Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 21: Police are taking action to rectify a problem at the Avatiu intersection that has ruined the holiday of many tourists. The intersection will soon be getting a new stop sign placed closer to the seaside of the cross-roads, after Chief Justice David Williams urged that something be done. Last week in the high […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 16: A proposed amendment to the CISNOC constitution will now be addressed at a meeting for members on May 12. The amendment to article 9, which relates to the composition, election and appointment of the executive board, was put to the annual general meeting on Tuesday night. However, it was the clause referring to […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Crime
Monday 20: A 58-year-old man has been sentenced to two years in jail for attempted rape last month. Nooapii Williams Tauu attempted to rape a woman in Titikaveka on March 28. Appearing before Chief Justice David Williams, the court heard how Tauu had been drinking at a house with the victim and others. They all […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Local
Saturday 18: Nothing is more embarrassing than a senior government minister making uninformed, inconsistent and contradictory public statements says Opposition foreign affairs spokesman Norman George. George is once again lashing out at deputy prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate and repeating his claim that the minister is ‘out of control.’ “The DPM, who is not renowned […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 21: This year’s dancer of the year competition will start with the popular and entertaining papa’a event next week of the year for island visitors. This event will be held on Monday April 27 at the Staircase Restaurant and bar. The junior and intermediate dancer of the year finals will be held at the […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 16: The Esther Honey Foundation animal clinic is pleased with the community response to Vet Trek Rarotonga, the mass spay/neuter project currently under way. EHF clinic director Karen Galvan reports that EHF de-sexed 1123 animals in 2008, including 537 dogs. “This prevented hundreds of unwanted puppies and kittens from being born and improved the […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Crime
Monday 20: Grabbing and kissing a girl against her will, has landed Anthony Kakino back in prison. The 20-year-old was convicted of indecent assault last week by Chief Justice David Williams in the Cook Islands High Court. He was sentenced to two years in jail. Early Friday, October 23 last year, Kakino was driving his […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Local
Saturday 18: The Cook Islands is the first Pacific island country to lodge its extended continental shelf claim, one of the biggest that will be submitted to the United Nations. Deputy prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate has successfully submitted the Cook Islands claim to the Secretary of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 21: Tourism minister Wilkie Rasmussen says the Tourism Corporation has received the good news that its request for an extra $1 million in its annual budget has been approved. Rasmussen says the corporation is set receive just over $1 million on top of its annual budget for increased marketing in Australia and North America. […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 16: Police say there were no other vehicles involved in Saturday’s fatal road accident. Tumaru Iona, 34, died after failing to negotiate a bend at the Nikao seawall. He was driving towards Arorangi when his motorcycle hit a rail on the airport side around 9.11pm. He was propelled off his bike landing behind the […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Crime
Monday 20: Teenager Daniel Mare was sentenced to two years in prison last Thursday in the Cook Islands High Court. Appearing before Chief Justice David Williams, the 16-year-old was sentenced on 31 charges. These included 20 burglary charges spanning from March 2007 to January 2009; theft; two counts of unlawful taking; unlawfully found in an […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Local
Friday 17: A two-day trial was held this week in Aitutaki over a Sunday flight protest last year. Charlie Okotai and Fernando Ngatipa appeared before Chief Justice David Williams defending a charge of inciting others to commit the offence of wilful trespass. The matter relates to events which occurred on June 29, 2008 at the […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Tuesday 21: The trip to the United Nations headquarters in New York to deliver the claim for the extension of the Cook’s continental shelf could have been done by courier service, says Opposition foreign affairs spokesman Norman George. George contends that all that deputy prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate and his two member delegation did […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 16: While primary students were back hitting the books this week, their high school counterparts were still enjoying time off. The Ministry of Education says high schools in Rarotonga and the outer islands were given an extra week for the Easter holidays as they had started a week earlier in January. The college calendar […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Crime
Saturday 18: The court has urged something be done to a “virtually invisible” stop sign that marred the holiday of a New Zealand tourist. Russel Corfield, 57, had pleaded guilty last month to careless driving causing injury. He returned from New Zealand to appear before Chief Justice David Williams in the Cook Islands High Court […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Local
Friday 17: A girl under 12 has been credited for her bravery and quick thinking after enduring being raped and assaulted by a 41-year-old man. Fakiki Munokoa Araipu was yesterday convicted of rape, detaining a girl with the intent to have sexual intercourse and indecent assault. He was sentenced to serve 10 years in prison […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Monday 20: Miss Cook Islands will now be driving around in style. Engara Gosselin accepted her blue Honda Daelim motorcycle at the Motor Centre last Friday. The $3450 bike was part the prize package she won after being crowned Maine Kuki Airani this month. Gosselin says she is happy to be the first Miss Cook […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in National
Thursday 16: Westpac Bank will be celebrating its new ATM today by raising funds for the children’s ward at the Rarotonga Hospital. A $2 sausage sizzle will be held from 11am to 1pm outside Super Brown in Tupapa – the latest location to receive a Westpac cash machine. Westpac general manager Rob Buick says the […]
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Local
Wednesday 22: A new fuel price order has been issued for Aitutaki only – the first in almost 10 months. Retail customers on Aitutaki can expect to pay no more than $2.80 per litre for petrol (up from $2.45) and $2.70 for a litre of diesel ($2.32). The price order took effect yesterday. – MM
Wednesday 22 April 2009 | Published in Local
Friday 17: The deputy prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate has already come under attack over his travel to New York for the lodging of the Cook Islands’ submission for its extended continental shelf claim. And it looks like a case of sour grapes has caused the criticism being levelled at him. The country’s claim was […]
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