Thursday 7 July 2016 | Published in Local
DEFENCE lawyer Rodney Harrison has denied allegations that Aitutaki MP Teina Bishop received bribery favours.
Wednesday 6 July 2016 | Published in Local
In A bid to raise young peoples’ awareness of Cook Islands culture, Tereora College organised a Culture Day on Thursday of last week.
Wednesday 6 July 2016 | Published in Local
Fity PAIRS of crutches were donated to the Ministry of Health at the Rarotonga Hospital yesterday, alleviating a long-time problem for the hospital
Wednesday 6 July 2016 | Published in Local
THE COOK ISLANDS has yet to be able to make any significant reductions in the amount of meat imported into the country, despite past attempts to establish a consistent local supply of pork and goat meat.
Wednesday 6 July 2016 | Published in Local
The COOK Islands and the Republic of Kiribati made history during Operation Reitaki 2016, the first maritime surveillance operation between the two nations, last month.
Wednesday 6 July 2016 | Published in Local
Research conducted by Te Ipukarea Society has found that many visitors are aware of the impacts of tourism on the environment, and are actually looking for opportunities to help offset these impacts. This has led to the development of the Mana Tiaki Protect a Little Paradise programme.
Wednesday 6 July 2016 | Published in Local
awaiting final design and construction details and confirmation of a funding source.
Wednesday 6 July 2016 | Published in Local
DETAILS of former Minister of Marine Resources, Teina Bishop and his “close relationship” with a Chinese fishing vessel executive, who allegedly sought favours, were presented before Judge Justice Colin Doherty and members of the jury at the Cook Islands High Court yesterday.
Wednesday 6 July 2016 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands were represented at a Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) director training course held in the Dominican Republic late last month.
Tuesday 5 July 2016 | Published in Local
This picture of a Pearl Farm in Manihiki Atoll taken by New Zealand photographer Richard Sidey was shortlisted for the top prize in the Atkins CIWEM EnvironmentalPhotographer of the Year 2016 competition.
Tuesday 5 July 2016 | Published in Local
Monday’s centrespread featuring photos of the special 50th Anniversary Ariki Day celebrations attracted plenty of interest from readers, with Solomone Rabulu’s front page photo on Saturday, also generating favourable comments.
Tuesday 5 July 2016 | Published in Local
CELEBRATION on the Rock Church is hosting its first “Supernatural Now” conference, scheduled to begin this Friday evening.
Tuesday 5 July 2016 | Published in Local
BLUESKY parent company Amper SA plans to sell its South Pacific holdings, including Bluesky Cook Islands, to a Fijian company.
Tuesday 5 July 2016 | Published in Local
MARTIN Stetka could not contain his excitement yesterday after he heard he had won a brand-new IPhone 6S in a Bluesky Cook Islands promotion.
Tuesday 5 July 2016 | Published in Local
AUSTRALIA’S Arorangi Puaikura New South Wales community has donated more than $10,400 worth of educational equipment to Apii Arorangi and Rutaki primary schools.
Tuesday 5 July 2016 | Published in Local
The RAROTONGA Fire Service was called to three blazes over the weekend, prompting chief fire officer Willy Hagai to warn members of the public to take special care when lighting fires.
Tuesday 5 July 2016 | Published in Local
The NEW Zealand Governor General Sir Jerry Mateparaie is today expected to sit down and tuck into a big Cook Islands kaikai – courtesy of Queen’s Representative Tom Marsters and the people of this country.
Tuesday 5 July 2016 | Published in Local
The COOK Islands High Court was crowded with prominent figures as the much-anticipated Teinakore Bishop case began trial yesterday.
Monday 4 July 2016 | Published in Local
POLYNESIAN leaders gathered at Pape’ete, Tahiti last week to discuss more about the outcome of the important COP 21 climate change meeting that took place at Elysée Palace, Paris, in France last November.
Monday 4 July 2016 | Published in Local
The 50th CELEBRATION of the Ui Ariki Day was commemorated at the National Auditorium last Friday as the whole nation came together to observe the importance of the role of the House of Ariki.
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