
Govt role in road safety

Saturday 13 July 2013 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna said the nation’s political leadership has a responsibility to ensure roads are safe.


PM responds to travel critics

Saturday 13 July 2013 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna has responded to critics who claim the nation’s Cabinet ministers spend too much time travelling.


'Govt too secretive'

Wednesday 10 July 2013 | Published in Politics

Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen had strong words for the Cook Islands Party government’s handling of its internal affairs on Tuesday.


Platform for freedom of information

Wednesday 10 July 2013 | Published in Politics

Recently the Office of the Ombudsman was tasked by cabinet to prepare 74 government ministries for the implementation of the Official Information Act(OIA) as part of its records management and OIA workshop.


Meeting addresses women's issues

Tuesday 9 July 2013 | Published in Politics

Aunty Mau Munokoa and Selina Napa, two leading women in Cook Islands politics, are hosting a special meeting to discuss critical women’s matters.


Murienua candidates prepare for election

Monday 8 July 2013 | Published in Politics

With the impending by-election in Murienua, the nominated candidates from both parties are preparing their respective campaigns.


Mixed duties for cabinet

Saturday 6 July 2013 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna, having returned from a multi-week, multi-national trip, will be resuming duties with local governance, including a meeting with the French ambassador who arrived in the Cook Islands on Friday for a personal visit.


Cooks sign surveillance treaty

Saturday 6 July 2013 | Published in Politics

The mandate for the Cook Islands to conduct surveillance patrols in adjacent waters has made a significant step forward with the recent signing of the multilateral Niue Treaty Subsidiary Agreement.


MP picks new roles

Saturday 6 July 2013 | Published in Politics

Atiu’s independent MP Norman George has weighed in on soon-to-be-announced changes in government, including replacing the Deputy Prime Minister and a cabinet reshuffle.


Employment law takes effect

Saturday 6 July 2013 | Published in Politics

Final aspects of groundbreaking legislation introduced by government in 2012 to protect the rights of workers within the Cook Islands have begun to take effect.


Oceania 21 more inclusive: PM

Tuesday 2 July 2013 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna says he’s supportive of the Oceania 21 concept to promote the Pacific’s environmental concerns because it cuts across political boundaries.


PM on tail end of European trip

Saturday 29 June 2013 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna begins his week in France, where he has been making calls on various government officials.


Critical to national interests?

Friday 28 June 2013 | Published in Politics

Dear Editor, Through your newspaper may I request government to publicly reveal through the Official Information Act the level of remuneration paid out to former public servant Navy Epati to be a member of the Public Service HOM selection committee concerning the recent appointment of HOMs for Ministries of Marine Resources, Foreign Affairs, Infrastructure and Planning and the Public Service Commission? Also, can the government reveal how much they paid the same individual to accompany the PM, MMR Minister, MMR Secretary and others on the recent trip to Napier for fisheries related matters? Surely Epati’s ’services’ in both instances were not of critical importance to the country’s national interests? Concerned Taxpayer (Name and address supplied) The office of the public service commissioner responds: Panel remuneration is governed by Order of Executive Council ECM (11) 09 where it provides for the following: each member of the heads of department selection panel must be paid at a rate of $30 for each full hour, and for each part hour of 30 minutes or longer, that the members attend a panel meeting or interview.


PM talks sustainability in Paris

Friday 28 June 2013 | Published in Politics

Prime Minister Henry Puna delivered a message of Pacific leadership in the areas of renewable energy and sustainable ocean development on Thursday, through a series of meetings with French government officials.


Arrest threat to journalist

Wednesday 26 June 2013 | Published in Politics

The arrival of investigative journalist Nicky Hager and his upcoming talk on the Cook Islands as a tax haven has upset the financial services industry, to the point of making veiled threats to arrest him.


License fee increase on dangerous goods

Monday 24 June 2013 | Published in Politics

The government has brought in higher fees for Dangerous Goods licenses.


First woman to head foreign affairs

Saturday 22 June 2013 | Published in Politics

The new secretary of foreign affairs and immigration is grateful for her promotion, and proud to be the first woman to head the ministry.


New HOMs announced

Friday 21 June 2013 | Published in Politics

Myra Patai has been appointed to head the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration after working at the ministry for almost 20 years.


Turepu denies rumour

Friday 21 June 2013 | Published in Politics

Matavera MP Kiriau Turepu says he has not been shoulder-tapped to become a cabinet minister, but says he wouldn’t say no if asked.


MPs discuss water project

Friday 21 June 2013 | Published in Politics

A government meeting crossing party lines was held on Wednesday at infrastructure minister Teariki Heather’s office to brief members of parliament on the multi-million dollar Te Mato Vai project.


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