
Bill to allow online company set up

Wednesday 5 June 2013 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna formally requested the second reading of the companies amendment bill in parliament on Tuesday.


Party leaders go head to head

Wednesday 5 June 2013 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna went head to head with the leader of the opposition in the first day of parliament yesterday.


MP vows to fight for Grey Power

Tuesday 4 June 2013 | Published in Politics

Opposition Leader Wilkie Rasmussen said he will introduce a bill in parliament to exempt seniors from paying tax on NZ paid pensions if the government isn’t forthcoming in addressing the issue.


Parliament resumes to pass the budget

Tuesday 4 June 2013 | Published in Politics

Government’s annual budget, health and insurance will all be on the order paper and up for debate when parliament resumes sitting today.


Minister Heather's powers curbed?

Tuesday 4 June 2013 | Published in Politics

The Opposition party is calling for an explanation from Prime Minister Henry Puna and his government in regards to the conduct of Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning (MOIP) minister Teariki Heather.


Delegates attend mining conferences

Tuesday 4 June 2013 | Published in Politics

Two Cook Islands delegates attended two mining-related conferences last month in Sydney.


Issues of the nation

Saturday 1 June 2013 | Published in Politics

Businessman Brian Baudinet’s views on the nation’s issues is presented in today’s CI News.


Ministers set for budget tabling

Saturday 1 June 2013 | Published in Politics

All members of cabinet will be in-country this week as the annual budget is set to be released mid-week.


Projects to support public service

Wednesday 29 May 2013 | Published in Politics

A $3 million fund is helping the Cook Islands government with technical assistance projects.


Minister denies road rage

Tuesday 28 May 2013 | Published in Politics

Cabinet minister Nandi Glassie was the driver of a government vehicle involved in a fender-bender at the Film Raro screening on Saturday evening.


Cleaning up the community

Monday 27 May 2013 | Published in Politics

Ruatonga residents, including members of the Ruatonga Mapu (dressed in green), celebrated the launch of a wheelie bin project that aims to keep the area clean and green.


Film Raro teams enjoy VIP status

Monday 27 May 2013 | Published in Politics

Around 100 people were invited to the High Commission’s VIP tent for dinner and drinks prior to the Film Raro screening on Saturday.


Council of Women host visitors

Saturday 25 May 2013 | Published in Politics

The Cook Islands National Council of Women (CINCW) held a special event with a distinguished guest Friday -- US deputy chief of mission Marie Damour.


Ministers to open harbours

Saturday 25 May 2013 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna and Finance Minister Mark Brown will travel to Mitiaro and Mauke next week to officially open the islands’ newly redeveloped harbours.


HOM appointment process underway

Thursday 23 May 2013 | Published in Politics

The process of filling in the top jobs at four government offices is finally getting underway after being delayed due to ongoing budget negotiations.


PM opening disaster displacement meet

Saturday 18 May 2013 | Published in Politics

All cabinet ministers are in the Cook Islands this week as a regional conference to tackle human displacement kicks off.


Opposition leader supports MP's criticism

Tuesday 14 May 2013 | Published in Politics

The leader of the opposition has supported Titikaveka MP Selina Napa’s recent criticism of government.


Judge says law needs updating

Saturday 11 May 2013 | Published in Politics

Justice Dame Judith Potter has just completed her first two-week sitting in the Cook Islands High Court and has enjoyed the experience.


HOM jobs up for grabs

Thursday 9 May 2013 | Published in Politics

The top jobs at four government ministries are up for grabs – but be in quick, the deadline is tomorrow.


'Vaka jumping' case set for July

Monday 6 May 2013 | Published in Politics

A judge will hear Norman George’s ‘vaka jumping’ case in July, and parties must file all submissions in two weeks’ time.


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