
Sacked minister expected back at the weekend

Friday 21 September 2018 | Written by Richard Moore | Published in Politics

Former Cabinet minister Albert Nicholas is expected to return to Rarotonga by the end of the weekend.


Underwrite deal extended

Friday 21 September 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Local

The government has extended its airline underwrite deal with Air New Zealand until 2022.


Turtle tour magical experience

Friday 21 September 2018 | Published in Local

Swimming in the warm deep waters off the Rarotongan coast, right beside a majestic green onu, or turtle, was one of the most inspiring moments of my life.


It's hello and goodbye from our Jake...

Friday 21 September 2018 | Published in Local

The ukulele-powered welcome and farewell at Rarotonga International Airport is an iconic part of the visitor experience thanks to musical legend Papa Jake Numanga.


School pupils enjoy plastic-free lunches

Friday 21 September 2018 | Published in Local

“No-plastic Wednesdays” are catching on at Apii Te Uki Ou, where children bring their lunches in their lunch boxes, - but minus the cling wrap plastic that usually encases pupils’ food.


Hiker rescued from Needle

Thursday 20 September 2018 | Published in Local

A female tourist who broke her leg near the Needle was rescued by a police search and rescue team during a gruelling seven-hour ordeal on Tuesday night.


Thinking outside the bin for recycling

Thursday 20 September 2018 | Published in Environment

Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI) is committed to reducing waste to landfill and are always trying to assist households to manage their waste better.


Contempt of court leads list of charges

Thursday 20 September 2018 | Published in Crime

Contempt of court features in five cases to be heard before JP John Whitta in the High Court today. Five individuals face contempt charges, with one defendant up on four charges for the same offence. One of those charged with contempt is also charged with attempting to defeat the course of justice and is on a call over, while another faces a charge of being unlawfully found on a property. Two people are appearing on separate charges of assault on a female, while another is charged with careless driving. An application for variation of a probationary licence is also being heard. - CS


Tourism cops 3 per cent budget cut

Thursday 20 September 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Local

The upcoming budget which is expected to be tabled in Parliament tomorrow promises some new initiatives, but it doesn’t look that promising for the industry which drives the local economy.


New patrol boat big boost for police

Thursday 20 September 2018 | Published in Local

The Cook Islands Police Service hopes to take delivery of its new patrol boat in 2022.


Rattle reappointed as Speaker of Parliament

Thursday 20 September 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Local

Men, who make up the majority of Members of Parliament, need a woman to control and guide them through parliamentary proceedings, says prime minister Henry Puna.


Mokoroa pleased with portfolios

Thursday 20 September 2018 | Published in Local

New Cabinet minister Vaine “Mac” Mokoroa is eager to get stuck into his new role as the boss of Internal Affairs, the police and the office of Ombudsman.


NZ Defence Force helps restock CI libraries

Wednesday 19 September 2018 | Published in Local

A project by Cook Islands authorities to restock the Cook Islands Library and Museum Society Library and set up satellite libraries in outlying islands has been boosted with the delivery of a tonne of donated books by the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF).


Audit office explains delays

Wednesday 19 September 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Local

The late submission of financial statements to the Cook Islands Audit Office (CIAO) is one of the main reasons for the delay in producing audited financial statements, says director of audit Allen Parker.


Elikana excited at new role in parliament

Wednesday 19 September 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Politics

Newcomer Tingika Elikana is excited with the prospect parliament will provide him in serving his people and the nation in his four-year term as the Member of Parliament (MP).


New MPs in the spotlight at parliament

Wednesday 19 September 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Politics

Eleven new Members of Parliament (MPs) are expected to make their maiden speeches when the opening session of the Parliament starts today at 1pm.


Rubbish issues prompt complaints

Wednesday 19 September 2018 | Written by Jaimie Keay | Published in Local

Roadside collection contract principal Infrastructure Cook Islands received a number of complaints last month on the state of household rubbish collection points in Te Au O Tonga.


Underwater clean-up in harbour

Wednesday 19 September 2018 | Published in Local

The Pacific Island Conservation Initiative teamed up with Pacific Divers, Infrastructure Cook Islands and Ministry of Marine Resources to complete an underwater clean-up to mark World Clean-Up Day on Saturday afternoon.


Dog desexing project on target

Wednesday 19 September 2018 | Published in Local

Just three weeks into a programme aimed at desexing 800 dogs, over 147 dogs had been desexed by Monday of this week.


Our history on show in London

Wednesday 19 September 2018 | Published in Local

Secretary of Culture Anthony Turua will attend the opening of the Oceania Exhibition that will display five Cook Islands artefacts at the Royal Academy of Art in London from September 23, to September 26.


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