.


Fisheries minister orders reports

Friday 22 February 2013 | Published in Politics

The marine resources minister believes his ministry should be issuing quarterly updates on revenue and licences to the public.


Telecommunications principles released

Friday 22 February 2013 | Published in Politics

New principlEs leading the telecommunications industry have been published ahead of tabling to parliament to make into law.


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