
Evans: Why I was replaced

Saturday 28 September 2019 | Published in Environment

Jacqui Evans has spoken out about why the Prime Minister dismissed her from her role as head of the Marae Moana marine reserve.


Grieving family remember their 'happy' Lapana

Saturday 28 September 2019 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Local

As maritime authorities investigate the safety of the Lady Moana, Lapana Tupou’s family take solace in how happy he was in his final weeks.


Survivor Cook Islands

Friday 27 September 2019 | Published in Education

Thirty New Zealand students are preparing for a trip to Rarotonga, during which they will collaborate with 20 Cook Islands students to learn about leadership and life.


This doesn't seem good for the environment'

Friday 27 September 2019 | Written by Anneka Brown | Published in Environment

Community and friendship between Australian and local girl guides has given way to a noble cause and unexpected adventure in the Cook Islands.


Economists ask: 'How do we avoid a bust?'

Friday 27 September 2019 | Published in Economy

Government is beginning public consultation to plan the Cooks’ sustainable economic development over the next 10 years.


Nation unites for Lapana

Friday 27 September 2019 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Local

Aunty Nga Teao-Papatua is well-known as the radiothon host on Rarotonga, but she’s never hard to to a show like today’s one before.


Public meeting as diesel still leaks

Friday 27 September 2019 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Environment

The location of diesel pipeline leak slowly seeping into Avatiu harbour is thought to be by the Are Tapaeanga shelter at the main entrance on the western side.


Bruised, traumatised, scared for her life – but assault victim is told it's her fault

Friday 27 September 2019 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Crime

A defence lawyer has stood up in court blamed the severely bruised and traumatised female victim of a violent assault for what happened to her.


Police officer set to be charged for assault on father-of-five

Friday 27 September 2019 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Crime

Police are close to finalising an internal investigation nto a police officer alleged to have assaulted a man while arresting him outside Raro Fried Chicken in Avarua this month.


Public Service boss confirms investigation

Friday 27 September 2019 | Written by Anneka Brown | Published in Local

Public Service Commissioner Russell Thomas confirms he has asked Infrastructure Secretary Diane Charlie-Puna to stand aside from her role as she is investigated.


The precautionary principle: Will seabed mining release carbon emissions?

Friday 27 September 2019 | Published in Environment

The impact of carbon emissions from undersea mining hadn’t previously been assessed, writes Gerald McCormack, from the Natural Heritage Trust. He analyses the risk and advises a precautionary approach.


Cooks tourism goes social

Friday 27 September 2019 | Published in Economy

More tourists are enjoying Cook Islands more than ever – bar a few first-world problems like Chinese frustration with our telecommunications and Scandinavian ‘flight-shaming’.


We would like to be more at the table with government'

Friday 27 September 2019 | Published in Economy

The Chamber of Commerce has voted at its annual general meeting to restructure its leadership framework, with a view toward increasing its productivity as an organisation.


Ousted Athletics treasurer yet to enter a plea

Friday 27 September 2019 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Crime

Former triathlete Melanie Wilson has once again avoided entering a plea to $11,000 in misappropriation charges as the Justice of the Peace grants another adjournment.


Son convicted for assaulting 76-yr-old

Thursday 26 September 2019 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Crime

A man who was charged for assaulting his 76-year-old mother has been convicted and ordered to come up for sentencing in six-months’ time- if called upon.


Lady Moana had functioning locator beacon, says owner

Thursday 26 September 2019 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Local

Taio Shipping says it’s cooperating with authorities investigating how a boy went missing from MV Lady Moana.


Hot water kills reef 'solar panels'

Thursday 26 September 2019 | Written by Anneka Brown | Published in Environment

Hidden algae may offer a last hope for coral that is being bleached to death by the warming waters of the climate crisis.


Oil leak confirmed from Pacific Energy pipe

Thursday 26 September 2019 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Environment

A leak from the Pacific Energy pipeline has been established as the source of a big oil spill in Avatiu harbour.


Visitor rescued from cross island walk

Thursday 26 September 2019 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Local

Police helped an injured tourist from the Wigmore’s waterfall yesterday.


Climate crisis of conscience

Thursday 26 September 2019 | Published in Environment

While the world struggles to raise $100 billion for climate action financing, frustrated Pacific leaders focus on future-proofing the islands. Lisa Williams reports from the United Nations in New York.


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