Wednesday 1 April 2009 | Published in Local
Wednesday 1: Deputy prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate has returned from Manihiki with news that airport landowners have agreed to keep the agreement their forefathers had with government over the use of the land. Last year when a group of landowners wrote to government over the proposed lease of the land, they asked that it […]
Wednesday 1 April 2009 | Published in Local
27 March: Bank ‘ruining our reputation’ ordered to pay $125,000 in costs and quit the Cook Islands. The lid of secrecy was lifted yesterday on the long running civil court case between the Financial Supervisory Commission and WSBC Bank Ltd. Chief Justice David Williams issued a consent order which allows some details to be published, […]
Wednesday 1 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 31: Whoever wins on Friday night will not only be handed the illustrious title of Miss Cook Islands, but will also take home a brand new motorcycle. The Motor Centre in Panama donated a red Daelim City yesterday to be given to the winner. The $3600 motorcycle joins the growing booty of prizes which […]
Wednesday 1 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 26: Emails are doing the rounds in search of answers to questions relating to recent shipping problems being experienced by some of the country’s importers. Importer John Scott has put forward 36 questions to the transport ministry which issues shipping licences. His questions range from the structure of the entities currently running the service […]
Wednesday 1 April 2009 | Written by CI News Staff | Published in Local, National
Enough is enough as CIP take final step to get rid of MP
Wednesday 1 April 2009 | Published in Local
Thursday 26: Leaflets have been distributed around Rarotonga stores demanding that a Fijian woman be deported. In what could be considered vigilante-type action, the poster shows a mug shot of the woman and accuses her of “stealing from your store”. “Do not let her into your shop. Report her to the police and immigration,” it […]
Wednesday 1 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 31: Financial secretary Sholan Ivaiti says government is still looking into how the proposed $3 million stimulus package for small businesses will be spent. Last week tourism minister Wilkie Rasmussen announced that government is now looking at scrapping the original plan and putting the funds directly into tourism. Ivaiti says from discussions with finance […]