
Mona's legacy: 'Enough is enough'

Friday 31 January 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in Local

Prime Minister Henry Puna reveals plans to make helmets mandatory, ban drivers from using phones and earphones, and lower the drink-drive limit.


Cook Islands Maori to lead new Catholic tertiary institute

Thursday 30 January 2020 | Written by Moana Makapelu Lee | Published in Local

Christianity was a big part of colonialism, but it also helped provide education to Pacific peoples, says new Catholic university boss.


Climb every mountain, swim every sea …

Thursday 30 January 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in Education

Avatiu Netball Club president Edith Nicholas believes in the philosophy of “keeping the gates open”.


Air NZ working to stop virus

Thursday 30 January 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Economy

Local Air New Zealand staff are working closely with government to prevent the Chinese coronavirus from entering the country, they say.


Be responsible dog owner or face the consequences

Thursday 30 January 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in Local

At 5.30am last Thursday, Greg Amos heard a commotion outside his house and knew his cat BB was in trouble.


Future vision: Avarua, the Monaco of the Pacific

Thursday 30 January 2020 | Written by Moana Makapelu Lee | Published in Economy

Architects have laid out bold new plans to transform Avarua’s waterfront with a swimming pool, sports courts and – ultimately – a museum, cultural centre and sweeping new park reclaiming the lagoon right out to the reef.


Quarantine for potential virus carriers

Thursday 30 January 2020 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Health

Government has announced far-reaching restrictions on travel to and from China, in the hope of stopping the fast-spreading Wuhan coronavirus reaching these islands.


New hope for outer islands

Wednesday 29 January 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Outer Islands

The tender to procure shipping charter service for the outer islands closes next week, and a Fiji shipping company has signalled interest.

Outer Islands

Airlines asked to act against coronavirus

Wednesday 29 January 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Health

The Prime Minister will meet with Cabinet today to discuss options to prevent the Chinese coronavirus from spreading or entering the country.


Fears wild dogs will attack people

Wednesday 29 January 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in Crime

Police have shot 27 feral dogs, but the remaining pack is now making bold forays into the villages and savaging goats and cats.


'I wish the tides will bring me home'

Wednesday 29 January 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Local

Family and friends on three islands are grieving the loss of their sons and brothers – and urging greater precautions on the roads. Moana Makapelu Lee and Losirene Lacanivalu report.


Teau-e-roa Peaceful journey

Wednesday 29 January 2020 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Outer Islands

From the heady honour of being carried shoulder-high on a pa’ata, to the depths of the earth in the Vai Nauri water cave – homecoming queen Tajiya Sahay enjoyed an extraordinary welcome back to Mitiaro over the past four days.

Outer Islands

I am sad at what I am seeing'

Tuesday 28 January 2020 | Written by Moana Makapelu Lee | Published in Local

Floods came to the doors of homes and businesses on Avatiu stream yesterday – but unlike November, the water didn’t cross the thresholds. Moana Makapelu Lee and Jonathan Milne investigate whether stream-clearing has made a difference.


Miss Cook Islands given a new name

Tuesday 28 January 2020 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Outer Islands

Miss Oceania Cook Islands Tajiya Sahay has had a new name bestowed upon her by her people of Mitiaro: Teau-e-roa.

Outer Islands

Resource police to 'keep roads safe'

Tuesday 28 January 2020 | Written by Moana Makapelu Lee | Published in Crime

Government must take action to stem Cook Islands’ rising road toll, says the Road Safety Council.


Govt may turn away Chinese travellers

Tuesday 28 January 2020 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Health

Cabinet has a range of robust options on the table today, to combat the fast-spreading Wuhan coronavirus.


Three cruises unable to make land

Tuesday 28 January 2020 | Written by Moana Makapelu Lee | Published in Economy

Unfavourable weather has forced the cancellations of all three cruise ships that were to have visited Rarotonga and Aitutaki this month.


Miss Mitiaro

Tuesday 28 January 2020 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Outer Islands

From a London arena to the Mitiaro community hall, Miss World Oceania Tajiya Sahay was determined to return to where it all began. Melina Etches reports from the island of Nukuroa/Mitiaro.

Outer Islands

Teachers are trained up in first aid

Tuesday 28 January 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Education

Apii Avarua, Arorangi and St Joseph’s school teachers were part of a two-day first aid training run by Cook Islands Red Cross Society.


Fencing or tying dogs may be 'new reality'

Tuesday 28 January 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Local

Agriculture investigators unable to confirm cause of dog’s poisoning.


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